Need an update from Australia

Construction workers in Melbourne rise up against vaccine mandates and the commie union leaders who sold them out to the regime.

Dictator Dan then had the nerve to get on the fake news and accuse the workers of being neo-Nazis. LOL.

Damn, those people aren't fucking around and its awesome to see them fighting back. I hope they keep it up until the government backs down. Keep it up Aussies!!! Show the governments around the world what happens with tyranny.
I tried looking up news down under. Yalls news is as twisted and fucked as here in the states. Who could you recommend as a legit news?
For usa id say

Any good telegram folks for yall?
Reading yku news they call the working man thugs for protesting is an abomination. They glorify blm and condemn folks who want to work and live.
You would fit in well there. It began on the old board, I believe discussing the vegas shooting & other "conspiracy theories". Soon after came Trump and spygate, and Q, and the thread discussed that for several years.

It is now a catch all for those of us who are "red-pilled" to discuss politics, the deep state, covid, and about any "conspiracy theory" you have ever heard of, etc.

GOAT thread, has had many, many thousands of pages over the years, spanning numerous threads and at least 2 message boards. This board actually was created when our thread on the old board started getting censored.

*Spoiler Alerts
Social credit system coming soon to an Australia near you

View attachment 48279
That's weird. I just watched a video on China that was given in Australia and the dude said that Australia was no longer a western democracy but was an asian trade partner of China. The people kinda laughed at it but just a little bit later it turns out that they are Chinas trade partner and actually look up to that form of government above freedom.
I tried looking up news down under. Yalls news is as twisted and fucked as here in the states. Who could you recommend as a legit news?
For usa id say

Any good telegram folks for yall?
Reading yku news they call the working man thugs for protesting is an abomination. They glorify blm and condemn folks who want to work and live.
The fake news in Australia is an Orwellian joke. It's nothing but commie propaganda. The plebs who still believe the legacy news goons think that the regime has enslaved us for our own good and that the protests are a small minority of neo-Nazis. These are not "protests", this is rebellion against the communist takeover from a majority of the people, this is a counter revolution, and this is huge.
Glad to see Ozzies finally fight back. It was boggling my mind how a people who have historically been known to not take shit from others, and in general be pretty rebellious, have just laid back and taken all this shit from the government.
Unless you've seen the brainwashing that goes on here you can't understand how the commies took power. People are wising up and the regime is terrified.
The fake news in Australia is an Orwellian joke. It's nothing but commie propaganda. The plebs who still believe the legacy news goons think that the regime has enslaved us for our own good and that the protests are a small minority of neo-Nazis. These are not "protests", this is rebellion against the communist takeover from a majority of the people, this is a counter revolution, and this is huge.
Found fyi they seem pretty straight

Its coming here. They are trying and keep pushing the narrative to move public opinion. As soon as they get 51% in favor of cracking heads for non vaxed and pub governors.... they will get their Stalin on.
See I think the globalists are realizing their colour revolution failed here in The US. Not only have the courts blown nearly all these restrictions apart as they’ve sprung up but the people and states themselves keep moving farther and farther away from restrictions.

I don’t know about y’all’s personal experiences but when I talk to the vaxxed they typically want the restrictions lifted just as much as the unvaxxed. For many that’s most of the reason they got vaxxed.

Seems like every day we get more and more evidence that patriots are in control behind the scenes.

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