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Is Biden Paranoid?


Jan 15, 2021
It started with these weird campaign rallies he had with his followers sitting in cars. Everywhere he went he had a giant fucking mask, stayed his clear six feet etc etc. Then we had the inauguration with the thousands of troops, and now there are at a minimum 5k troops camping out in a shit down DC through March.

I wonder if him wrapped in his campaign, at his age, mental loss, he’s bought into his own bullshit he’s pushing. He legitimately thinks Trump supporters, not just Trump, are out to kill him and covid will kill him if he gets it. I wouldn’t be surprised if he thinks he’ll be assassinated.

Paranoia happens to major leaders all the time. Especially powerful countries given the levels of stress in managing a nation/ empire. We may have one of our own paranoid leaders right now. We’ll see how that morphs into policy, but clamp downs on free speech and a “domestic terrorist” bill may just be the top of the iceberg. And his little fucktard circle is going to keep pushing this hate bulkshit to keep their own party aligned.


Dec 1, 2020
It started with these weird campaign rallies he had with his followers sitting in cars. Everywhere he went he had a giant fucking mask, stayed his clear six feet etc etc. Then we had the inauguration with the thousands of troops, and now there are at a minimum 5k troops camping out in a shit down DC through March.

I wonder if him wrapped in his campaign, at his age, mental loss, he’s bought into his own bullshit he’s pushing. He legitimately thinks Trump supporters, not just Trump, are out to kill him and covid will kill him if he gets it. I wouldn’t be surprised if he thinks he’ll be assassinated.

Paranoia happens to major leaders all the time. Especially powerful countries given the levels of stress in managing a nation/ empire. We may have one of our own paranoid leaders right now. We’ll see how that morphs into policy, but clamp downs on free speech and a “domestic terrorist” bill may just be the top of the iceberg. And his little fucktard circle is going to keep pushing this hate bulkshit to keep their own party aligned.

If by Paranoid, you mean dementia ridden, yes


Dec 10, 2020

He wasn't afraid to take his oath outside.... That's why he had 20000 National Guard and 10000 police along with a couple rows of metal fencing and concrete barriers.... but he aint scared of shit.


Jan 9, 2021
It started with these weird campaign rallies he had with his followers sitting in cars. Everywhere he went he had a giant fucking mask, stayed his clear six feet etc etc. Then we had the inauguration with the thousands of troops, and now there are at a minimum 5k troops camping out in a shit down DC through March.

I wonder if him wrapped in his campaign, at his age, mental loss, he’s bought into his own bullshit he’s pushing. He legitimately thinks Trump supporters, not just Trump, are out to kill him and covid will kill him if he gets it. I wouldn’t be surprised if he thinks he’ll be assassinated.

Paranoia happens to major leaders all the time. Especially powerful countries given the levels of stress in managing a nation/ empire. We may have one of our own paranoid leaders right now. We’ll see how that morphs into policy, but clamp downs on free speech and a “domestic terrorist” bill may just be the top of the iceberg. And his little fucktard circle is going to keep pushing this hate bulkshit to keep their own party aligned.
Not my president.


Jan 15, 2021
He’s a fvcking coward is what he is. I think it’s hugely problematic that if him, or enough of the Dems, especially in their leadership, actually are believing their own bullshit. It’s not going to stop folks, and they’ll push harder.


Jan 9, 2021
He’s a fvcking coward is what he is. I think it’s hugely problematic that if him, or enough of the Dems, especially in their leadership, actually are believing their own bullshit. It’s not going to stop folks, and they’ll push harder.
I mean yeah. Its their sword they are falling on. They would literally kill themes to prove a point.


Jan 15, 2021
I mean yeah. Its their sword they are falling on. They would literally kill themes to prove a point.

I’m coming to the conclusion that these policies aren’t being pushed forward so much because they are looking for political expediency and instead have fully bought into itself. And to me that’s the scary part.

It’s not about proving a point as much as it is their worldview.


Jan 9, 2021
This guy “elected” president doesn’t have an ounce of leadership in him. This man, in my opinion, is in no shape to be leader of the free world. He speaks in generalities, provides no detail, and just says that, whatever the topic of the day is, is the topic that is very important to him and needs to be solved. I honestly think he is lost in the political rhetoric (can’t stand this word but I’m going to use it), current events, and world standing that the Democratic Party has created over the last four years.

