How can we prevent these types of attacks in the future? Guns will always exist in America. Wonder what gun crime looks like when compared to gun regulations? That is, places like Chicago have high gun regulation, yet still extremely high gun crime.
Thinking out loud it seems as if at least part of the problem is that schools are soft targets. Here in SC the governor signed a bill placing a police officer at every school. However, that probably would not have been enough to stop this shooter (or anyone else) who was intent on causing harm.
We need to think about placing fencing around every school. I saw someone on twitter who estimated that cost at about $15 billion. In addition schools could be hardened with bullet proof glass for all outward facing windows. Metal detectors and auto-locking doors for entrances.
Gun control, in my opinion, will not solve the problem. There is evil in the world and someone intent on causing harm is going to be able to do it with or without guns. The way the government has behaved during the pandemic reinforces why we need to be an armed citizenry.
To me it seems a large portion of the answer lies in hardening the security of the schools.
Also, the decay of the nuclear family and the mental health crises caused by "gender fluid" thinking is confusing the shit out of these children and causing them to be mentally unstable.
Last, stop reporting on the assholes that do this. Don't say his name or give him any attention. Any press should be focused on the victims and their suffering alone. Of course we need to find out why he did it, but keep that out of the mainstream media to avoid glorifying these mentally unstable people.
Mostly agree with every point, but especially your last point. The media sensationalizes these shootings so people with mental health disorders decide their best way out is to shoot up a school or a club or a restaurant so they can become famous.
Quite frankly, the media is the root of the majority of our issues in this country. We need to have real talk as a country about that. But when the media is basically state controlled, it's hard to have those discussions.