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Good for '15


May 24, 2024
This song and video , filmed in 2015, indirectly attests to how censorious and constricted our cultural climate has become in a remarkably short time

When Good For You was released in '15, Gomez and her co-writers conceptualized the song as follows: "Its come-hither lyrics have intensity, psychodrama, self-confidence, and female empowerment as main themes, dealing with pleasing her lover and being the perfect complement for him" https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Good_for_You_(Selena_Gomez_song) None of which prevented the song from gaining popularity or topping the charts

Today, by contrast, a substantial portion of America is guaranteed to have an instantaneous meltdown, at the mere suggestion that a woman pleasing her lover/being the perfect complement for him = "Female empowerment". We wouldn't see an up-and-coming pop singer crooning out a tune like that, amid a sea of enthusiastic tweens, on live TV in the middle of Time Square


May 20, 2024
This song and video , filmed in 2015, indirectly attests to how censorious and constricted our cultural climate has become in a remarkably short time

When Good For You was released in '15, Gomez and her co-writers conceptualized the song as follows: "Its come-hither lyrics have intensity, psychodrama, self-confidence, and female empowerment as main themes, dealing with pleasing her lover and being the perfect complement for him" https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Good_for_You_(Selena_Gomez_song) None of which prevented the song from gaining popularity or topping the charts

Today, by contrast, a substantial portion of America is guaranteed to have an instantaneous meltdown, at the mere suggestion that a woman pleasing her lover/being the perfect complement for him = "Female empowerment". We wouldn't see an up-and-coming pop singer crooning out a tune like that, amid a sea of enthusiastic tweens, on live TV in the middle of Time Square

😄So...my immediate impression is that it definitely isn't about whatever the fuck "female empowerment" might seemingly imply with that cunning euphemistic paintjob.

Both the lame "female empowerment" catchphrase and the highly processed fast-food audio are imo toxic as fuck and deliberately so for the primary purpose of infecting gullibly minded consumers, yet most concerningly is that these, when combined, become an ideologically addictive toxic shitburger that is directly aimed at the highly susceptible minds of teens, preteens & adolescents.

😂It is shameless indoctrination product.

Aka: yet another rancid cup containing a mixture of good old fashioned thrice regurgitated partially digested shit, piss, blood, spit and cum from our dear stealth communist friends.

Obviously the main delivery mechanism for the cup of excretions, or the "carrot" if you will, in the case...is the oh so "authentic" Gomez product.

Although the bait product just doesn't work on some of us, we'd be foolish not to acknowledge the high end production quality, as in they go to a lot of trouble to present a relatively appealing sexually attractive bait.

Coz shit, if Gomez ever came at me with her sexy ass "come hither" deal...😂 I'd be lying to deny that I wood def be down to smash.

She's reasonably hot, dunno about her personality though.

Ultimately she's a product designed specifically for flying under the age restriction radar to deliver what ain't being presented up front to the blissfully ignorant underaged consumers.

Kinda like an advert for a family friendly video but its actually laughable softcore porn...🤣

"Female empowerment", this Gomez feat ASAP Rocky track and the Gomez product herself, are in service of one primary objective...

...the overall "normalization" of sexual depravity.

One thing I just don't get, is why the fuck these stealth commies are so obsessively fixated on sexualizing children.
Its like almost everything they do has to revolve around enabling pedophilic access for exploitation of the adolescent above all else.

Is that all these swinish parasites ever think about?

Do they regard developing individuals as mere objects whose existence is for fuckin' personal self-gratification?

I consider all life sacred.

Whereas once having had no aversion from deliberately causing harm to others or doing shit like casually smashing a possum's skull in with a rusty shovel or chasing down turkeys with a stick, clubbin' 5-6 to death.... sometimes out of boredom, other times for fun. Typical farm kid shit really... wasn't even that bad compared to some of the other more sadistic farm kids.

Nowadays I choose not to physically inhibit or negatively detriment any living creatures quality of it's own natural experience. So in that sense "I wouldn't harm a fly", so to speak.

😎Fortunately certain human creatures, like "paedophiles"...are unliving aberrations.

The desert cults might call 'em "demons", "demonically possessed", "corrupted spirits", and airy fairy shit like that...lol, the concepts are surprisingly accurate to the reality tbh.

