Firearm recommendations

Sig P365. It's probably closer to $600 depending on where you buy it, but the reliability and concealability is worth the extra $100.

Finding ammo for anything will be the hard part unless you're already stocked up. Most places will sell you one box of 20-30 with a new purchase though.
I'm a big fan of Springfields. I had (before the tragic boating accident where I lost all of them) an XD9 Subcompact and an XDS 9 and 45. See if you can rent a few and shoot them at the range, or better yet, if you have friends with a few firearms see if they will take you and let you shoot them. The P365 ^^ is a good one, and my wife had a Glock 19 9mm (again, before the accident) and they all shoot great. It's usually a matter of personal preference.
Several Glocks would work well for you. The two latest and greatest micro-9's imo are the Sig P365 and SA Hellcat. They have the best capacity for their size, anyway. Ruger LC9 also a good one to check out, as well as Kahr CM9. Put as many in your hands as you can, and possibly shoot them, and see what feels best to you.
It's kind of like asking which golf clubs to buy. You need to feel comfortable with the hand gun. Go rent a few at a local range. I have a CZ-75 Compact and a Sig P365XL. The CZ is an extremely smooth shooter, but it is an all metal frame and too heavy to carry (IMO). The Sig was an impulse buy because it was available. It checks all the boxes for me for accuracy and an EDC. Too bad I lost them both in that boating accident.
I'm a big fan of Springfields. I had (before the tragic boating accident where I lost all of them) an XD9 Subcompact and an XDS 9 and 45. See if you can rent a few and shoot them at the range, or better yet, if you have friends with a few firearms see if they will take you and let you shoot them. The P365 ^^ is a good one, and my wife had a Glock 19 9mm (again, before the accident) and they all shoot great. It's usually a matter of personal preference.
I love my XD9. It’s a great gun.
As has been said previously, nobody else can tell you what is the best handgun for YOU. You need to feel them in your hand, how they fit, the trigger pressure, how they shoot, etc. These are all variables that only you can decide if they are acceptable for you. Go to a range that lets you rent guns and shoot as many as you can. Anyone that says “XXX is the right gun for you”, is full of shit. Only you know the right gun for you.

With that being said, the Springfield XD series is the right gun for me and is perfect IMO.
Sig P365. It's probably closer to $600 depending on where you buy it, but the reliability and concealability is worth the extra $100.

Finding ammo for anything will be the hard part unless you're already stocked up. Most places will sell you one box of 20-30 with a new purchase though.
This is Americas top selling gun. Just bought for my wife and I as a carry. Id suggest an HnK VP9. Mans gun
I hate my Sig P365. The grip is too small for my hand.

Try a Canik TP9 Elite SC. A little bigger than the Sig, but a great pistol, and it will be in your price point. They were going for $399, but have moved up some.
Have this exact set up. Fucking love shooting this thing. The ONLY downside is some people have a moral objection to it base on where it's manufactured. Which I understand, and I should probably care more, but I don't.

I'd def go new if it's in the budget. Hard to know what somebody else has put their rig through. Some ppl don't even clean them. You don't want to open that bucket of worms. Treat this as a life-saving investment - it might be.
Used glock for $500 worth it?
@Duzen Canik Tp9 looks good.

Should I spring for the Hellcat sub for $700 that can hold accessories considering concealment?
Think I am fixing to switch from my Ruger LCP to a Kimber Micro for my CC. Coworker has one and I really like it. Will still keep my LCP in the car because it is so small and can fit in your pocket and looks like a cell phone outline.

Ruger LCP-LM
Used glock for $500 worth it?
@Duzen Canik Tp9 looks good.

Should I spring for the Hellcat sub for $700 that can hold accessories considering concealment?

Which Glock you looking at? Probably a good price in today's market regardless, as long as it isn't beat up. If I was buying used, I might try to get the seller to include a couple boxes of ammo, even if they up the price a bit. Can't hurt to ask, ammo is scarce as fuck and top dollar these days.

Someone mentioned the risk of buying used, if someone has tinkered with the gun that isn't good for a self defense weapon...I'd worry alot less about this with a Glock. Almost every part for a Glock is cheap and easy to replace. If you buy used, I'd recommend taking it to a gunsmith and having them give it a once over. Even better, have Glock in Smyrna, Ga. do it for you. I believe they do that free of charge, but you have to get the gun to them.
Think I am fixing to switch from my Ruger LCP to a Kimber Micro for my CC. Coworker has one and I really like it. Will still keep my LCP in the car because it is so small and can fit in your pocket and looks like a cell phone outline.

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Ruger LCP-LM
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I'd think twice about the Kimber - their reputation for quality has gone down from what it once was - I have a Kimber micro and had nothing but problems with it, got a Sig P938 shortly after, and it's awesome
I'd think twice about the Kimber - their reputation for quality has gone down from what it once was - I have a Kimber micro and had nothing but problems with it, got a Sig P938 shortly after, and it's awesome
I have a Kimber .45 Ultra CDP2 and have never had a misfire. It is 12 years old however. Is there a problem with Kimber now?
I typically carry a Glock 30s with talon grips I’ve had it years and have never had any reliability issues with it. It is a .45 though so it isn’t what your looking for. I’ve shot the Glock 43, it’s a nice little gun that’s easy to conceal that is chambered in 9mm that you might want to take a look at.
I typically carry a Glock 30s with talon grips I’ve had it years and have never had any reliability issues with it. It is a .45 though so it isn’t what your looking for. I’ve shot the Glock 43, it’s a nice little gun that’s easy to conceal that is chambered in 9mm that you might want to take a look at.

Always liked the 30s, but never got one. I do have a 19 and 20. Love the 19. The 20 feels like holding a 2x4 lol. The 30s is a great little gun though. Alot of gun in a small, yet very shootable package. Excellent caliber.
The Smith & Wesson M&P lineup might fit your budget, and those are also good guns.

Like others have stated - make sure it feels comfortable in your hand. Don't let salesman rush you. Narrow down your list in terms of budget and availability, then go with the one that fits the best.
This can’t be overstated enough, find out what works for you and what you are most comfortable with and go from there.
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