Interesting. I see estimates of 30% currently under DRS. That’s quite the leverage. I Still don’t underestimate the powers that be to change rules before it’s over to protect themselves.Citadel Securities is the largest designated "market maker" for the New York Stock Exchange. As a market maker, the job of Citadel is supposedly to faclitate trades by matching buyers to sellers, and provide liquidity to the stock market. To give an idea of how big they are, they claim to have generated over 4 billion dollars in revenue during the first half of 2020.
However it is suspected that Citadel Securities is cooking their books and uses a "dark pool" to front-run trades. Front running a trade means they do not give you the best price and manipulate trades to benefit their own investments. However since dark pools are hidden from the rest of the stock market, this cannot be proven. Outsiders would need access to their insider data.
It is believed that Citadel Securities has opened a massive short position on Gamestop, and is in fact "naked shorting" the stock. This means they have sold short more shares than Gamestop has issued to the stock market. They could not possibly close this many positions by buying them back, and this means they are in reality, bankrupt.
However they would only go bankrupt if caught. If regulatory agencies like the SEC don't actually do their job, and Citadel continues to cook its books and hide all the data, then they could potentially get away with what is possibly the single greatest act of fraud in all of history.
Retail investors have taken note that "failing to deliver" (or FTD's) have been on the increase over the post few years. This is short sellers refusing to buy back the shares they sold short. This is a violation of the contract however our regulatory agencies don't seem to care and punishment is usually a tiny fine, if they get punished at all.
Most other countries have a mandatory buy-in law that requires short sellers to buy to close, or face stiff penalties. Some countries have banned short-selling entirely.
Which is why a movement has formed to direct register all shares of Gamestop. Once we have our names on the stock and every share is accounted for, there should be no more shares of GME being traded on the market. That means no more short positions. No more failing to deliver.
If all shares are locked up in DRS, all shorts would have to close, but they could only do so by buying our direct-registered shares. We have all the water and they are out in the desert dying from dehydration. They would have to offer us a price to entice us to sell. We would set the price. The stock price would have to go up, and this would cause what's called a short squeeze.
Except it wouldn't be just any other short squeeze. Nothing like this has ever happened before. No company has ever had all its shares locked up in DRS. No other company that we know of has been shorted to this extreme. We expect the "mother of all short squeezes" or MOASS, to happen. We 100% legit expect this to send the price per share into the millions.
And when Citadel Securities goes bankrupt, so will multiple other hedge funds and banks. It will be the collapse of the stock market as we know it. Economic doomsday for the United States.
God speed