Stock Market Meltdown Megathread


Blackrock lost 1.5 trillion dollars
Inflation is sky high
And these millenials are ruining the economy!

How is Wall Street going to close 100 billion shorts on GME when these plebs direct registered the whole float?
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View attachment 168430

Blackrock lost 1.5 trillion dollars
Inflation is sky high
And these millenials are ruining the economy!

How is Wall Street going to close 100 billion shorts on GME when these plebs direct registered the whole float?
Typical boomer response to anything and everything. It’s all the younger generations fault right, cuz they’ve been running everything the past 50 years right


57,551,770 shares are not direct registered
57.88 million shares are short sold???

That's not possible! 330,000 shares have been fraudulently shorted!



The CFTC can be ignored. Benham is a crook and is hiding the swap data. When the investigation concludes Benham will go to prison along with the criminals.
This guy is saying that in 2023, he's expecting the US stock market to drop 38-40%, if not more. Posting the current state of the market for a bookmark so we can check back later.

Date: 02/15/2023
DOW: 34,001
S&P: 4131
NASDAQ, 11,999

Gold to slide till may then to 2500 and then to over 30k. Ill take that. SKOL!

Market Makers: "The market needs us to naked short because we provide liquidity!"

Apes: "We'll sell our shares if you let us put in a limit order for the price we want, even if its significantly higher than the current median price."

MM and Brokers: "You can't do that because it would manipulate the market and cause us issues with our internal systems!"

Apes: "Fine then, fuck you pay me! No cell, no sell! 🚀📈💰"

Judges: "Were those fucking emojis!?!? Straight to jail!"


The 10 Year-3 Month Treasury Yield Spread is the difference between the 10 year treasury rate and the 3 month treasury rate. This spread is widely used as a gauge to study the yield curve. A 10 year-3 month treasury spread that approaches 0 signifies a "flattening" yield curve. Furthermore, a negative 10 year-3 month spread has historically been viewed as a precursor or predictor of a recessionary period. The New York Fed uses the rate in a model to predict recessions 2 to 6 quarters ahead.

I hope this results in short sellers getting margin called. That would be highly unfortunate... For them.


*What am I saying? I do hope it happens! Margin calls for everyone!

Things are starting to get spicy.

3/17/23 - quad witching day
3/21/23 - gamestop earnings call for Q4 2022

Oh no. What if they earned profit? That would mean the price would have to go up.

I'm sure the short sellers will figure something out. Everything will be fine.

n trading on Wednesday, shares of GameStop Corp (Symbol: GME) entered into oversold territory, hitting an RSI reading of 27.2, after changing hands as low as $15.76 per share. By comparison, the current RSI reading of the S&P 500 ETF (SPY) is 39.0. A bullish investor could look at GME's 27.2 RSI reading today as a sign that the recent heavy selling is in the process of exhausting itself, and begin to look for entry point opportunities on the buy side.


So this is related to some old DD about Archegos. Archegos was a small family-owned hedge fund that went bankrupt and then its assets got picked up by Credit Suisse.

It's believed that Archegos naked shorted GME, and had a stupid amount of shorts on GME. Tens of millions of shorts. It blew up in their face, they got bankrupt, then Credit Suisse got saddled with the short positions.

This was enough short positions on a successful company to also bankrupt Credit Suisse (and probably could also bankrupt Switzerland too), so in an act of desperation they tried to hide them all. They turned them into something called short married puts, which is exactly what it sounds like. It's a short attached to a put. Doesn't sound like it should be legal to fuck around like this but financial institutions can do this.

Then they sent all these short married puts to brazil.


Now a put is worth 100 shares. So 540,000 puts could potentially hide 54 million shorts if they are short-married puts. There has been 4:1 stock split since then, so these would turn into 216 million shorts. At this time GME has 304 million shares in circulation and only 55.6 million shares available to purchase. So in order to close all these shorts, it would cause the mother of all short squeezes. The price of GME would rocket for months because assholes like me simply would refuse to sell for anything less than millions of dollars per share. Short sellers are obligated to buy to close but if the float is locked they have to pay whatever price the seller demands.

Yes that's how it works. A free market means price discovery.

  • A fundamental problem with short selling is the potential for unlimited losses.

If those short-married puts were hidden inside swaps then they could only hide them for 2 years because that's how long it takes for swaps to expire. Once the swap expires they won't be able to roll them into swaps again because swaps require a counter-party and nobody wants to touch GME shorts right now because they've turned radioactive. Everyone knows this is a bomb about to go off.

Also for the record, the CFTC has been illegally refusing to report swap data for the past 2 years. Swap data must be reported to the public according to the Dodd-Frank act. That the CFTC is hiding the data just grants legitimacy to the conspiracy.

So does Credit Suisse go bankrupt this month?

