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***Master Election Audit Thread*** PA starts full forensic audit


Jan 8, 2021
Gotta think once fraud is proven in AZ & GA, SCOTUS will get involved, right?

I doubt Potato will be removed, but it would surely pave the way for some serious election reform I would think.

America 1st

The best poster on the board! Trumps lover! 🇺🇸
Jan 7, 2021
Gotta think once fraud is proven in AZ & GA, SCOTUS will get involved, right?

I doubt Potato will be removed, but it would surely pave the way for some serious election reform I would think.
I don't think the SCOTUS would have grounds to get involved unless a case was filed to go before them. I'm not sure it wouldn't happen but states don't need to go to the SCOTUS to change their election laws or do audits.

Best bet is Puddin is shown to be illegitimate and the Senate Dims refuse to play ball with him on anything big (Manchin is already there tbh). Puddin will of course deny it but the narrative is the important thing so the swing states can enact election reform laws aggressively.


Shaping the Future of Reality
Jan 12, 2021

What a jerk off this all is. We all know they rig elections at will. Why have a kangaroo court pretending to be a serious investigative unit when all they are doing is posturing and deflecting. I'm so sick of this shit be promulgated. Why don't you quit chewing and swallowing the same shit over and over? Move on. Talk about what needs to be done and has true value, and not what is pretending to be done about a lifeless subject matter. And quit reading this kind to total B.S.

America 1st

The best poster on the board! Trumps lover! 🇺🇸
Jan 7, 2021
What a jerk off this all is. We all know they rig elections at will. Why have a kangaroo court pretending to be a serious investigative unit when all they are doing is posturing and deflecting. I'm so sick of this shit be promulgated. Why don't you quit chewing and swallowing the same shit over and over? Move on. Talk about what needs to be done and has true value, and not what is pretending to be done about a lifeless subject matter. And quit reading this kind to total B.S.
images (20).jpeg


Apr 21, 2021
ITT we'll give it another go. It's important that everyone understands that myself and others will be providing information that is open to discussion. Some may not be interested in this information, for those of you please feel free to read one of the other 50 or so threads on the first page of the board. For the rest of you please join in, give us your thoughts, we want to hear what you have to say. I know a lot of you have been looking for the election audit information threads, it's important that you guys help keep the thread going. So here we go round 2


Apr 21, 2021
AZ still has over 21k "Federal Only voters" who cannot prove they are a citizen or that they even exist. They are not in the MVD system and all they need is a bank statement (easily doctored) to get a ballot. This will need to be addressed at the Federal level. This is the next thing that needs an audit, and voter intimidation is a flimsy excuse not to do it.


If the auditors in Arizona end up proving significant fraud occurred in Maricopa County, the entire “perfect election” narrative goes out the window.
Other states and counties will immediately start their own audits.
Wont be long before critical mass is achieved and all the dominoes come crashing down.
November 2022 is 17 months away. WE CAN DO THIS. We can fix it before Nov. 2022 gets here.


PA STATE SENATOR DAVE AGRALL: "I Support The Call For An Election Audit - This is the Best Path Forward"

Senator Dave Argall: “I support the call for an election audit, in order to answer any lingering questions that still remain about the fairness of the 2020 elections in Pennsylvania. This is the best path forward to address the legitimate concerns of the large majority of my constituents who voted to re-elect President Trump as well as all Pennsylvanians. This is just one of many election reform efforts I would like to see approved here in the next few weeks.”


It is being reported that the ballots in AZ audit will be counted by June 14. No word on when results will be public.


Is the BALLOT PRINTING company also the company that mails the ballots?
Does the ballot printing company receive the mailed ballots that were marked RETURN TO SENDER?
What happens to the ballots that get returned to sender?
Does the ballot printing company also manage the anonymous ballot drop boxes?
Is the ballot printing company responsible for spearheading the creation of unconstitutional laws that allowed for mail in ballots in the first place?

Surely this scenario didn’t happen:
1. Ballots printed then mailed to phantom people at fake addresses.
2. Ballots returned to printer.
3. Printer fills out the ballots.
4. Printer puts ballots into anonymous ballot drop box.

I wonder if the Pennsylvania forensic audit will figure out what happened to those missing USB devices.


A very underrated aspect of a forensic audit is that it has the potential to expose many crimes!


Where there’s massive voter fraud, there’s probably treason too


Georgia Senator Burt Jones will lead a delegation of GA lawmakers to Arizona early this week. They will meet with their counterparts, discuss election integrity and how to replicate the audit, tour the audit facility and get a brief from the AZ forensic audit team.


