Agreed, but not outlawing it is being complicit in it. Murder is against the law. This is no different. Now if a psycho lib wants to coat hanger themselves as a DIY abortion, that's something unpreventable just like a person shooting n killing someone. All you can do is make it a crime and punish those who commit the crime. As for the less than 1% of abortions that are done because of rape, incest and serious medical issues can, should and in most cases are allowed. But using the act of murder as a form of birth control is horrific.
I don’t get the incest argument assuming it was consensual. Even though incest can cause birth defects, it doesn’t always. Besides, what about birth defects when incest isn’t involved? Is that baby undeserving of life because it’s parents are freaks?

Also, I accidentally quoted our resident cuckold by accident (even though I think he’s a dedicated troll). Can’t seem to completely delete it.
I don’t get the incest argument assuming it was consensual. Even though incest can cause birth defects, it doesn’t always. Besides, what about birth defects when incest isn’t involved? Is that baby undeserving of life because it’s parents are freaks?

Also, I accidentally quoted our resident cuckold by accident (even though I think he’s a dedicated troll). Can’t seem to completely delete it.

That fetus doesn’t “deserve” anything. It’s just a clump of cells.
I’ll never forget the day my wife had an ultrasound and called me with the news saying that something wasn’t right with the baby in her stomach. It was going to be born with birth defects. While his defects were more serious than predicted at that ultrasound, he still has a perfect brain and a high quality of life.

We ultimately decided to have our 4th child my son who is now 8 years old and already smarter than @TJHall1, yet I’m glad that options were available to us at that time.

I would not want to bring a Down syndrome child into this world. Other people might choose to do so and that is their right but I couldn’t do it.
Tell this to John you sicko.
Tell this to John you sicko.

i have friends that have kids with special needs. It definitely takes more to parent those children (i.e. time, resources, etc...). That said, that kid has taught his sibling when it comes to patience, empathy, kindness that no other "normal" sibling could have taught with the same effect. These 7 & 11 year old siblings put me to shame.

We have such a narrow view of "value" of people and people impact the world in very different ways.

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