Once those shorts hit the lit market, does Switzerland go bankrupt too?

Oh noes.

Sorry Switzerland. I don't think 50 billion will be enough.

There are over 200,000 apes with 85 million shares of GME direct registered at the transfer agent. These won't be sold until we see phone numbers for the share price.

Credit Suisse will probably need a IMF loan to the tune of several trillion dollars.
Are you saying the US gov is going to own gme or be in deb to themt? Im stoopid when it comes to this so.
Be in debt.

Gamestop has 1.3 billion cash on hand. They already have more cash on hand than SVB and Credit Suisse combined.

The initial offer to buy Credit Suisse was 1 billion. While they haggled it up to 3 billion, it's mind blowing that Gamestop could have made an offer to buy an entire bank.

It comes down to something called naked shorting. A short sale is when you sell a stock and promise to buy it back later. It's like a loan where you get money now, but have to pay it back. In this case you pay it back by buying that stock back.

It's crazy profitable if you short sell a stock that is failing. But it carries a risk - if the company does well and their stock price increases, you end up losing money because you pay more to buy back the stock. In fact short selling is one of the few gambles that carries infinite risk - because there is no limit to how much a stock can be worth.

Now what happens if you're a criminal and you short sell stock but never actually owned the stock in the first place? Like selling a car you don't own, or selling someone the brooklyn bridge? That's what naked shorting is, because you don't "have the shorts" to begin with. You're taking people's money, putting a "share" in their account (these days it's all digital) but you never actually located a share to begin with. You just took the money, changed some numbers in a computer database, and promised to buy the stock later.

Now what happens if all our banks, hedge funds, and financial institutions are naked short selling as a matter of fact? It's just commonplace. They all do it.

Now what happens if the financial system at large naked shorted one stock multiple times over, meaning for every share that it issued, there are like 10 short sells for it. Meaning that all these financial institutions have promised to buy back 10x the amount of stock in circulation?

Now what happens if that company turns out to be doing really well and is in no danger of going bankrupt, and is in fact expanding it's business and increasing in profitability?

Now what happens if this now naked shorted, highly successful company, got a rabid fanbase of investors who direct registered 26% of the stock in their names? Meaning it's being held by the company accountant and is no longer in circulation, and can't be borrowed, bought, or fucked around with by all these financial institutions?

What if the goal of this rabid fanbase of investors is to keep buying more, and hold, and buy more, and hold, and keeping buying and holding until all the shares are held by the transfer agent and aren't available to buy at any price?

Research what happened with the Volkswagon short squeeze.

Calling GME a pressure cooker doesn't do it justice. It's a financial nuclear bomb. This is the mother of all short squeezes. When the shorts finally break down and have to buy to close out their short sales, there simply won't be enough stock available to buy up to close them all out.

So what happens?

Supply and demand. The price goes up. The price keeps going up until all these assholes who have been buying and holding the stock for the past 2 years decide they see a price they think is worth selling for.

For most of us, that price is going to look like a phone number.
Be in debt.

Gamestop has 1.3 billion cash on hand. They already have more cash on hand than SVB and Credit Suisse combined.

The initial offer to buy Credit Suisse was 1 billion. While they haggled it up to 3 billion, it's mind blowing that Gamestop could have made an offer to buy an entire bank.

It comes down to something called naked shorting. A short sale is when you sell a stock and promise to buy it back later. It's like a loan where you get money now, but have to pay it back. In this case you pay it back by buying that stock back.

It's crazy profitable if you short sell a stock that is failing. But it carries a risk - if the company does well and their stock price increases, you end up losing money because you pay more to buy back the stock. In fact short selling is one of the few gambles that carries infinite risk - because there is no limit to how much a stock can be worth.

Now what happens if you're a criminal and you short sell stock but never actually owned the stock in the first place? Like selling a car you don't own, or selling someone the brooklyn bridge? That's what naked shorting is, because you don't "have the shorts" to begin with. You're taking people's money, putting a "share" in their account (these days it's all digital) but you never actually located a share to begin with. You just took the money, changed some numbers in a computer database, and promised to buy the stock later.

Now what happens if all our banks, hedge funds, and financial institutions are naked short selling as a matter of fact? It's just commonplace. They all do it.

Now what happens if the financial system at large naked shorted one stock multiple times over, meaning for every share that it issued, there are like 10 short sells for it. Meaning that all these financial institutions have promised to buy back 10x the amount of stock in circulation?

Now what happens if that company turns out to be doing really well and is in no danger of going bankrupt, and is in fact expanding it's business and increasing in profitability?

Now what happens if this now naked shorted, highly successful company, got a rabid fanbase of investors who direct registered 26% of the stock in their names? Meaning it's being held by the company accountant and is no longer in circulation, and can't be borrowed, bought, or fucked around with by all these financial institutions?

