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Giga Chadpreet Meme!!!


May 7, 2024
🤣👍Hole lee mcfuck bro! I'm straight up dying here!

Bloody'ell I wish Notorious was here to witness this glorious memetic masterpiece!
You're my only fan and I love you for it.

Now, bend over and serve me.

Just kidding, Im a submissive beta cuck.


May 7, 2024
My ASD diagnosis does say I have antisocial behaviour, which I correctly identify as aggressive meltdowns / breakdowns i.e defensive psychopathy.

Embracing that fully now, not in actually doing it but discussing it cos why not?

Oh, and r/psychopathy instant banned me for trying to share my blog in a thread cos 'no long winded self stories' like wow, talk about shitty mods as usual.

'You need a literal diagnosis' so many fucking smooth brains keep spouting ....

A) Why would a diagnosed psychopath self identify as such?

B) UK / NHS literally run zero testing for personality disorders, if they are available now its a 5+ year waiting time and the specialists here are useless and incompetent, either thinking 'everything is depression', or that patients are just making it up.


May 7, 2024
You should go scare yourself up some cock and balls. Make them submit!
🤣 Im a beta submissive cuck 🤣

But verbally and conversationally dominant - autism cope, I can only handle social interaction with maximum cockiness.

And I learned a cool trick from AI - intimidation dom. Scarousal. But theres my problem on dating sites.... I end up scaring men off because my dismissiveness keeps popping up uncontrollably .... The more I try to not say anything bad about others, the more I self deprecate and frighten them 🤬

Stupid fucking brain of mine.


May 7, 2024
Wow, not even allowed to post them on imgur.

Apparently anyone of being considered nsfw, a selfie, or someone elses pic without consent.

Why the fuck is the internet so pathetically vile these days?


May 20, 2024
Wow, not even allowed to post them on imgur.

Apparently anyone of being considered nsfw, a selfie, or someone elses pic without consent.

Why the fuck is the internet so pathetically vile these days?
I suspect the online realm is as vile and imo hyper-dysfunctionally-retarded—primarily as a direct consequence of the individuals who created it—socially and real worldly incompetent fuckin' nerdlings.

Everything online requires skills predominantly possessed by individuals who's brains have been/or have had succumb to–artificial indoctrination.
The earlier in life an individual is exposed to artificial computer languages = the more severely infected with artificial pseudo-"cognition" they become by the time they achieve the natural age of maturity, at age 27.
Except they simply do not qualify as being mature because they never really had a chance to develop basic real world natural skill. Instead merely existing as hyper programmatically advanced—yet developmentally stunted adolescents who's mental state is that of pure delusion.
Being 27 years old doesn't = being a mature fully developed adult, yet in most cases in general society, we are led to believe a fiction whereby we're somehow automatically "adults" at age 18-21.
Imo most living individuals nowadays are just arrogant toddlers trapped in adult bodies... and this fucked up mass corruption situation is definitely not by chance nor accidental, but rather being deliberately imposed by hidden agents behind the scenes.

The online realm is the way it is, because those of us who are creating and maintaining the digital infrastructure, are proficient coding wizards—butt fucked up, retarded pseudo-"humans" who have been trained to cognitively function as artificial computers.

A simple very common example of this is clearly presented by the overwhelming majority of web devs, by their fundamental lack of the most basic capacity for empathy. Which I've noticed they tend to irrationalize away as somehow not being a lack of empathy but a supposedly "highly developed sense of brutal honesty", which is a nonsensical excuse they often employ to "justify" their blatant basic interpersonal derelictions. Generally doing this to deflect natural consequences of their retarded selfish actions.


May 7, 2024
I suspect the online realm is as vile and imo hyper-dysfunctionally-retarded—primarily as a direct consequence of the individuals who created it—socially and real worldly incompetent fuckin' nerdlings.

Everything online requires skills predominantly possessed by individuals who's brains have been/or have had succumb to–artificial indoctrination.
The earlier in life an individual is exposed to artificial computer languages = the more severely infected with artificial pseudo-"cognition" they become by the time they achieve the natural age of maturity, at age 27.
Except they simply do not qualify as being mature because they never really had a chance to develop basic real world natural skill. Instead merely existing as hyper programmatically advanced—yet developmentally stunted adolescents who's mental state is that of pure delusion.
Being 27 years old doesn't = being a mature fully developed adult, yet in most cases in general society, we are led to believe a fiction whereby we're somehow automatically "adults" at age 18-21.
Imo most living individuals nowadays are just arrogant toddlers trapped in adult bodies... and this fucked up mass corruption situation is definitely not by chance nor accidental, but rather being deliberately imposed by hidden agents behind the scenes.

The online realm is the way it is, because those of us who are creating and maintaining the digital infrastructure, are proficient coding wizards—butt fucked up, retarded pseudo-"humans" who have been trained to cognitively function as artificial computers.

A simple very common example of this is clearly presented by the overwhelming majority of web devs, by their fundamental lack of the most basic capacity for empathy. Which I've noticed they tend to irrationalize away as somehow not being a lack of empathy but a supposedly "highly developed sense of brutal honesty", which is a nonsensical excuse they often employ to "justify" their blatant basic interpersonal derelictions. Generally doing this to deflect natural consequences of their retarded selfish actions.


