Thanks for helping the kids, Carl

You stupid rube! Read a damn book sometime if you can manage to actually read.

“Especially in the US, person/man/woman of color is now often the preferred way of talking about people who are not white, especially if you do not need or do not want to specify if they are African American, Asian American, etc. Do not confuse this term with coloured person, which is considered offensive.”

where do you hail from?
Those are serious pics, where did they come from, especially the last one?
Those ones were from various different sources that I've collected over the past week or two of intense trawling, to some very dark corners of the net.
I've been fortunate that many others(*worldwide)have/are also researching these egregious practices.
All of the info that I'm finding is being posted in 'The Silent Children:..." thread.
Probably at least a few hours worth of material/content posted already, though not the entirety of what I've accumulated so far.
Those ones were from various different sources that I've collected over the past week or two of intense trawling, to some very dark corners of the net.
I've been fortunate that many others(*worldwide)have/are also researching these egregious practices.
All of the info that I'm finding is being posted in 'The Silent Children:..." thread.
Probably at least a few hours worth of material/content posted already, though not the entirety of what I've accumulated so far.
Thank you for creating that thread. It is very informative
Exactly! It’s also why they are obsessed with torturing the kids and making it as bad as possible. They consider it a victory over God and a way to hurt him. They also consider themselves to be gods serving their true god Lucifer who is the great liberator and God the oppressor.
Hey have ever heard of a blood type RH Null?
(*Not the same as negative.)

Ya know how there's the main blood groups A+/-, B+/-, AB+/-, O+/-?
Apparently there's also another 10 blood groups as well.
(*though I don't trust that the "science" hasn't been distorted in some way or another.)

Some of the theories I've read recently, speculate there's been a completely foreign & as yet unknown/unidentified genetic addition introduced to the human species some time in the last 12-24,000yrs.

Mainstream shilling "scientists" are trying to make out that it's merely a mutation and nothing more.

Whereas there are several fascinating alternative theories speculated as well, such as:

•RH Null having some crucial biblical significance.

•Another similar one is about the +/-/Null being explained as correlating to The Fall.
The suggestion is that the pure Adamite bloodline has the RH+ proteins, vs the RH- & Null are the traits inherited from Cain's corrupted bloodline.

There's a whole lotta variations of these theories, not sure of the veracity of the mainstream or alt theories, though it is interesting nonetheless.
Hey have ever heard of a blood type RH Null?
(*Not the same as negative.)

Ya know how there's the main blood groups A+/-, B+/-, AB+/-, O+/-?
Apparently there's also another 10 blood groups as well.
(*though I don't trust that the "science" hasn't been distorted in some way or another.)

Some of the theories I've read recently, speculate there's been a completely foreign & as yet unknown/unidentified genetic addition introduced to the human species some time in the last 12-24,000yrs.

Mainstream shilling "scientists" are trying to make out that it's merely a mutation and nothing more.

Whereas there are several fascinating alternative theories speculated as well, such as:

•RH Null having some crucial biblical significance.

•Another similar one is about the +/-/Null being explained as correlating to The Fall.
The suggestion is that the pure Adamite bloodline has the RH+ proteins, vs the RH- & Null are the traits inherited from Cain's corrupted bloodline.

There's a whole lotta variations of these theories, not sure of the veracity of the mainstream or alt theories, though it is interesting nonetheless.

I’m going to have to look into this
I’m going to have to look into this
Hey just wanted to give ya an update.
I've been reading a whole bunch more on RHD since the last post, and it seems the previous info sources were possibly¿erroneous? or deliberately¿misleading?

•RH-/Null seems to be the more corrupted/miscegenated bloodlines.

•RH+ is less likely to be mixed and potentially from the bloodline of Adam.

#Still need more info.

*EDIT: Additionally, the timespan could be anywhere from:
It’s called the English language for a reason you stupid rube breeder.
There are actually multiple versions, all of which can be referred to as "Present Day English"(PDE), and late or contemporary "Modern English".(ME)
View attachment 122610
View attachment 122611
There are actually multiple versions, all of which can be referred to as "Present Day English"(PDE), and late or contemporary "Modern English".(ME)
View attachment 122618
No we don’t. Birthing people are frequently gay.

All that’s needed for procreation is a gay person willing to donate their sperm and a birthing person willing to carry it to term. That birthing person could be a lesbian or various other forms of queer.
No we don’t. Birthing people are frequently gay.

All that’s needed for procreation is a gay person willing to donate their sperm and a birthing person willing to carry it to term. That birthing person could be a lesbian or various other forms of queer.
Technically you are correct Rube.
Though you should know that a "birthing person" and "sperm" are no longer prerequisites.

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