What if the goal of this rabid fanbase of investors is to keep buying more, and hold, and buy more, and hold, and keeping buying and holding until all the shares are held by the transfer agent and aren't available to buy at any price?

Research what happened with the Volkswagon short squeeze.

Calling GME a pressure cooker doesn't do it justice. It's a financial nuclear bomb. This is the mother of all short squeezes. When the shorts finally break down and have to buy to close out their short sales, there simply won't be enough stock available to buy up to close them all out.

So what happens?

Supply and demand. The price goes up. The price keeps going up until all these assholes who have been buying and holding the stock for the past 2 years decide they see a price they think is worth selling for.

For most of us, that price is going to look like a phone number.
Where'd you copy this from? link?
What does that mean for folks that don't have stocks in "Wall Street" , But more accessible assets?
Where'd you copy this from? link?
What does that mean for folks that don't have stocks in "Wall Street" , But more accessible assets?

I get a lot of what I read from reddit. Check out r/superstonk. I check in there every day and read a lot of DD (due diligence) posts.

I'm not sure if things other than stock can short squeeze. Like my car analogy, naked shorting is fraud. If you don't locate the stock first you're selling something you don't actually own. But this has become commonplace on the stock market.

The DTCC is more concerned about "maintaining liquidity" in the stock market than they are about punishing fraud. That's why the trading of synthetic shares (fake shares) has become commonplace, and that's why stocks more often than not trade sideways. Volatility should be normal and stocks should frequently become locked up and unable to be traded because all the stock got purchased. This literally never happens in the current stock market because of synthetics.

You may find it hard to believe this, but the entire stock market is fraudulent. That's why this is happening.
I get a lot of what I read from reddit. Check out r/superstonk. I check in there every day and read a lot of DD (due diligence) posts.

I'm not sure if things other than stock can short squeeze. Like my car analogy, naked shorting is fraud. If you don't locate the stock first you're selling something you don't actually own. But this has become commonplace on the stock market.

The DTCC is more concerned about "maintaining liquidity" in the stock market than they are about punishing fraud. That's why the trading of synthetic shares (fake shares) has become commonplace, and that's why stocks more often than not trade sideways. Volatility should be normal and stocks should frequently become locked up and unable to be traded because all the stock got purchased. This literally never happens in the current stock market because of synthetics.

You may find it hard to believe this, but the entire stock market is fraudulent. That's why this is happening.
Synthetic shares. Eww
Have you guys been enjoying the inflation? I hope you have because it's about to take off even faster!

JPOW slowly, slowly, ever so slowly raised rates for 9 months - and all that effort was just wiped out in 2 weeks.

Next month I bet JPOW raises interest rates by 50 basis points to show the world he is a tough man and is really tough on inflation!

(it's not going to do anything)

What the post above means is they didn't go hard enough fast enough into QT. The fed needs to raise rates dramatically. Hard and fast.
Over at reddit I was saying that maybe the Fed should hire an economic expert from Zimbabwe since they already went through hyperinflation and came out the other size. Obviously nobody in the Fed has any idea what they're doing, so a highly skilled, highly talented expert from Zimbabwe could offer insightful advice on how the USA can handle it's hyperinflation woes. Maybe our leaders could learn something.

But then I saw this advice from the president of Kenya.

Not even third world countries in Africa want to use dollars anymore.

I think we're fucked.

Under Xi’s decade-long rule, China’s holding of US Treasury debt has been consistently declining, last year it fell by $173.2 billion – 17% of the total holdings of the US bond by China. This was the largest annual reduction in six years when the Chinese holdings were reduced by $187.6 billion in 2016. Experts reckon China will continue to reduce its holdings of US Treasury holdings in 2023. However, clamoring for selling US debt as soon as possible is growing by the day in China.

Financial experts say the ramifications of the continuing US-China political rivalry are now increasingly being manifested in arenas other than geopolitics – in the speeding up of the Renminbi’s exit from the dollar. International Capital Statistics (ICS) released by the US Department of Treasury this February show China’s holdings of US treasury bonds stood at $867 billion at the end of December last year – a month-on-month fall for five consecutive months. Viewed from escalating political hostility, this decline is a new low since Xi Jinping was installed as the party general secretary at the CPC 18th Congress in October 2012. Remember, this was also the time when the Obama administration had launched its China containment strategy, called the “pivot to Asia” policy.

Analysts point out, though the reduction in China’s holdings of US bonds last year is normal when compared with the overall 6% decline in the holdings of US treasury bonds in overseas countries, what is alarming is the decline in China is more prominent. Following the rapid raising of the interest rates by the US Federal Reserve Bank (FRB) last year, the 10-year Treasury yield – an indicator of US long-term interest rates, rose from about 1.5% at the end of 2021 to nearly 4% by the end of December month last year. Soon after the US Department of Treasury made public the ICS for the year 2022 on February 15, a Nikkei Asia analysis on its Chinese website stated, the sharp decline in China’s holdings of the US Treasury bonds was to avoid losses caused by rising interest rates.

