At least we can all agree the vaccines are safe and effective even if you’re being a bastard towards The Queen.I am just as upset about this as the rest of you are.
careful boys…don’t force the Unit’s hand…
I don’t have any naked pictures of the queen unfortunatelyPost another naked chick @absoluteUnit
all her organs are less than 15 years old...she'll be fineQueen Elizabeth tests positive for Covid, her symptoms are mild|
Queen Elizabeth tests positive for Covid, her symptoms are mild|
Crash and burn.......She passed away about 10 minutes ago due to a stroke. The news media is going to be all over this in the morning. You heard it here first. Can’t say much more.
To think she almost died at the hands of Reggie Jackson, back in the 1980's...
I've never seen this movie.
- that was too much funny, crammed into too little time, to not be dangerous for modern clot shot addicts
Gonna watch this asap!
Cheers bro!
I've never seen this movie.
- that was too much funny, crammed into too little time, to not be dangerous for modern clot shot addicts
Gonna watch this asap!
Cheers bro!
I've never seen this movie.
- that was too much funny, crammed into too little time, to not be dangerous for modern clot shot addicts
Gonna watch this asap!
Cheers bro!
"Sexual assault with a concrete dildo?!"
Man I'm stoked as rn.
Just learnt there's 33⅓ full movies, lol.
From the clips you guys have shown me, it seems quite remarkable how ironically relevant the genius level humour is to recent events aye.
For real bro, thanks aye
This stuff is epic!
That Royal family has great genes lol
Hey, I've got another movie recommendation for you. Have you ever seen top gun? Well if you have this movie is way better: hot shotsMan I'm stoked as rn.
Just learnt there's 33⅓ full movies, lol.
From the clips you guys have shown me, it seems quite remarkable how ironically relevant the genius level humour is to recent events aye.
For real bro, thanks aye
This stuff is epic!
So when they finish celebrating her birthday (for a Fuckin week)….guess we will get to celebrate her death (probably for a fuckin month). Sweet, maybe they could add a couple award shows too. Just cause we care so much…..
Just checking...Is the queen dead yet?
@absoluteUnitAnyone hearing about the Queens death being announced within the next 24 hours?
With power prices so high they probably can't afford to keep her on ice anymoreAnyone hearing anything about the Queens death being announced within the next 24 hours?
Word is that she is already dead and it will be announced tomorrow. Can’t say much more
Word is that she is already dead and it will be announced tomorrow. Can’t say much more
He certainly has a pristine record in all matters related to the queen being alive
Ησlδ υρ,...Word is that she is already dead and it will be announced tomorrow. Can’t say much more