This is bad. Htf are they going to be able to fix this?
Been away for a while, but always available to deliver a double posting, Inter-netting, Sam’s Club style wholesale ass-whoopin to all phaggots that can’t take the time to read a thread and value their life off of how many likes they get on a post that’s already been posted. They can suck dicks and eat shits.
No shit.....and she's straight, two whacks against her
Look at these faggot schools - we need to shame the posters ITT
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But did you see the "Lunar Rover" made out of old pool chairs and tin foil?
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True story ex English lived in Columbia. Little area called Wild Wood. Grew up w his neighbor
Found my date for Moto GP next weekend!
We're going to have some fun!
Look at all those DR's and scientists
This is bad. Htf are they going to be able to fix this?
This X’s 10^! When you understand Israel has manipulated us into every conflict in the ME and literally every Christian community has been flattened by these wars you see they hate Christians more than the Muslims. They are surreptitiously behind the spreading of the Muslim disease in the west. They and China are our worst enemies. I keep asking Christians, “Which “Jews” are we supporting”? They don’t even understand the questionHe should concentrate on ending the mrna death jab. The jews can take care of themselves. As Congolese Christians are beheaded. Minority religious groups in Syria are killed or enslaved. The Christians are the ones who need blanket protection. Fuck!
Dude I wouldnt lose sleep over itThis is fvcking bullshit!
I trust praying medic to have his facts
This opens everything up for the military to work domestically.
I think congress has to inact a declaration of war. Is that why Trump ways says he is a wartime president?