While the materialistic ego cults on the other hand might regard the real world-perceptible aspects of these manifestations as common science fiction concepts, "personality disorders", "behavioural maladaptions", and probably about an infinite number of other fanciful academia wordspells.

Underneath, its all the same shit.

A "Demonic Possession"–is a "Personality Disordering"–is a "Paedophile"...is an...etcetera etcetera and so forth.

The cunts pulling the strings for all the subversive fuckery we're having to suffer.... these are obviously "Demons" due to their clear intent towards paedophilic subversion.

What they're doing is way worse than just the sexual harm. Paedophiles rape the mind, body and spirit of the innocent. Cannibalization of the a soul. The killing of a being.

Paedophiles prey on the innocent and leave behind tortured shadows shackled within corrupted husks.
Magnitudes worse than regular murder.
Paedophiles should be the highest threat priority for everyone. Our defense forces should already be mercilessly hunting paedos down and either castrating and incarcerating them for life....or simply euthanizing and incinerating these criminals.

Instead, we're sittin' round tolerating weaponized "come hither" Gomez and friends.


May 24, 2024
😄So...my immediate impression is that it definitely isn't about whatever the fuck "female empowerment" might seemingly imply with that cunning euphemistic paintjob.

Both the lame "female empowerment" catchphrase and the highly processed fast-food audio are imo toxic as fuck and deliberately so for the primary purpose of infecting gullibly minded consumers, yet most concerningly is that these, when combined, become an ideologically addictive toxic shitburger that is directly aimed at the highly susceptible minds of teens, preteens & adolescents.

😂It is shameless indoctrination product.

Aka: yet another rancid cup containing a mixture of good old fashioned thrice regurgitated partially digested shit, piss, blood, spit and cum from our dear stealth communist friends.

Obviously the main delivery mechanism for the cup of excretions, or the "carrot" if you will, in the case...is the oh so "authentic" Gomez product.

Although the bait product just doesn't work on some of us, we'd be foolish not to acknowledge the high end production quality, as in they go to a lot of trouble to present a relatively appealing sexually attractive bait.

Coz shit, if Gomez ever came at me with her sexy ass "come hither" deal...😂 I'd be lying to deny that I wood def be down to smash.

She's reasonably hot, dunno about her personality though.

Ultimately she's a product designed specifically for flying under the age restriction radar to deliver what ain't being presented up front to the blissfully ignorant underaged consumers.

Kinda like an advert for a family friendly video but its actually laughable softcore porn...🤣

"Female empowerment", this Gomez feat ASAP Rocky track and the Gomez product herself, are in service of one primary objective...

...the overall "normalization" of sexual depravity.

One thing I just don't get, is why the fuck these stealth commies are so obsessively fixated on sexualizing children.
Its like almost everything they do has to revolve around enabling pedophilic access for exploitation of the adolescent above all else.

Is that all these swinish parasites ever think about?

Do they regard developing individuals as mere objects whose existence is for fuckin' personal self-gratification?

I consider all life sacred.

Whereas once having had no aversion from deliberately causing harm to others or doing shit like casually smashing a possum's skull in with a rusty shovel or chasing down turkeys with a stick, clubbin' 5-6 to death.... sometimes out of boredom, other times for fun. Typical farm kid shit really... wasn't even that bad compared to some of the other more sadistic farm kids.

Nowadays I choose not to physically inhibit or negatively detriment any living creatures quality of it's own natural experience. So in that sense "I wouldn't harm a fly", so to speak.

😎Fortunately certain human creatures, like "paedophiles"...are unliving aberrations.

The desert cults might call 'em "demons", "demonically possessed", "corrupted spirits", and airy fairy shit like that...lol, the concepts are surprisingly accurate to the reality tbh.

While the materialistic ego cults on the other hand might regard the real world-perceptible aspects of these manifestations as common science fiction concepts, "personality disorders", "behavioural maladaptions", and probably about an infinite number of other fanciful academia wordspells.

Underneath, its all the same shit.

A "Demonic Possession"–is a "Personality Disordering"–is a "Paedophile"...is an...etcetera etcetera and so forth.

