The Queen of England has just died

What would be the point in concealing this?
Well since she is supreme overlord of the lizard people, there is definitely a power vacuum left behind with her passing. They covered it up as to not cause concern with the general lizard people population. I think there is a bit of lizard people palace intrigue happening. I did note an interesting news story yesterday that stated Hillary has officially declared she isn't running in 2024. Maybe she isn't because she got the better gig as the new supreme overlord? Investigation continues.
Can someone explain to me like I’m five why exactly it’s such a big deal that the queen is apparently dead?
Oh, ah i saw a YT vid on this a few weeks back, and coz apparently the UK economy is planned to be essentially shutdown for something like 3 days, while some extravagant royal funerary performance blows through an absolutely insane chunk of taxpayers stolen wages.
There's probably a whole bunch of other retarded shit planned as well.

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