As an American, I’m willing to let it play out, but as a free thinker, I can’t say I’ve seen anything from him to actually help this country unite or prosper.

i really think we are in for a long, troubling 4 years under this paper bag admin.


Jan 7, 2021
This guy “elected” president doesn’t have an ounce of leadership in him. This man, in my opinion, is in no shape to be leader of the free world. He speaks in generalities, provides no detail, and just says that, whatever the topic of the day is, is the topic that is very important to him and needs to be solved. I honestly think he is lost in the political rhetoric (can’t stand this word but I’m going to use it), current events, and world standing that the Democratic Party has created over the last four years.

As an American, I’m willing to let it play out, but as a free thinker, I can’t say I’ve seen anything from him to actually help this country unite or prosper.

i really think we are in for a long, troubling 4 years under this paper bag admin.

Winter is here.


Jan 9, 2021
Im thinking of wearing 8 masks and walk around a whole foods... I bet within days you would see others follow.


Dec 10, 2020
I think he lacks the general awareness of his surroundings to be paranoid.
Almost like a child that doesn't freak out when a grizzly bear starts to approach and they just go "ooh.... Teddy".


Jan 15, 2021
This guy “elected” president doesn’t have an ounce of leadership in him. This man, in my opinion, is in no shape to be leader of the free world. He speaks in generalities, provides no detail, and just says that, whatever the topic of the day is, is the topic that is very important to him and needs to be solved. I honestly think he is lost in the political rhetoric (can’t stand this word but I’m going to use it), current events, and world standing that the Democratic Party has created over the last four years.

As an American, I’m willing to let it play out, but as a free thinker, I can’t say I’ve seen anything from him to actually help this country unite or prosper.

i really think we are in for a long, troubling 4 years under this paper bag admin.

I think nearly the entire democrat party is lost and buying into the rhetoric. Take this capitol riot bullshit. They actually think they were cowering for their lives. It’s some of the nuttiest shit I’ve ever seen out of an entire body of elected officials. It’s insane.


Dec 2, 2020
I think nearly the entire democrat party is lost and buying into the rhetoric. Take this capitol riot bullshit. They actually think they were cowering for their lives. It’s some of the nuttiest shit I’ve ever seen out of an entire body of elected officials. It’s insane.

Apparently AOC was cowering for her life, safe in her office across the street from the Capitol...didn't stop her from lying her ass off about her brush with death, and our loathsome media covering for her.


Jan 15, 2021
Apparently AOC was cowering for her life, safe in her office across the street from the Capitol...didn't stop her from lying her ass off about her brush with death, and our loathsome media covering for her.

I was reading about that. I read the absurd snopes article which said the “right wing” attacks were mostly false... buuttt admitted she wasn’t even in the capitol building.

Now, to me, If what snopes is saying is true about her running into the bathroom when the capitol police rushed in banging on her door looking for her, and she thought the banging was someone out to kill her... that speaks to a level of delusion, paranoia, and flakiness that is worse than just lying for political gain.

She could legitimately think any moment she is going to get killed by a Trump supporter. If they really are this paranoid, we’ve got a serious problem on our hands.


Dec 2, 2020
I was reading about that. I read the absurd snopes article which said the “right wing” attacks were mostly false... buuttt admitted she wasn’t even in the capitol building.

Now, to me, If what snopes is saying is true about her running into the bathroom when the capitol police rushed in banging on her door looking for her, and she thought the banging was someone out to kill her... that speaks to a level of delusion, paranoia, and flakiness that is worse than just lying for political gain.

She could legitimately think any moment she is going to get killed by a Trump supporter. If they really are this paranoid, we’ve got a serious problem on our hands.

Tim Pool has been discussing this on his podcast recently. He thinks she may actually believe her life was in danger. The left truly is living in their own reality. She is either lying to promote that reality, or a victim of the media and the left and their constant lies. Either way, she was in no danger.

Joe Kings

Jan 7, 2021
Of course he thinks that. They create a false reality of things and blame others for them. We watch it real time and AOC doesnt even try to hide it anymore.
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