The cunts pulling the strings for all the subversive fuckery we're having to suffer.... these are obviously "Demons" due to their clear intent towards paedophilic subversion.

What they're doing is way worse than just the sexual harm. Paedophiles rape the mind, body and spirit of the innocent. Cannibalization of the a soul. The killing of a being.

Paedophiles prey on the innocent and leave behind tortured shadows shackled within corrupted husks.
Magnitudes worse than regular murder.
Paedophiles should be the highest threat priority for everyone. Our defense forces should already be mercilessly hunting paedos down and either castrating and incarcerating them for life....or simply euthanizing and incinerating these criminals.

Instead, we're sittin' round tolerating weaponized "come hither" Gomez and friends.

To be fair, even back in '15, there were folks decrying the song as "problematic" and "insufficiently feminist"

Difference between then and today: Almost EVERY mainstream publication reads like those two articles


May 20, 2024
To be fair, even back in '15, there were folks decrying the song as "problematic" and "insufficiently feminist"

Difference between then and today: Almost EVERY mainstream publication reads like those two articles
Tbh I tend not to give any mainstream or altstream or any other common propaganda stream publications any benefit overall and in general, except for specific bits of truth within.

Basically I don't really notice any meaningful differences between propaganda from '15 and now....nor even from '10 or even '00.

😂Trash is just trash I reckon.
Of course I see the variations in the primary overt content presentation which seems to be dictated by whatever slight variant of the pop cult was trending at the time of each publication.

And most of that shit, is the fake shit we're meant to consume...😄imo its primarily nothin' butt artificial junk aye.

So whatever trending woke ideologies and narratives were used for rhetorical frameworks and strategies in pop cult propaganda publications from '15 or '24, amount to progressions of literal fictions merely sprinkled with cunningly manicured facts, truths & other limited bits of realities.

I think an issue arises when discerning and attempting interpretation of the full true reality of things from only the tiny sprinkles of fact used in the fabrications of propagandized/dishonest discourses. Probably due to the factual snippets being like a bunch of single puzzle pieces taken from various puzzles of real world scenes. All cut up then cellotaped onto newly fabricated puzzles presenting deliberate distortions of real world scenes.

I'm certainly not suggesting ignoring the propaganda content and rather just that its more like one of the many individual attributes within the propaganda which requires being taken into account, assessed and categorized in order to then serve as clues for the bigger overall investigation into the actual true reality of & beyond any propaganda piece, and also how it all relates with other propaganda as well as with our objective reality too.

This is just my opinion though.
Guess I think its best to collect all intel presented, but it is most important to prioritize "reading between the lines" rather than focusing only on the lines presented.

Coz ya know how its typically designed for distracting away from whatever is really going on aye.

😄Same sorta shit magicians do aye.

So if we're focused on the closest information being shoved in our faces while paying inadequate attention to the information in the background...in a way this could be described as creating a sort of warped informational parallax effect.

Eg: from our individual povs, it'd seem like lookin' out a side window of a moving vehicle.

All the immediate foreground is transient relative to our pov.

We'd see brief glipses of the nearest buildings, trees and other shit flying past.

Yet further beyond in the background everything would seem as if moving slower even though its actually not.

Obviously we're dealing with a very well established, near all encompassing, highly organized, efficient, and capable propaganda machine.

Hollyweird, newspaper, tv, radio, legacy & new media, main, alt, et al stream, social media, the world's governmental corp intelligence agencies & networks, online bots, algorithms, spyware, hackers, trolls, socks, moderators, administrators, and so on.

All adding up to our shared situation and circumstance being...😄 pretty serious aye.

With old Elon, Gates, et al assistance, tryna' turn us all into servile androgynous biotech drones.

Creating a new world order populated with patentable imbecilic 'Borg'-persons.

😂 Thinking along the lines of the Idiocracy²⁰⁰⁶ movie crossed with those spastic Borg fagglets from Tard Trek.

Fuck knows, but we're definitely subjected to ceaseless flooding with confounding propagandized pseudo-"realities", and pretty clear we're being purposefully directed, or like a flock of sheep being herded....somewhere.

Seems easier to figure where we are and where we're being led to, if we maintain an eye on the background in relation to our own povs at all times.

