Map reveals best places to live in the US if nuclear war breaks out

Not sure if Ft Knox is still a big target in KY. They've moved almost the entire base out. It's basically just a training ground now that people come to from other bases. Not sure the gold is still there either.

Also... thinking more strikes on the Rockies aren't going to happen because we pretend all those secret bases are still secret... LOL.
If it's a 2000 missile volley, I doubt there will be anywhere people can escape to that doesn't incinerate them immediately or they die a painful death weeks/months/years later. This will not be a Hiroshima type attack. The explosions and radiation will be infinitely more massive.

With all the new technology, they have undoubtedly programmed a missile or two to follow piles of shit wherever it leads.

"Trails in the sunset by Squat and Leave It"
If it's a 2000 missile volley, I doubt there will be anywhere people can escape to that doesn't incinerate them immediately or they die a painful death weeks/months/years later. This will not be a Hiroshima type attack. The explosions and radiation will be infinitely more massive.

With all the new technology, they have undoubtedly programmed a missile or two to follow piles of shit wherever it leads.

"Trails in the sunset by Squat and Leave It"
Yep, they pretty much nuke every nuclear reactor in America, so we effectively get Chernobyl in every state.
Looks like Northern Nevada and Southern Idaho would be the "best place". You would starve in Nebraska.

Unbeknownst to many, nuclear fallout is not a concern with modern fusion bombs.
When I was very young, my best survival manuals were Life After Doomsday by Bruce Clayton and Nuclear War Survival Skills by Cresson Kearney. That, along with books by authors like Mel Tappan had me reading and preparing into the wee hours.

Now it appears that we are inching toward that pivotal moment in history. Biden may see this as an opportunity to stay in office. The man needs to be declared incompetent and his witch of a VP should be impeached. If the good Lord don't call Biden home soon, the U.S. is basically screwed.
I might be good unless the winds are wrong and the Russkies are accurate. Some apocalypse old people sex as the world rots
If it's a 2000 missile volley, I doubt there will be anywhere people can escape to that doesn't incinerate them immediately or they die a painful death weeks/months/years later. This will not be a Hiroshima type attack. The explosions and radiation will be infinitely more massive.

With all the new technology, they have undoubtedly programmed a missile or two to follow piles of shit wherever it leads.

"Trails in the sunset by Squat and Leave It"
If it's a 2000 missile volley, I doubt there will be anywhere people can escape to that doesn't incinerate them immediately or they die a painful death weeks/months/years later. This will not be a Hiroshima type attack. The explosions and radiation will be infinitely more massive.

With all the new technology, they have undoubtedly programmed a missile or two to follow piles of shit wherever it leads.

"Trails in the sunset by Squat and Leave It"

In Hiroshima and Nagasaki there were people within a mile of ground zero that survived. True, weapons today are much more effective, but not as deadly as you suggest.

My first question there is, why would a foreign country do that much damage to a country just to take out the opposition? Why risk causing so much radiation that it threatens your own life? Why destroy a country whose natural resources could mean so much to you?

Russia could have nuked Ukraine a long time ago. They don't for obvious reasons. Russia could do massive damage to America, but there would still be those who survive.

Modern fusion bombs, although vastly (1000's) of times more powerful, do not emit 1000's of times the radiation. A fission bomb is the trigger, which is radioactive. Basically, one modern fusion bomb emits the same as one fission bomb. Of course, this is not 100% accurate, as science is not 100%. Some fusion bombs use additional Uranium, but no not have to.

The real danger with fusion bombs is the EMP and their immense shockwave, not the radiation.

Basically, a fusion bomb that is 1000 times more powerful, will not have 1000s of times more radiactivity, more like 1 / 1000 ratio or something along those lines.

I would add, that if fusion bombs emitted 1000s of times more radiation than a fission bomb, we would all likely be dead now, as fusion (thermonuclear) bombs were tested greatly in the mid 1900s, enough to kill everyone many times over.
I heard Neil Degrasse Tyson say that modern nukes aren't as radioactive.... I don't think Neil knows shit about how Russia built their nukes. I don't know if they are intentionally less radioactive or intentionally more radioactive and neither does Neil.
No one's shooting off a nuke. When one goes they're all going so everyone pays the ultimate price. Game over.
That's my fear... I think there are too many idiots in DC that think they can shoot off 1 or 2 to send a message and everyone will shit their pants and just lay down.... I don't think that will be the reaction.

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