Purebloods only. Vaxx'd cattle keep scrolling

Pandemic of the unvaccinated


A Study's Bombshell Finding That Has Been Ignored​

Bolstering results from an earlier paper, a new study upends the logic behind the pandemic response. Forced masking and distancing of healthy people may have had little societal benefit.​

The study in question.
type in www. to view the link as it doesn't work if I have the www. with this link.

120,000 children murdered by the CV 19 vaccines in accordance with the CDC. So that's the deaths they admitted to which makes me believe there were probably millions of murders

I’d love to see the proof for this.

I’m not vaccinated but you’d have to be a potato to believe these things are killing hundreds of people let alone thousands.

Chinese & Russia propaganda strikes again. The sheep eat it up and destabilize society willingly.
The shots have been shown to promote clotting, and the J&J jab? You can't even get it anymore due to the risks.

Also, I know someone who got a spleenic infarction due to shot. He dead now.
Well I did know him. He's dead now though.
.....and he did have a spleenic infarction. It's kinda like a heart attack, but for your spleen. Thing was full of clotted blood about a Month after his second jab.

As for j&j,
Why did Johnson & Johnson vaccine get recalled?

It comes after
six women who received the vaccine experienced blood clots in the brain within two weeks after vaccination.

I can't believe you didn't know that the J&J was recalled due to causing clots.

That was after they previously insisted it was as safe as drinking a glass of water. lol
Well I did know him. He's dead now though.
.....and he did have a spleenic infarction. It's kinda like a heart attack, but for your spleen. Thing was full of clotted blood about a Month after his second jab.

As for j&j,
Why did Johnson & Johnson vaccine get recalled?

It comes after
six women who received the vaccine experienced blood clots in the brain within two weeks after vaccination.

I can't believe you didn't know that the J&J was recalled due to causing clots.

That was after they previously insisted it was as safe as drinking a glass of water. lol
Wow. A whole six people 🙄

It wasn’t recalled but keep spreading that Russian propaganda.

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