Ya know like how it lets us more readily and accurately anticipate and navigate things.
Plus, suppose can also present us more subtle insights on occasion too maybe.


May 20, 2024
If nothing else, we have gotten an some incredibly sexy dance routines out of this particular tune

😄Ya say that like its a win for us.

As a male of course my beastial ego loves that shit too, c'ept its like porn and ain't beneficial but detrimental... like an addictive drug.

Might be triggering for some to consider, but the women who publicly perform sexually suggestive shit tend to be low quality individuals, poor life partners....😂 narcissistic golddigging sluts. Like my last vicious whore gf. Hot af nympho demon. Lmfao she actually taught me the...lol, "cum hither" technique...🤣gott damn great fun butt fuckin'ell the mess!

Anyways, point is these low quality–very briefly physically youthful and attractive–bitches merely be spinnin' up sexy witchcraft to fuck our minds brah.

Ya know. Like, just coz we might enjoy something, don't necessarily mean its a good thing.


May 24, 2024
😄So...my immediate impression is that it definitely isn't about whatever the fuck "female empowerment" might seemingly imply with that cunning euphemistic paintjob.

Both the lame "female empowerment" catchphrase and the highly processed fast-food audio are imo toxic as fuck and deliberately so for the primary purpose of infecting gullibly minded consumers, yet most concerningly is that these, when combined, become an ideologically addictive toxic shitburger that is directly aimed at the highly susceptible minds of teens, preteens & adolescents.

😂It is shameless indoctrination product.

Aka: yet another rancid cup containing a mixture of good old fashioned thrice regurgitated partially digested shit, piss, blood, spit and cum from our dear stealth communist friends.

Obviously the main delivery mechanism for the cup of excretions, or the "carrot" if you will, in the case...is the oh so "authentic" Gomez product.

Although the bait product just doesn't work on some of us, we'd be foolish not to acknowledge the high end production quality, as in they go to a lot of trouble to present a relatively appealing sexually attractive bait.

Coz shit, if Gomez ever came at me with her sexy ass "come hither" deal...😂 I'd be lying to deny that I wood def be down to smash.

She's reasonably hot, dunno about her personality though.

Ultimately she's a product designed specifically for flying under the age restriction radar to deliver what ain't being presented up front to the blissfully ignorant underaged consumers.

Kinda like an advert for a family friendly video but its actually laughable softcore porn...🤣

"Female empowerment", this Gomez feat ASAP Rocky track and the Gomez product herself, are in service of one primary objective...

...the overall "normalization" of sexual depravity.

One thing I just don't get, is why the fuck these stealth commies are so obsessively fixated on sexualizing children.
Its like almost everything they do has to revolve around enabling pedophilic access for exploitation of the adolescent above all else.

Is that all these swinish parasites ever think about?

Do they regard developing individuals as mere objects whose existence is for fuckin' personal self-gratification?

I consider all life sacred.

Whereas once having had no aversion from deliberately causing harm to others or doing shit like casually smashing a possum's skull in with a rusty shovel or chasing down turkeys with a stick, clubbin' 5-6 to death.... sometimes out of boredom, other times for fun. Typical farm kid shit really... wasn't even that bad compared to some of the other more sadistic farm kids.

Nowadays I choose not to physically inhibit or negatively detriment any living creatures quality of it's own natural experience. So in that sense "I wouldn't harm a fly", so to speak.

😎Fortunately certain human creatures, like "paedophiles"...are unliving aberrations.

The desert cults might call 'em "demons", "demonically possessed", "corrupted spirits", and airy fairy shit like that...lol, the concepts are surprisingly accurate to the reality tbh.

While the materialistic ego cults on the other hand might regard the real world-perceptible aspects of these manifestations as common science fiction concepts, "personality disorders", "behavioural maladaptions", and probably about an infinite number of other fanciful academia wordspells.

Underneath, its all the same shit.

A "Demonic Possession"–is a "Personality Disordering"–is a "Paedophile"...is an...etcetera etcetera and so forth.

The cunts pulling the strings for all the subversive fuckery we're having to suffer.... these are obviously "Demons" due to their clear intent towards paedophilic subversion.