Pennsylvania State Senator Doug Mastriano and State Rep Rob Kauffman spoke on their experience at the Arizona Maricopa County Audit and what they noticed. Both applauded the transparency and processes. They had an instructional meeting at the AZ State Capitol with AZ State Officials, and also toured the audit floor at the Coliseum, and met with volunteers, and the audit team.

Sen. Mastriano says his suggestion will be to start with two counties in PA, one Democrat and one Republican. In the second half of the interview, he starts to say, “If this happens in PA (an audit)” and corrects it to “WHEN this happens in PA.”

They brought up House Rep Seth Grove. He has been vocal on social media against an audit in PA and Rep. Koffman says he doesn’t think they will need Grove’s help in getting an audit.


Pennsylvania State Senator Doug Mastriano and State Rep Rob Kauffman spoke on their experience at the Arizona Maricopa County Audit and what they noticed. Both applauded the transparency and processes. They had an instructional meeting at the AZ State Capitol with AZ State Officials, and also toured the audit floor at the Coliseum, and met with volunteers, and the audit team.

Sen. Mastriano says his suggestion will be to start with two counties in PA, one Democrat and one Republican. In the second half of the interview, he starts to say, “If this happens in PA (an audit)” and corrects it to “WHEN this happens in PA.”

They brought up House Rep Seth Grove. He has been vocal on social media against an audit in PA and Rep. Koffman says he doesn’t think they will need Grove’s help in getting an audit.


Apr 21, 2021
Do you remember Fulton County election supervisor Wandrea Shaye Moss? She was identified as one of the individuals who appeared to continue to tabulate ballots in Georgia last year after observers left, has been subpoenaed in relation to the election.

The subpoena asks Moss to produce evidence, as part of a civil case, related to the 2020 election in November. The document shows that Moss is scheduled to make an appearance for a deposition on June 10 “for purposes of discovery” and notes that investigators will question Moss until the “examination is completed.”

Specifically, Moss is asked to provide the attorney’s office with a thumb drive that they say contains “communications … made and received” by Moss “relating to the Nov. 3, 2020, general election” that can be found on any electronic device that she possessed and used last year. The subpoena asks Moss to turn over all of the electronic devices that she used in the period between Jan. 1 and Dec. 31 of last year.

Moss was one of the people who was identified via a viral video from the State Farm Arena that purportedly showed suspicious vote-counting activity. The other election worker that was seen in the clip, which contributed to claims of election fraud in Georgia including from former President Trump’s team, was Ruby Freeman, Moss’s mother.

The video showed that election workers appeared to pull what was initially described as a “suitcase” from under a table and started counting the ballots. It was initially claimed that poll watchers were sent home due to a pipe leak that was later fixed.

Investigators also said that the pipe burst and the events on the surveillance video happened 17 hours apart and not on the same night.


Pennsylvania's Sen. Doug Mastriano and Sen. Chris Dush explain why Maricopa County is the gold standard of election audits.

The audit is very secure, there are cameras everywhere, they are protecting voters privacy, they ensure chain of custody, and they got real professionals who volunteered.

"I'm hard to impress but these guys take me back to my strategic air command days. So, I'd like to encourage other state legislatures to come down here and take a look at it. Especially, if you have had situations like we had in PA that really have our citizens in an uproar. " - Sen. Dush

"If we got nothing to hide, then lets do this, open up the books. If you got something to hide then scream in outrage, pull your hair out, and throw red herring arguments out why this is a bad idea. I can't see any reason to argue against doing a full audit if the people ask for it." - Sen. Mastriano


Have you read Mike Lindell's latest lawsuit? Here's what you will find.

The lawsuit shows we have the packets of data, recorded in real time -that are unchangeable, immutable, and objective- proof of China and other nations breaking into our election systems, flipping votes, their IP addresses, physical locations, the exact number of votes flipped from Trump to Biden, and in which states, counties, and networks these intrusions occurred.

These packets of data document 20 successful hacks through the election management systems in the states of Michigan, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Wisconsin, and Arizona resulting in a total 555,864 votes switched from President Trump to candidate Vice President Biden in the 2020 general election.

The lawsuit also shows data scientist, Dr. Douglas Frank, has cracked the algorithms that were used in a number of states to determine the ballots cast. Specifically, with only the census data and the registration data, the algorithm enables the prediction of the number of ballots cast for each voter age group in any given county in a state with near 100% certainty—without seeing the actual results.

The algorithm is regulating voter turnout by age as shown by the fact that voter turnout by age is in the exact same relative proportion to registered voters in each county in any given state. The analysis of the data shows an ability to predict ballot demographics with a degree of precision approaching 100%—a level of accuracy that would be impossible without the activity of a regulating algorithm. This does not happen in a random world.


