Need an update from Australia

Some footage of the lockdown uprising in Melbourne. Reminds me of an eastern European country fighting against Soviet occupation. These commie rat bastards don't realise that they are close to being dragged through the streets and hanged in the park.

Great footage, thanks for posting.

If the protests get large enough then authorities will realize that the laws are counter productive.

How are people organizing, through social media I assume? I wonder how long until they try and cut those lines of communication.

Some footage of the lockdown uprising in Melbourne. Reminds me of an eastern European country fighting against Soviet occupation. These commie rat bastards don't realise that they are close to being dragged through the streets and hanged in the park.

Hot Damn…..I’m in! Can you provide a video stream….maybe @Croot_Overlord can work something out.
Also I can’t wait for this to come happen in America. It’s going to be GLORIOUS!
Great footage, thanks for posting.

If the protests get large enough then authorities will realize that the laws are counter productive.

How are people organizing, through social media I assume? I wonder how long until they try and cut those lines of communication.
I don't think these tyrants are going to wise up no matter how big the protests get. These commies live up in their ivory towers sniffing their own farts. They will not yield until they are being frogmarched to prison by the victorious patriots.
The government has already tried to stop people organising on social media and made arrests. People just post anonymously now and there is nothing the regime can do to stop them.
I don't think these tyrants are going to wise up no matter how big the protests get. These commies live up in their ivory towers sniffing their own farts. They will not yield until they are being frogmarched to prison by the victorious patriots.
The government has already tried to stop people organising on social media and made arrests. People just post anonymously now and there is nothing the regime can do to stop them.
🤔 @America 1st is this a call to all 🐸?

I’m in….
I regret that the report is accurate. The brainwashing goes on and on. The government school kids are so deranged that they literally don't know if they are He or She. They think that they are a rainbow of hundreds of make believe genders. They know nothing of science or history even after 12 years at school. Yet they believe that anybody who is not woke (brainwashed) is ignorant. If you try to tell them the truth then you have committed a hate crime and are at risk of attack. The worst thing however is watching the morons queuing up for an injection of "vaccine". Anybody who tries to question the necessity or safety of the vaccines is shut down as an enemy of the state. So yes, my country has gone to shit.
It’s not just your country. It’s the entire western civilization. I don’t know what happened, but I think it’s related to a lack of serious hardships from WW2 forward. In other words, we are too comfortable. The saying “first world problems” really exemplifies the issue.
Telling people they get 1 hour of outdoor exercise? WTF is going on over there, these people are prisoners to their houses and their government.

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This reminds me of a good video from Glenn Greenwald yesterday about the lack of cost-benefit analysis on Covid and how our reaction to it is so irrational

Try to explain a cost-benefit analysis to a Lib. They don’t understand basic concepts. They would probably reply “I don’t care what it cost. I want benefits.”
And the fake plague rolls on.
“We need to get used to being vaccinated with covid vaccines for the future. “

The scowl of fascism all over that crazy bitch's face. I hadn't even heard her speak yet and I can just imagine the nonsense she spews. I am going to see if I am right. SKOL!

Yep, just another paid mouthpiece of the cabal.
Yall need a WOLVERINE moment.
Look up the ol movie Wolverines w Patrick Swayze. I sure wish yall hadn't given up your guns and could hold your ground
I don't think the guns would help. Too many people are brainwashed into submission. Those who can see and who contradict the regime are demonised. The democracy has ceased to function. There is no debate. Contrary voices are not allowed to be heard on the public broadcasters.
The Australian people have become like the Eloi.

I don't think the guns would help. Too many people are brainwashed into submission. Those who can see and who contradict the regime are demonised. The democracy has ceased to function. There is no debate. Contrary voices are not allowed to be heard on the public broadcasters.
The Australian people have become like the Eloi.

Frightening to think what might be next, because all this shit is obviously not being done for covid.
I went to the mall today and there are squads of police everywhere. Now the commie creeps are broadcasting threats that the unvaccinated will be excluded from society.
Hmm, the regime is sure desperate to force people to inject these "vaccines". It's almost like they are some kind of biological weapon. Oh look.

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