Mr.Fitzwell's world...all are welcome

I was watching this video the other day

and I the part at 32:00 stuck with me. This lady figured out the time travel thing was a hoax because the hoaxer wasn't using middle english verbs correctly. "You can choose your words but you don't choose your verbs"

That got me thinking. Why the fuck do we all talk about "having sex" like if you ask your partner "would you like to have sex?" isn't that grammatically incorrect?

Have = possess, hold, own

"Would you like to hold some sex?"

Shouldn't we be asking to "go sex" or "start sex" or "do sex" instead?

There must be so many chads out there who so smoothily asked to "have sex" and all the while never realized they were speaking like autists with a speech impediment.

And if the girl said yes, then she is attracted to autists with a speech impediment. After enough generations of this, it becomes selective breeding. Like peacock feathers. Except it's all the males speaking like autists.

A whole wide world of retards mating with each other.

I was watching this video the other day

and I the part at 32:00 stuck with me. This lady figured out the time travel thing was a hoax because the hoaxer wasn't using middle english verbs correctly. "You can choose your words but you don't choose your verbs"

That got me thinking. Why the fuck do we all talk about "having sex" like if you ask your partner "would you like to have sex?" isn't that grammatically incorrect?

Have = possess, hold, own

"Would you like to hold some sex?"

Shouldn't we be asking to "go sex" or "start sex" or "do sex" instead?

There must be so many chads out there who so smoothily asked to "have sex" and all the while never realized they were speaking like autists with a speech impediment.

And if the girl said yes, then she is attracted to autists with a speech impediment. After enough generations of this, it becomes selective breeding. Like peacock feathers. Except it's all the males speaking like autists.

A whole wide world of retards mating with each other.

I'm sure you're a good guy and crew Overlord is about for you but you just don't have any f****** idea how the internet works just like the monetary policy of America
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