What they're doing is way worse than just the sexual harm. Paedophiles rape the mind, body and spirit of the innocent. Cannibalization of the a soul. The killing of a being.

Paedophiles prey on the innocent and leave behind tortured shadows shackled within corrupted husks.
Magnitudes worse than regular murder.
Paedophiles should be the highest threat priority for everyone. Our defense forces should already be mercilessly hunting paedos down and either castrating and incarcerating them for life....or simply euthanizing and incinerating these criminals.

Instead, we're sittin' round tolerating weaponized "come hither" Gomez and friends.

A friend of mine assessed this song as a "Just another submissive woman wanting to look good for her man". That's one way of interpreting "Good For You", nonetheless after reading the lyrics

"I'm on my 14 carats
I'm 14 carat
Doing it up like Midas
Now you say I got a touch
So good, so good
Make you never wanna leave
So don't, so don't
Gonna wear that dress you like, skin-tight
Do my hair up real, real nice
And syncopate my skin to your heart beating
'Cause I just wanna look good for you, good for you, oh-oh
I just wanna look good for you, good for you, oh-oh
Let me show you how proud I am to be yours
Leave this dress a mess on the floor
Still look good for you, good for you, oh-oh
I'm on my marquise diamonds
I'm a marquise diamond
I'm a marquise diamond
Could even make that Tiffany jealous
You say I give it to you hard
So bad, so bad
Make you never wanna leave
I won't, I won't
Gonna wear that dress you like, skin-tight
Do my hair up real, real nice
And syncopate my skin to how you're breathing
'Cause I just wanna look good for you, good for you, oh-oh
I just wanna look good for you, good for you, oh-oh
Let me show you how proud I am to be yours
Leave this dress a mess on the floor
Still look good for you, good for you, oh-oh, oh-oh, oh
Oh-oh, oh-oh, oh
Trust me, I can take you there
Trust me, I can take you there"

And noticing that Gomez is comparing herself to gold and diamonds, boasting that her touch is so sensual her man will never want to leave, vowing to syncopate herself to her lover's heartbeat, etc... Well, those strike me as displays of power. She's letting everyone in earshot know how desirable she is


May 20, 2024
A friend of mine assessed this song as a "Just another submissive woman wanting to look good for her man". That's one way of interpreting "Good For You", nonetheless after reading the lyrics
Absolutely. I agree, that certainly is one way of interpreting the overt linguistics.

"I'm on my 14 carats
I'm 14 carat
Doing it up like Midas
Now you say I got a touch
So good, so good
Make you never wanna leave
So don't, so don't
Gonna wear that dress you like, skin-tight
Do my hair up real, real nice
And syncopate my skin to your heart beating
'Cause I just wanna look good for you, good for you, oh-oh
I just wanna look good for you, good for you, oh-oh
Let me show you how proud I am to be yours
Leave this dress a mess on the floor
Still look good for you, good for you, oh-oh
I'm on my marquise diamonds
I'm a marquise diamond
I'm a marquise diamond
Could even make that Tiffany jealous
You say I give it to you hard
So bad, so bad
Make you never wanna leave
I won't, I won't
Gonna wear that dress you like, skin-tight
Do my hair up real, real nice
And syncopate my skin to how you're breathing
'Cause I just wanna look good for you, good for you, oh-oh
I just wanna look good for you, good for you, oh-oh
Let me show you how proud I am to be yours
Leave this dress a mess on the floor
Still look good for you, good for you, oh-oh, oh-oh, oh
Oh-oh, oh-oh, oh
Trust me, I can take you there
Trust me, I can take you there"

And noticing that Gomez is comparing herself to gold and diamonds, boasting that her touch is so sensual her man will never want to leave, vowing to syncopate herself to her lover's heartbeat, etc... Well, those strike me as displays of power. She's letting everyone in earshot know how desirable she is
Your assessment here, I find agreeable.
There is no doubt she is casting her-matter-bound-pseudo-"self" as an embodiment of "diamonds" & "gold"...which is definitely an occultic "power" display.


"I'm on my 14 carats"
"I'm 14 carat"

"Doing it up like midas"
"Now you say I got a touch"

"Let me show you how proud I am to be yours"

"I'm on my marquis diamonds"

"I'm a marquis diamond"

😂 Gomez' lyrics further demonstrably prove she is a modern "witch" casting mindfuck wordspells.