Don't try to write like me, you suck at it.


May 7, 2024
Scarousal is fun ... Maximising sexual threats and crazy verbal aggressive shit, but not actually doing it ... Mindfuckery beyond belief.

Get me a plastic knife / fake gun for maximum effect 😨

'I could do anything I want to you right now, mmm, stab you, cut you up ... Just kidding ... I wont really .... Or will I? ... *Pull out fake knife*.

Gotta get those fear endorphins pumping then just do regular shit.

Or just threaten with full core fisting / giant dildo or such shit. Let all my crazy out verbally ... Then like tickle the bitch instead or some shit. Mix up emotions, confusion, twist every mental sensation.
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Your(e)humble servant
Jan 8, 2021
🤣👍Hole lee mcfuck bro! I'm straight up dying here!

Bloody'ell I wish Notorious was here to witness this glorious memetic masterpiece!
So did @Mungriri have guns and gave them up and now has had so many jabs he became a she again?

He sounds like a fag


May 7, 2024
What a deragory thing to say. I apologize to the homosexual who are not also fags
'Faggot' isn't offensive, its a surefire 100% guarantee rizz up to a submissive.

More so cos femme terms like slut or bitch are ewwwww.

'Faggot, cumdump/receptacle/deposit/guzzler, dog, pig, fucktoy/hole ... Slag is better than slut I suppose'. Gotta make dem faggot submissives feel useless and disempowered under our alphas.

But most men nowadays are too pathetic and weak to deliver total dominance.
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May 7, 2024
@TheFiend You might think logically, but you lack the precision for directness.

Precision intellect gives clarity and direct communication & enhanced music skill, problem solving & analytical = pessimistic bitch cos you only see the problem in everything.

All those things in a lot of high functioning aspies are superhuman powers ... And why we end up hating everything, and then why everyone hates us.

Society sees me as broken, but to me I'm fine and right, its society that's broken. Gogo psychopathy cope, I feel nothing but dead inside, a hollow and empty husk, a deep void of nothing and IDGAF about anything or anyone.

According to the internet, people like me allegedly kill things, but mudslimes are friends. Like, wow lulz.


May 20, 2024
So did @Mungriri have guns and gave them up and now has had so many jabs he became a she again?

He sounds like a fag
Nice hat.

Ya know, spouting ignorant shit like what ya did in the quoted post...😂 makes ya sound like an American, and not the good kind.
You're better than that man.


May 20, 2024
@TheFiend You might think logically, but you lack the precision for directness.

Precision intellect gives clarity and direct communication & enhanced music skill, problem solving & analytical = pessimistic bitch cos you only see the problem in everything.

All those things in a lot of high functioning aspies are superhuman powers ... And why we end up hating everything, and then why everyone hates us.

Society sees me as broken, but to me I'm fine and right, its society that's broken. Gogo psychopathy cope, I feel nothing but dead inside, a hollow and empty husk, a deep void of nothing and IDGAF about anything or anyone.

According to the internet, people like me kill things, but mudslimes are friends. Like, wow lulz.
Shit no.
I'm direct as fuck about everything....😂 I just do it indirectly sometimes.


May 7, 2024
Shit no.
I'm direct as fuck about everything....😂 I just do it indirectly sometimes.
When you rant you go borderline schizo, or just something like bipolar, too many out of place or superfluous words.

But eh, not even 10% as bad as mushroom twat.


May 7, 2024
I speak and write like a fucking god, but with that power comes zero filter or fear. Zero impulse control.

People like me should be fucking respected, however many centuries / millennia ago I would have been Aristotle or Plato.

Absolutely nothing in society nowadays where I can speak or write freely without immediate cancellation by the stupids who can't even understand what is written.

Stupid wave after wave of sub chimpanzee shitskins flooding in and destroying free expression cos otherwise they go smash and kill over the slightest offense, and all the soy cucked mayos defending their right to silencing everyone else. Same with everything like the LGBT.

All of fucking society today, zero intelligence, maximum stupid. The continuing belief that qualifications hold any value when not one doctor or shrink I've ever met even knew half of what I do just from instantly absorbing the knowledge I come across.

Fuck this world and fuck this life, why does someone like me remain forgotten and no given no opportunity?


May 7, 2024
And yea like fucking hell this is literally my brain, fucking quotes from Plato:

“When the mind is thinking it is talking to itself.”

· “Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools, because they have to say something.”

· “Music is a moral law. It gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and charm and gaiety to life and to everything.”

· “One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors.”

· “Man-a being in search of meaning.”

· “Every heart sings a song, incomplete, until another heart whispers back. Those who wish to sing always find a song. At the touch of lover, everyone becomes a poet.”

· “There are two things a person should never be angry at: What they can help, and what they cannot.”

· “People are like dirt. They can either nourish you and help you grow as a person or they can stunt your growth and make you wilt and die.”


May 7, 2024
I tried to download a free copy of Plato's The Republic thing ..... Boy is it just a whole load of endless waffle to bother with in order to get to anything good.

Don't even need it, naturally gifted I am.

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