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Question for the Christians on the board...


Sep 19, 2021
Yes, I'm an Athiest, but I try to be respectful of everyone else's views, and their particular Religious beliefs. My family is made up of Christians, so I went to church to support them. I WAS raised as such, but found something that made more sense TO ME.

Anyay, the pastor posed a question tonight that I'd never thought of, in all my time of research.

Both Mary and Joseph were of The House of David, yet no family traveled with them. Why?

Many inquiring minds would like to know. Not just me...

Thanks! And Merry Christmas!


Dec 24, 2020
Yes, I'm an Athiest, but I try to be respectful of everyone else's views, and their particular Religious beliefs. My family is made up of Christians, so I went to church to support them. I WAS raised as such, but found something that made more sense TO ME.

Anyay, the pastor posed a question tonight that I'd never thought of, in all my time of research.

Both Mary and Joseph were of The House of David, yet no family traveled with them. Why?

Many inquiring minds would like to know. Not just me...

Thanks! And Merry Christmas!

Good luck with your eternity in hell.


Sep 19, 2021
Lol 😅 thanks! But in all seriousness, no troll...Mom and Dad would also like to know...and I'm not being an asshole lol


Jan 8, 2021
They had to keep Jesus a secret because Herod wanted him killed...others to as well. If you have extra people with you they would've put the journey in jeopardy. Herod sent the Wisemen to locate him so he could kill him. That's why God told them to depart and head back another way. In a nutshell, people wouldn't have been able to keep their mouths shut....at least that's how I see it, right or wrong.


Jan 8, 2021
Since you're an atheist, which is your business to believe in what you want and worship who or what you please...how did ALL of this begin...Universe, Planets, Earth...heck even the human body is so complex do you think there is a higher power, Supreme being that was in charge of creating it all.? Just curious on your line of thought. Glad you were in service today, was more than I did. As a Christian I should be ashamed.


Dec 24, 2020

I suppose Bethlehem, right? Mary and Joseph traveled alone, and couldn't find a place to stay...anyway I thought it was an interesting question and that I may get some insight here on the Board...

They had to keep Jesus a secret because Herod wanted him killed...others to as well. If you have extra people with you they would've put the journey in jeopardy. Herod sent the Wisemen to locate him so he could kill him. That's why God told them to depart and head back another way. In a nutshell, people wouldn't have been able to keep their mouths shut....at least that's how I see it, right or wrong.

I believe the main reason for Bethlehem was because they had to participate in a census, which is also another reason why there was no place to stay.
And yes they left Bethlehem to go to Egypt cuz psycho king herod put out a death squad to kill every male child under the age of 2. Which is why there is Feast of the holy innocents


Sep 19, 2021
@OPD77 No, I don't believe in a higher power or being...what makes the most sense TO AND FOR ME, is that there are 3 facts.

1) time is undefeated
2) gravity, with time, will also be undefeated
3) everything that lives, will die

Everything else is an idea...

Just makes sense to me lol


Dec 1, 2020
Pretty sure the Bible tells us ALL had to go to their origin city. We are talking (and the story passed down) about Mary, Joseph and the birth of Jesus. I'm sure the the whole family participated in the journey, especially when it says ALL had to be counted in that census.



Dec 1, 2020
The Birth of Jesus
1-5About that time Caesar Augustus ordered a census to be taken throughout the Empire. This was the first census when Quirinius was governor of Syria. Everyone had to travel to his own ancestral hometown to be accounted for. So Joseph went from the Galilean town of Nazareth up to Bethlehem in Judah, David’s town, for the census. As a descendant of David, he had to go there. He went with Mary, his fiancée, who was pregnant.


Dec 1, 2020

1 IN THOSE days it occurred that a decree went out from Caesar Augustus that the whole Roman empire should be registered.
2 This was the first enrollment, and it was made when Quirinius was governor of Syria.
3 And all the people were going to be registered, each to his own city ortown.
4 And Joseph also went up from Galilee from the town of Nazareth to Judea, to the town of David, which is called Bethlehem, because he was of the house and family of David,
5 To be enrolled with Mary, his espoused (married) wife, who was about to become a mother. [Matt. 1:18-25.]


Jan 9, 2021
Yes, I'm an Athiest, but I try to be respectful of everyone else's views, and their particular Religious beliefs. My family is made up of Christians, so I went to church to support them. I WAS raised as such, but found something that made more sense TO ME.

Anyay, the pastor posed a question tonight that I'd never thought of, in all my time of research.

Both Mary and Joseph were of The House of David, yet no family traveled with them. Why?

Many inquiring minds would like to know. Not just me...

Thanks! And Merry Christmas!
Mary did travel with Joe to the census.


Sep 19, 2021
Idk @AgEngDawg it’s certainly more difficult to type out exactly what and why I believe the way that I do. I can do it over the phone sometime...I didn't start this thread to make a discussion /argument over my beliefs vs others. I simply had a question after the pastor this evening made such a deal about

Mary and Joseph traveling alone to Bethlehem lol...he confused me. People have given a simple and truthful, easy answer...the pastor wasn't very good, but the explanations tonight have been. I appreciate every single response...


Jan 9, 2021
@TopHook yeah I was asking why family didn't travel with them, but they were traveling TO family...makes sense...just went over my head because the Pastor tonight made a huge point about them traveling alone, without family...said he didn't know the answer...he wasn't very good lmao
Service was about being dangerous tonight.