Here is a link to the Mike Lindell lawsuit filed 6/3/21.



How is this possible?

The election results in Virginia’s Fairfax County were very suspect late Election Night. There were five ballot drops each with over 300,000 votes for Biden in and out like a yoyo which ended up being 73% of the County’s votes for Biden.

Virginia Fairfax County needs to conduct a forensic audit.


What kind of shenanigans were going on in California?

Approximately 3,000 mail-in ballots counted in the Nov. 3 election were supposedly cast by UCSB students residing in a voting precinct that, along with other dorm buildings, includes the Francisco Torres/Santa Catalina Residence Hall at 6850 El Colegio Road in Goleta.

Problem: Due to COVID-19, the Torres Building, which normally accommodates 1,300 students, was empty and locked down through most of 2020, as were all other UCSB dorms.

This means no students/voters were residing inside the Torres Building (nor any of the other dorms) during the election season.

It also means these ballots were fraudulent.

That’s because there’s a second problem: These ballots could not legally have been forwarded to students where they were actually living.

Why not?

Because forwarding ballots to alternative addresses is a felony.


Apr 21, 2021
Should every state conduct a Forensic Audit? I think they should.


Some GOP lawmakers in the state of North Carolina have reportedly asked the Board of Elections to allow for an investigation into vote-tabulating machines to see if there are any points of concern and clear some uncertainties, said state Rep. Jeff McNeely.

McNeely cited “rumors” surrounding the election process and the machines used to count votes as the reason behind the GOP’s push to probe the matter.

“We are just trying to see if there are any legs to the rumors we hear about ballots and machines, we want to know if there is anything that could have been changed by the machines, we gave them a deadline to get back to us,” he said of the North Carolina Board of Elections.

“I believe the information in what we call the ‘hand to eye audits’ needs to be public, and we need to make sure those tallies match what the machines came up with, currently they are not public and they should be,” McNeely said.


North Carolina GOP Makes Request to Inspect 2020 Election

'We know that Mark Zuckerberg gave five-six million dollars to counties...'


Maria Zack, Chariman at NationsInAction.org, says that she received verifiable evidence that the Italian-orchestrated theft of the 2020 presidential election was carried out by the same personnel that illegally spied on the Trump Campaign, set up George Papadopoulos.


Source: Intel Confirms Theft of Election and Spygate Carried Out by Same Personnel

The Stew Peters Show


^^^^^ Maria Zack interview is a must watch. only 8:27 ^^^^^


Apr 21, 2021
The Georgia Republican Party on Saturday approved a resolution to censure Brad Raffensberger.

The Georgia Secretary of State “failed to perform his duties in accordance with the laws and Constitution of the State of Georgia, and Republican Party values," according to a version of the resolution posted on Twitter by Atlanta Journal-Constitution reporter Greg Bluestein.

The resolution cited Raffensperger for "Entering into the Compromise Settlement Agreement and Release which changed Georgia's absentee voting procedures outside the Constitutionally prescribed format set forth in Georgia law." The resolution said that Raffensperger had undermined election security by permitting "mass mailings of absentee applications by his office and third parties which created opportunities for fraud and overwhelmed election offices; rendering accurate signature matching nearly impossible; allowing ballot drop boxes without proper chain of custody; and ignoring sworn affidavits and disregarding evidence of voter fraud.”


Newsmax is reporting that Mark Zuckerberg, Founder and CEO of Facebook, Inc. is under heavy fire from former President Donald Trump, regarding most notably, $350 million donated by Zuckerberg and his wife, Priscilla Chan to help local election offices in various jurisdictions.

“Zuckerberg broke the law, spending millions of dollars — don't you think he broke the law? — millions of dollars to get out the vote in highly Democrat areas," Trump said to the crowd attending the recent North Carolina Republican Party Convention on Saturday, reported Business Insider.

"This election will go down as the crime of the century," Trump said. "And our country is being destroyed by people who perhaps have no right to destroy it.

The Zuckerbergs’ purportedly funneled money through the Center for Tech and Civic Life, a small Chicago-based nonprofit that quickly amassed hundreds of millions of dollars in donations during the last election cycle to help local election offices through “election grants.”

The Center for Tech and Civic Life gave grants to more than 2,500 jurisdictions this year to help departments pay for election administration. The money arrived as historically underfunded election department budgets were sapped from unforeseen purchases during the primaries and were forced to spend money on election workers, postage and printing for the increasing number of voters who wanted to vote by mail, reported NPR.




