Iron Mike Tyson vs Jake Paul

It's an exhibition like Logan vs Floyd. Knocking out the opponent is not alloqed and just playing patty cake for the entire match. It's for entertainment and not a real match.

As for facing Tyson at 58, an old lion is still a Lion and he's still in phenomenal shape and still can hit harder than 99.9% of people on earth. Now the ability to run around and endurance is not what it is but there are very few people on earth that would dare get in the ring with Tyson even at his current age.

Jake is simply doing this for more views. If it makes him more hated or loved, he cares not because it draws attention to him and his next actual fight. I'd like to actually see a real fight with the Tate brothers vs the Paul brothers.
Mike Tyson is the best, not greatest, but best fighter in heavyweight boxing of all time. No other fighter was as feared as Iron Mike. The only one who might have had a chance before his trainer died, and went crazy, might have been.........................well no one. He was a destroyer. I saw countless fights, and it was rare that you would hear the smack of a glove against skin, but with Tyson, it was a sure thing., almost every landed punch.

No other boxer, in any weight, had the combo of speed, footwork, and power that tyson had.
Mike Tyson is the best, not greatest, but best fighter in heavyweight boxing of all time. No other fighter was as feared as Iron Mike. The only one who might have had a chance before his trainer died, and went crazy, might have been.........................well no one. He was a destroyer. I saw countless fights, and it was rare that you would hear the smack of a glove against skin, but with Tyson, it was a sure thing., almost every landed punch.

No other boxer, in any weight, had the combo of speed, footwork, and power that tyson had.
100% every fucking word. I was 17 when he was 19. He is the best clubber killer there is or will be.
I'd say Tyson kills.him. his old ass will lay it all on the line. I'm same age as yall. Tyson is good
Age can play a significant role in some cases. All things being equal, Tyson will have less stamina. That was really never tested though, in the past, as he knocked out everyone too quick.

I agree, Tyson will win, or at least he should.

One aspect of this is homework by the other fighter. Jake Paul has been no doubt looking at footage of Tyson, trying to come up with ways to counter Tyson, analyzing every step........problem is, all he will be looking at is Tyson fucking everyone up.=Major mind fucker
Mike still hits like a truck. He was training Nganou too... for the Fury fight. Nganou looked real good. I hate that I'm getting my hopes up but Mike might be a much smarter fighter now and will knock Joke Paul out in the first round. Hopefully he doesn't just use one punch and softens him up a bit first.
You have to be a complete faggot to spend money and watch this dog and pony show on Netflix. It’s made for tv bullshit and you guys are acting like it’s a real fight. Maybe watch Sunday night Raw the Sunday after if you are into staged bullshit. People who pay for this shit is the reason no talented ass hats like Jake Paul are worth 500 mil.
Tonight's the night finally.

in the real world, Tyson would destroy him in the first 5 seconds of the first round, but since today is not the real world, I would not be surprised if it lasted for several rounds, and Tyson get knocked out. Due to fixing.

Tyson is the greatest boxer of all time. No question.
Anyone have a Netflix communist propaganda login to share?

I tried watching with a friend's Netflix account, but it keeps buffering and freezing. The pirated stream seems to be working better, but quality is not nearly as good. Netflix is catching a ton of shit for what a disaster their streaming is for this fight. I can't wait to see the memes that result from this.
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