Dark mode?

If this is what they're going for, you can change your browser settings to get it.
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View attachment 597

View attachment 598

That's really cool that you can do that. We are actually going to make that the default look for the site here soon. I know I keep saying that, but the hold up has been trying to get the new server rolled out. I'm going to be changing the style for the site on or shortly after the 16th.
That's really cool that you can do that. We are actually going to make that the default look for the site here soon. I know I keep saying that, but the hold up has been trying to get the new server rolled out. I'm going to be changing the style for the site on or shortly after the 16th.

If you don't have this in your settings (like me):

1. go to chrome://flags (or brave://flags)
2. type the word "dark" in search bar
3. enable "Force Dark Mode for Web Contents

For us retarded surfing/Skydiving type. On mobile. Care to help?



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