***Master Cold War w/ China thread***

The American consumer has no say in product manufacturer origination or country. If everyone boycotted walmart and other large chains you would not be able to purchase anything. Prices already spiked in the large chains several years ago. The American farm belt grows nothing any longer unless you want to eat grain corn or soybeans. All that farmland everyone boast about is now covered with condos and sub divisions. California was once the center for vegetables and fruit and now you would be hard pressed to find any of those. Strawberry fields along the Pacific coast are gone, El Toro once the leader in Oranges and Strawberries sold off all that orchard and growing space for new houses and condos. Escondito also joined in the sell off. The point is we are not the same productive nation of 50 years ago or longer. All of these things come to market via overseas markets like Israel for fruits etc. We handed the steel industry to China and that was because the owners of the industry refused to clean up production or air quality. China bought most favored trading partner years ago by buying the votes from politicians, some of those same ass wipes are still around taking the money.....you don't have to look very far to find one family at this moment. It goes without saying all our problems start here in our own government, they have yet to make a right decision on anything they made into law going back 60 years. We are worse than bankrupted, we are being used by corrupt people who will stop at nothing for power. A good law would be to pay these elected federal people by accomplishment and not an endless supply of free money for them, and of course a firing squad for those who take money from our enemies. Oh for the record, where I live at one time there were 500 dairies, today there are 10 possibly less since the report is over 20 years old.

The way to handle china is to shun them and stop all world business and trade, lock them out totally and force them to either pay for the damage they did or eat one another. It won't take long for 5 billion people to start cannibalizing one another. Russia has 146 million population to back light my point. Of course you have to look at all the world leaders we now have to deal with, everyone is a skunk and there is no real leader to be found, especially in America. Personally I look at the timeline that this virus was produced. The chinese were taken down financially by Trump and the free money we have been giving them for decades came to a halt. This virus is their way of equalizing world markets, and it certainly did. I rest my case, they are guilty of unleashing this virus purposely.

Look's like old mule face won't be sucking air much longer. He lived on an air conditioned barge for 6 months and has more purple hearts than an infantryman who served two or three years. Tells you all you need to know about who he is, especially when he was the one writing his own awards. Seeing the scars would change my mind
China has an endless supply of cannon fodder so those ragheads should be very weary of any dealing with them. At the close of the Vietnam War the North Vietnamese made the mistake of taking land across the border with China. China's response was 20,000 troops and long range artillery, they kicked North Vietnam's ass for 7 days then told them they wanted to teach them a lesson. The North Vietnamese were arrogant and thought they were tough after we slipped out in the dead of night. Make no mistake China will kick the Taliban's ass and never lose their stride. Any country that ever goes to war with China better be willing to kill a couple billion people because it would take that many casualties to make them even think about quitting. They would be more than happy to get that many killed because it would be much easier on their economy not to have to be responsible or feed that many people. They have to keep them happy and would use the propaganda to spread hatred of their enemies they might be engaged with. So once again I say be prepared to remove our own government if we ever should have to go to war with China, we do not have a government capable of cohesion and allowing our military to actually fight a war. They are the worst of American society with all of them either transplanted ass wipes from the mid east or somalia hell bent on destroying us. It's getting really deep out there and anything can happen.

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