So too does ASAP Rocky further prove being another modern "warlock".


Unsurprising really, plus the retarded occult symbolism while basking in their dupers delight...🤣sorta gives it away.

Both are typical acolytes of modern "Holly-Wood" subcult branches from the ancient Babylonian cult currently parasitizing U.S.A® under the guise of it's Abrahamic desert subcult "religions".


May 24, 2024
😄Ya say that like its a win for us.

As a male of course my beastial ego loves that shit too, c'ept its like porn and ain't beneficial but detrimental... like an addictive drug.

Might be triggering for some to consider, but the women who publicly perform sexually suggestive shit tend to be low quality individuals, poor life partners....😂 narcissistic golddigging sluts. Like my last vicious whore gf. Hot af nympho demon. Lmfao she actually taught me the...lol, "cum hither" technique...🤣gott damn great fun butt fuckin'ell the mess!

Anyways, point is these low quality–very briefly physically youthful and attractive–bitches merely be spinnin' up sexy witchcraft to fuck our minds brah.

Ya know. Like, just coz we might enjoy something, don't necessarily mean its a good thing.

Stumbling across

Reminded me of this thread


May 24, 2024
Tbh I tend not to give any mainstream or altstream or any other common propaganda stream publications any benefit overall and in general, except for specific bits of truth within.

Basically I don't really notice any meaningful differences between propaganda from '15 and now....nor even from '10 or even '00.

😂Trash is just trash I reckon.
Of course I see the variations in the primary overt content presentation which seems to be dictated by whatever slight variant of the pop cult was trending at the time of each publication.

And most of that shit, is the fake shit we're meant to consume...😄imo its primarily nothin' butt artificial junk aye.

So whatever trending woke ideologies and narratives were used for rhetorical frameworks and strategies in pop cult propaganda publications from '15 or '24, amount to progressions of literal fictions merely sprinkled with cunningly manicured facts, truths & other limited bits of realities.

I think an issue arises when discerning and attempting interpretation of the full true reality of things from only the tiny sprinkles of fact used in the fabrications of propagandized/dishonest discourses. Probably due to the factual snippets being like a bunch of single puzzle pieces taken from various puzzles of real world scenes. All cut up then cellotaped onto newly fabricated puzzles presenting deliberate distortions of real world scenes.

I'm certainly not suggesting ignoring the propaganda content and rather just that its more like one of the many individual attributes within the propaganda which requires being taken into account, assessed and categorized in order to then serve as clues for the bigger overall investigation into the actual true reality of & beyond any propaganda piece, and also how it all relates with other propaganda as well as with our objective reality too.

This is just my opinion though.
Guess I think its best to collect all intel presented, but it is most important to prioritize "reading between the lines" rather than focusing only on the lines presented.

Coz ya know how its typically designed for distracting away from whatever is really going on aye.

😄Same sorta shit magicians do aye.

So if we're focused on the closest information being shoved in our faces while paying inadequate attention to the information in the background...in a way this could be described as creating a sort of warped informational parallax effect.

Eg: from our individual povs, it'd seem like lookin' out a side window of a moving vehicle.

All the immediate foreground is transient relative to our pov.

We'd see brief glipses of the nearest buildings, trees and other shit flying past.

Yet further beyond in the background everything would seem as if moving slower even though its actually not.

Obviously we're dealing with a very well established, near all encompassing, highly organized, efficient, and capable propaganda machine.

Hollyweird, newspaper, tv, radio, legacy & new media, main, alt, et al stream, social media, the world's governmental corp intelligence agencies & networks, online bots, algorithms, spyware, hackers, trolls, socks, moderators, administrators, and so on.

All adding up to our shared situation and circumstance being...😄 pretty serious aye.

With old Elon, Gates, et al assistance, tryna' turn us all into servile androgynous biotech drones.

Creating a new world order populated with patentable imbecilic 'Borg'-persons.

😂 Thinking along the lines of the Idiocracy²⁰⁰⁶ movie crossed with those spastic Borg fagglets from Tard Trek.

