Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads
I just got back in the US from a family trip in Portugal. The people we spoke with expressed their outrage of what’s happening to Europe and the immigration crisis. They know they’re being fvcked to the wall. They think Trump is the devil because of tariffs but I told them they were getting fvcked by their corrupt politicians. They are being inundated by Asians/Indians/Pakistanis et al. They harass the female population and women don’t feel safe. Real estate has doubled in the last five years and these people don’t know what to do. I told one guy you better do everything you can do to stop it or you’ll be extinct in 10 years.

Should have told them if they don't change that they would be destined to eating fucking cheese curds.

That will motivate anyone to do anything to keep from eating that shit.

turn the judiciary into a joke which no president or Congress will listen to ever again.

These cowardly morons don’t seem to understand that all their power and authority is little more than a figment of the political imagination—once the desire to believe in the judicial tooth fairy is gone, it is gone forever, and nothing will bring it back.

Wiser men with far stronger backbones understood this for centuries—they knew their power as an institution was entirely one of perception, given the institution’s lack of any real power to enforce its rulings against the two far more powerful branches of the federal government. The Supreme Court controls no army and no bank account. Its police can barely keep people out of its own building or away from the homes of its members. How on earth will it enforce rulings without the force of money or arms?

The simple truth is it cannot, and its smarter members—until recently, at least—understood the court’s unique challenge: how to enforce rulings against two institutions despite any real power to do so. Those with brains and no fear of their own shadows knew this was only possible if the politicians and the people believed the courts had the necessary credibility and reputation to produce long-term deference to its decisions.

We are rapidly approaching the point where that is no longer the case. And if Justices Tweedledum and Tweedledee insist on closing their eyes and sticking their fingers in their ears in the belief that if they can’t see or hear or the consequences of their own idiocy and cowardice then there won’t be any, then their only precious legacy will be the destruction of the very institution they’re allegedly so desperate to save.

Wat to address issues, immediately after the Texas crash...Want to see the left go to Ark instead of blue cities to protest

I recall a while back where someone posted an X saying that 90% =/- of wrecks in Nebraska involved illegals driving 18-wheelers.

We'll see

There certainly are a lot of illiterate people posting on X and elsewhere. Hilary?

And 7777
I never thought of using the injectible orally. I have given it to goats that way though.... no jokes please... LOL. Goats skin won't allow you to use the pour on and it gets hard to give them a shot by yourself so I would just get a syringe and squirt it in their mouth. If it wasn't hurting them then it should be OK for people. It says sterile which is the part, from my understanding, that can get you in trouble if you pet meds of some types.

Knew a guy that took LA200 to beat a cold that had been lingering too long and he broke out in hives and had to go the hospital.
Body builders use animal grade meds all the time. Winstrol V. Is a good example. The V stands for veterinary.

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