Yellen: We Won’t Allow China Get Repayment Benefits

More interestingly, citing a large US bond management company the article further pointed out the US sanctions on Russia after the outbreak of the Russo-Ukraine war as one of the leading factors behind China’s move to reduce holdings of US Treasury bonds. “China has raised its vigilance against similar measures being taken when the confrontation between China and the United States deepens in the future,” wrote. As has been widely reported, top US officials including Antony Blinken and Janet Yellen have repeatedly said the US wouldn’t hesitate to sanction Chinese entities if Beijing aids Russia in the war against Ukraine.

A similar argument has been put forward by the mainland Chinese professor of economics Cao Xing last Sunday. Weary of the US game-playing on debt repayment (to China), Professor Cao said it’s time for China to clear its US debt. Earlier in February, when US Treasury Secretary Yellen in a stark statement said, “China cannot be allowed to get the benefits of repayment,” Cao described the blunt remark as symbolic of the US determination to politicize the issue. In his popular signed blog “Professor Cao Xing,” he wrote: “The debt scale of the United States has exceeded the debt ceiling of $31.4 trillion. On top of this, the ongoing banking system crisis has put everyone in the US financial sector at risk.” Cao went on to add.

Will US Actually Default China Debt Payment

At another level, a serious debate is unfolding among global fund management strategists in the US on the likely ramifications for the global economy in general and China in particular, if the United States debt default on the People’s Republic. In the opinion of Arthur R. Kroeber, a Washington-based independent economic researcher, and Editor of China Economic Quarterly – a publication of a global economic research firm, GaveKal Dragonomics, a big political drama promises to take place in the next few months over the federal debt ceiling – the GOP strongly opposed to raising the ceiling on the one hand, and the US Treasury defaulting on its debt on the other hand.

Disagreeing with those who argue the US Treasury bond “political drama” is merely politicking, such as Arthur Kroeber, professor Cao not only takes every word uttered by Secretary Yellen very seriously (that she won’t allow the US to pay up the Chinese debt), but he is also quite apprehensive that Yellen’s real purpose is to pressure and trick China into increasing its holdings of US debt.

Furthermore, the Wall Street Journal disclosed in a report the US deputy assistant secretary of the Department of Treasury for Asian Affairs, Robert Kaproth, visited Beijing in February last week to discuss macroeconomic and financial issues. Speaking about Kaproth’s visit, Professor Cao has revealed the “secret” mission Kaproth undertook to Beijing actually had only one agenda, i.e. to hope China would increase its holdings of US debt, but China obviously did not make any concessions.

In light of the hyperinflation, mortgage crisis, stagnant wages, outsourcing, homelessness, and obviously corrupt government - I am left asking:

Does China have a stronger economy than the USA?

Because it sure looks like it.

Years ago it was looking like China's economy would collapse first, starting with Evergrande. But China held their ship together and now it's looking like the USA's economy is about to collapse.

And now we have our government officials talking about the USA defaulting on its debts...
The United States economy is the bullshit economy.

Bullshit = fraud

Sell fake shares. List fake jobs. Lying to the public, lying to employees, lying to congress. The government lying as a matter of course.
Have you guys been enjoying the inflation? I hope you have because it's about to take off even faster!

JPOW slowly, slowly, ever so slowly raised rates for 9 months - and all that effort was just wiped out in 2 weeks.

Schiff has been big on this. He's saying they only slowed it but it's about to go up again and they have no bullets left in their gun.
Another country joins the anti-dollar crowd.

I'm surprised the Fed has allowed things to get this bad. They are choosing to try and save a handful of rich people instead of save the entire economy.

Plutocracy in action. The rich won't be rich for much longer. They're going to burn down the boat they're sailing on.

2 years ago we said that the Fed will have no choice but to let the GME short squeeze happen and let retail traders walk away with their winnings. The alternative would be for the USA to lose face in the international community. Other countries won't trade with thieves who rig their economy and steal from others.

Well they made their choice. These arrogant conceited fucks apparently think that the poor must always stay poor no matter what the cost.

This time around the cost was everything.

Just an FYI. Keep your money in a savings account at a credit union.

Don't trust the banks, and definitely don't put your money in a money market fund. Some apes are thinking that MMF's will become the next bag holders.

"Why collect 0.1% interest on your savings account when you can collect 4.5% interest on this wonderful money market fund?"

"Oops. Our investments didn't turn out that well. We lost all your money. Too bad."

MMF's are not FDIC insured.


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