Fuck knows, but we're definitely subjected to ceaseless flooding with confounding propagandized pseudo-"realities", and pretty clear we're being purposefully directed, or like a flock of sheep being herded....somewhere.

Seems easier to figure where we are and where we're being led to, if we maintain an eye on the background in relation to our own povs at all times.

Ya know like how it lets us more readily and accurately anticipate and navigate things.
Plus, suppose can also present us more subtle insights on occasion too maybe.
View attachment 217481

Un-PC as what I'm about to write may be in the eyes of some, SG's cultural background likely does have some bearing here...

Among Hispanic women, there's significantly less stigma around women taking pains to look and be sexy for their men, and there's no shame in these gals "showing everyone how proud she is to be his"


May 24, 2024
Tbh I tend not to give any mainstream or altstream or any other common propaganda stream publications any benefit overall and in general, except for specific bits of truth within.

Basically I don't really notice any meaningful differences between propaganda from '15 and now....nor even from '10 or even '00.

😂Trash is just trash I reckon.
Of course I see the variations in the primary overt content presentation which seems to be dictated by whatever slight variant of the pop cult was trending at the time of each publication.

And most of that shit, is the fake shit we're meant to consume...😄imo its primarily nothin' butt artificial junk aye.

So whatever trending woke ideologies and narratives were used for rhetorical frameworks and strategies in pop cult propaganda publications from '15 or '24, amount to progressions of literal fictions merely sprinkled with cunningly manicured facts, truths & other limited bits of realities.

I think an issue arises when discerning and attempting interpretation of the full true reality of things from only the tiny sprinkles of fact used in the fabrications of propagandized/dishonest discourses. Probably due to the factual snippets being like a bunch of single puzzle pieces taken from various puzzles of real world scenes. All cut up then cellotaped onto newly fabricated puzzles presenting deliberate distortions of real world scenes.

I'm certainly not suggesting ignoring the propaganda content and rather just that its more like one of the many individual attributes within the propaganda which requires being taken into account, assessed and categorized in order to then serve as clues for the bigger overall investigation into the actual true reality of & beyond any propaganda piece, and also how it all relates with other propaganda as well as with our objective reality too.

This is just my opinion though.
Guess I think its best to collect all intel presented, but it is most important to prioritize "reading between the lines" rather than focusing only on the lines presented.

Coz ya know how its typically designed for distracting away from whatever is really going on aye.

😄Same sorta shit magicians do aye.

So if we're focused on the closest information being shoved in our faces while paying inadequate attention to the information in the background...in a way this could be described as creating a sort of warped informational parallax effect.

Eg: from our individual povs, it'd seem like lookin' out a side window of a moving vehicle.

All the immediate foreground is transient relative to our pov.

We'd see brief glipses of the nearest buildings, trees and other shit flying past.

Yet further beyond in the background everything would seem as if moving slower even though its actually not.

Obviously we're dealing with a very well established, near all encompassing, highly organized, efficient, and capable propaganda machine.

Hollyweird, newspaper, tv, radio, legacy & new media, main, alt, et al stream, social media, the world's governmental corp intelligence agencies & networks, online bots, algorithms, spyware, hackers, trolls, socks, moderators, administrators, and so on.

All adding up to our shared situation and circumstance being...😄 pretty serious aye.

With old Elon, Gates, et al assistance, tryna' turn us all into servile androgynous biotech drones.

Creating a new world order populated with patentable imbecilic 'Borg'-persons.

😂 Thinking along the lines of the Idiocracy²⁰⁰⁶ movie crossed with those spastic Borg fagglets from Tard Trek.

Fuck knows, but we're definitely subjected to ceaseless flooding with confounding propagandized pseudo-"realities", and pretty clear we're being purposefully directed, or like a flock of sheep being herded....somewhere.

Seems easier to figure where we are and where we're being led to, if we maintain an eye on the background in relation to our own povs at all times.

Ya know like how it lets us more readily and accurately anticipate and navigate things.
Plus, suppose can also present us more subtle insights on occasion too maybe.
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Tbh I tend not to give any mainstream or altstream or any other common propaganda stream publications any benefit overall and in general, except for specific bits of truth within.