Apr 21, 2021


Bernie Kerik reports Georgia Certified Vote Knowing the Results Had Outcome-Altering Flaws

Comrade Kemp and Rat Raffensperger certified the 2020 Election results knowing there were 174 missing batches in the Fulton County count— that’s 17,400 ballots that were missing. Just that alone would have given Trump the victory. Kerik says that’s just the beginning.


Drew Hernandez from Real America's Voice reports how Democrats are attempting to set the narrative around the Arizona Audit and how their propaganda techniques are the same as what is used in Communist China or Soviet Russia.

He then goes on to compare the Democrat party to a cheating spouse who has been accused of cheating then refuses to hand over their phone to show their text messages.


Isn't it interesting how real news (truth) gets lost and reappears months and years later? Check this out.

January 9, 2020 - Georgetown Professor Matt Blaze Testifies Before Congressional Committee On U.S. Electronic Voting System Security Flaws and Vulnerabilities​

Tech Institute Faculty Adviser Matt Blaze testified in the House of Representatives’ Committee on House Administration yesterday, raising important questions about the security of the technology used for elections in the United States. Describing his concerns, Professor Blaze stated: “the thing I’m most worried about [is] a repeat of some of the types of attacks we saw in 2016 against larger election infrastructure. A determined adversary who wanted to disrupt our elections would have a frighteningly easy task.”

Members on both sides of the aisle have been hesitant to take any steps that might reduce states’ powers to run elections. Professor Blaze cautioned against this approach, emphasizing that adversaries are actively working to undermine democratic processes. He argued, “by analogy, we do not make the county sheriff responsible for defending against ground invasions by foreign military forces. Yet that is precisely the role into which we have placed our local county IT administrations in defending our election infrastructure against electronic attacks. Without significant national-level support, we are setting them up for failure. Simply put, much of our election infrastructure remains vulnerable to practical attack, with threats that range from traditional election tampering in local races to large-scale disruption by national adversaries.”

Professor Blaze told Committee members that our current electronic voting systems have proven themselves vulnerable to a range of known and exploitable security flaws. Blaze is one of the key organizers of the Voting Village at DEFCON, an annual event that exposes these types of flaws.

This is the second time in the last two months Professor Blaze has testified on election security, given the heightened scrutiny in the run up to the 2020 election. In November, Blaze testified before the U.S. House Committee on Homeland Security and at the time, he warned that the risks to our election security are “not merely hypothetical or speculative.”

You can read Professor Blaze’s full House testimony here, and access the hearing and video materials here.



Apr 21, 2021
The change is coming. Look at McAllen, Texas!

Republicans Flip Mayorship of McAllen, Texas – Major Border Town with 85% Hispanic Population​


Republicans Flip Mayorship of McAllen, Texas - Major Border Town with 85% Hispanic Population

Republicans are celebrating after Javier Villalobos won the mayor’s race in McAllen, Texas. McAllen is a major border town of 140,000 and 85% Hispanic. Recall, Hidalgo County went to Joe Biden by 17 points in the 2020 election. Republicans flipped the seat in a major win this weekend. Valley...



Bernie Kerik: Next 3-4 Weeks Will Be Explosive - Will Vindicate Everything We've Been Saying - Election Was Stolen (VIDEO)

Former New York City Police Commissioner Bernard Kerik joined Steve Bannon on Monday morning on The War Room. During their conversation, Kerik said there are over 17,000 “missing” ballots in Fulton County alone. Bernard Kerik: You have a number of investigations in Georgia and one primary in...


UPDATE on Arizona Audit: Georgia Team Is Coming Tomorrow – OAN Reporter Christina Bobb Says More States May Be Coming​


UPDATE on Arizona Audit: Georgia Team Is Coming Tomorrow - OAN Reporter Christina Bobb Says More States May Be Coming

On Monday morning, reporter Christina Bobb told OAN that a HANDFUL of states may be coming out to Arizona for a tour of the first full forensic audit in history. The Gateway Pundit reported last week that a Pennsylvania delegation of State Senator Doug Mastriano, State Senator Cris Dush, and...


OAN reports...
The Arizona Audit is transitioning to the final stage of the audit.

• Hand count & paper analysis results could be as early as next week.

• Machine/tabulator analysis expected later this summer.

Also, look for other state delegates, besides Georgia (arriving tomorrow), to visit the Arizona audit.



Jan 7, 2021
Its reel simple folks:

Trump could fill 55,000 seat arenas with a mile long line out the door in 5 different states IN THE SAME DAY!!!!!

Slo Joe and the Ho had more Trump supporters at their events than than Biden supporters.
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