Jan 9, 2021
As far as I know, the scriptures don’t specifically state that Mary and Joseph traveled alone. Assuming they did, it may have been because Mary became pregnant out of wedlock. They were only engaged (betrothed) at the time Mary conceived. Joseph had planned to “divorce” her, but didn’t because the Lord sent an angel to tell him she was pregnant by the Holy Spirit (Matt 1:18-20). To be pregnant out of wedlock was a great shame in those days, and it was likely that they had been disowned by their families. I’m totally speculating on that. If They were traveling alone in those days, it was a great testament to their faith and trust in God. Travel was dangerous, and they were probably just teenagers. The Gospels of Matthew and Luke are wonderful accounts of Jesus’ birth and the events around it. Matthew especially ties in how Jesus’ birth and life fulfill Old Testament scripture from thousands of years before. God has had a perfect plan for man’s salvation through the ages, and it‘s Jesus.

Emma tenywa

Oct 14, 2021
There are several reasons for this,
1. They didnot live with their family and were traveling possibly with distant relatives. Or alone
2. They were traveling in a small group Mary, being heavily pregnant and Riding on a donkey did not have to be rushed at all so they fell behind and arrived late in the city

3. They lost their family when they reached the city. Everyone on his own, searching for a place to spend the night. Mary and joseph being slow could not beat the mob to any lodging

3. It was God's plan. Imagine a host of angels appearing over a populated city singing and shouting, " the savior is born!. He's lying in bed at Jonathan's lodging." The whole city would flood the building and the baby's life would be instantly in danger. In the end, the lodge would become a place of worship at some time
Welcome to Christianity @Mr.Fitzwell It's a whole new subject to learn and study not just believing and waiting to be told what to believe.


Jan 8, 2021
I can not envision this whole thing starting without God.

How could a human brain possibly evolve into the magic it is?

How could a human eye that is so complex evolve?

What was before the big bang?

Where did that come from?

Even bigger question imo.

How did something come from nothing?

The common rebuttal to that is “ok, then who or what created God? Outside of that being an exercise in redundancy that question assumes a limited God, which He is not. He’s not limited by time, space, or matter. He lives outside and inside of his creation. He is everywhere at all times. Unlike Satan, who can only be in one place at any given time.


Sep 19, 2021
@AmericanViking I hear that 💯...and while I'm open for a conversation at any time, my purpose for starting this thread was absolutely NOT to start a debate, or argument in any way, shape or form. I don't question anyone else's beliefs. I respect the beliefs of others, and encourage people to believe how they do...I simply THINK otherwise. I certainly cannot prove to be correct, nor do I wish to denounce anyone else...I'm a much different kind of "athiest" than any that even I've encountered, and in a fight/argument I tend to side with those that DO have religious beliefs over that of other atheists lol...most atheists are not really atheists, but instead angry at the God that they DO believe in...I am not this way...I just don't believe 😀 and I'm happy


Dec 24, 2020
@AmericanViking I hear that 💯...and while I'm open for a conversation at any time, my purpose for starting this thread was absolutely NOT to start a debate, or argument in any way, shape or form. I don't question anyone else's beliefs. I respect the beliefs of others, and encourage people to believe how they do...I simply THINK otherwise. I certainly cannot prove to be correct, nor do I wish to denounce anyone else...I'm a much different kind of "athiest" than any that even I've encountered, and in a fight/argument I tend to side with those that DO have religious beliefs over that of other atheists lol...most atheists are not really atheists, but instead angry at the God that they DO believe in...I am not this way...I just don't believe 😀 and I'm happy

I respect your respect for others peoples beliefs.
Do you believe in miracles? Or just coincidences?


Sep 19, 2021
See above...could very well be either, or both...and I'm not saying that anyone else is WRONG...only that this makes sense to me lol...Merry Christmas...again, I do come from a Christian family lol


Jan 8, 2021
Yes, I'm an Athiest, but I try to be respectful of everyone else's views, and their particular Religious beliefs. My family is made up of Christians, so I went to church to support them. I WAS raised as such, but found something that made more sense TO ME.

Anyay, the pastor posed a question tonight that I'd never thought of, in all my time of research.

Both Mary and Joseph were of The House of David, yet no family traveled with them. Why?

Many inquiring minds would like to know. Not just me...

Thanks! And Merry Christmas!

It doesn't say they were alone, does it (I don't recall)? They could've been with a caravan of people. It could be that many of the folks there had no place to stay, but only Mary, on the verge of childbirth, was the only actual emergency. Anyone else could've set up a tent and been just fine. Those were hardy, tough, desert-dwelling people, spending the night outdoors wouldn't have been a problem in normal circumstances.

If they were alone, it could be a number of things. Just a theory, but it's possible Joseph's family disowned him for sticking with Mary after she was found to be pregnant. That would have been a humiliating thing for a Jew. Perhaps few if any of Joseph's people believed Mary's story or Joseph's dream. Recall that scripture says Joseph was a good man and was going to divorce her privately, and not make a public example of her, because if he had done so she would have been stoned to death.


Dec 24, 2020

My favorite thing about America is that you get to have your beliefs and still have the same rights as any other American including myself, and I don’t get murdered for associating with you. I really don’t think there was a time in my life when I didn’t believe there was a higher power but I know I questioned everything and still do, and always will.
Everybody has a different life with different experiences but It’s impossible for me to not believe in our one true God. I got to watch my kids open Christmas presents this morning, I have kids, and I’m alive. All 3 of those things are miracles none of that should of scientifically happened.
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