Basically I don't really notice any meaningful differences between propaganda from '15 and now....nor even from '10 or even '00.

😂Trash is just trash I reckon.
Of course I see the variations in the primary overt content presentation which seems to be dictated by whatever slight variant of the pop cult was trending at the time of each publication.

And most of that shit, is the fake shit we're meant to consume...😄imo its primarily nothin' butt artificial junk aye.

So whatever trending woke ideologies and narratives were used for rhetorical frameworks and strategies in pop cult propaganda publications from '15 or '24, amount to progressions of literal fictions merely sprinkled with cunningly manicured facts, truths & other limited bits of realities.

I think an issue arises when discerning and attempting interpretation of the full true reality of things from only the tiny sprinkles of fact used in the fabrications of propagandized/dishonest discourses. Probably due to the factual snippets being like a bunch of single puzzle pieces taken from various puzzles of real world scenes. All cut up then cellotaped onto newly fabricated puzzles presenting deliberate distortions of real world scenes.

I'm certainly not suggesting ignoring the propaganda content and rather just that its more like one of the many individual attributes within the propaganda which requires being taken into account, assessed and categorized in order to then serve as clues for the bigger overall investigation into the actual true reality of & beyond any propaganda piece, and also how it all relates with other propaganda as well as with our objective reality too.

This is just my opinion though.
Guess I think its best to collect all intel presented, but it is most important to prioritize "reading between the lines" rather than focusing only on the lines presented.

Coz ya know how its typically designed for distracting away from whatever is really going on aye.

😄Same sorta shit magicians do aye.

So if we're focused on the closest information being shoved in our faces while paying inadequate attention to the information in the background...in a way this could be described as creating a sort of warped informational parallax effect.

Eg: from our individual povs, it'd seem like lookin' out a side window of a moving vehicle.

All the immediate foreground is transient relative to our pov.

We'd see brief glipses of the nearest buildings, trees and other shit flying past.

Yet further beyond in the background everything would seem as if moving slower even though its actually not.

Obviously we're dealing with a very well established, near all encompassing, highly organized, efficient, and capable propaganda machine.

Hollyweird, newspaper, tv, radio, legacy & new media, main, alt, et al stream, social media, the world's governmental corp intelligence agencies & networks, online bots, algorithms, spyware, hackers, trolls, socks, moderators, administrators, and so on.

All adding up to our shared situation and circumstance being...😄 pretty serious aye.

With old Elon, Gates, et al assistance, tryna' turn us all into servile androgynous biotech drones.

Creating a new world order populated with patentable imbecilic 'Borg'-persons.

😂 Thinking along the lines of the Idiocracy²⁰⁰⁶ movie crossed with those spastic Borg fagglets from Tard Trek.

Fuck knows, but we're definitely subjected to ceaseless flooding with confounding propagandized pseudo-"realities", and pretty clear we're being purposefully directed, or like a flock of sheep being herded....somewhere.

Seems easier to figure where we are and where we're being led to, if we maintain an eye on the background in relation to our own povs at all times.

Ya know like how it lets us more readily and accurately anticipate and navigate things.
Plus, suppose can also present us more subtle insights on occasion too maybe.
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Any environment where the press is intimidated into carrying a party line(Today, that party line is Wokeness) isn't healthy. Here in The US, we went through a more mild version of this in The 2000s...

From late '01-'09, it was impossible to say anything critical about The War On Terror, without being labelled a Fifth Column Jihadi. Thus, The MSM pretty much served as unofficial spokespeople for The Pentagon until the very end of the decade

Hell, that second article linked above

Began with the following words:

"How is it possible that in 2015 we have regressed so far regarding feminism? I am by no means a feminist; however, I do have self-respect and I want people to respect me as well"

Yep... We read that correctly. As recently as '15, the social climate of The US was such that folks(Especially many women)were regularly and openly declaring, "I'm not a feminist". Today, it's extremely rare to see anyone writing for a mainstream-sorta independent publication NOT announce their allegiance, or at very least fellow travelership, with Feminism/Intersectionality more generally
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May 24, 2024
One also shudders to imagine the meltdown that would occur today, if an up and coming pop princess released a song like

Even though this is clearly NOT a celebration of domestic violence
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