Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads
The financial reset is happening. Make no mistake. Fiat money is gone soon

Researching putting a lot of cash into treasury bonds this weekend. If the interest rates go down after I purchase I can make considerable profit even short term. If the market is really tanking 20% as mentioned and the interest rates are decreased, that along with gold and bitcoin are the way to go. T’s being the safest. Edit I already have bitcoin, xrp and a lot of others.
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A&M is going to have a good year in that coaches second year. The Dawgs are the only superior team to them in SEC. Admittedly there is a big dropoff from the Dawgs to A&M though.

Dear Dog-Retard,

I'll take that bet.

If atm finishes second place or higher in the Final SEC Football Standings, which means they have to make it to the Championship game....then I won't post on this board for a year.

If atm does not make it - you don't get to post your retarded shit on the board for 3 months.

Basically I'm giving you 4 to 1 odds.

Dear Dog-Retard,

I'll take that bet.

If atm finishes second place or higher in the Final SEC Football Standings, which means they have to make it to the Championship game....then I won't post on this board for a year.

If atm does not make it - you don't get to post your retarded shit on the board for 3 months.

Basically I'm giving you 4 to 1 odds.

LOL, I can't bet on A&M. It would be disrespectful of the mean, efficient machine that the Coach Kirby has built in Athens. It is just an opinion, but I will not put my fate in the hands of a coach is is not Kirby or a Kirby direct descendant. No cousins, direct line only.

I want to address the alarming rise in ‘Swatting’ incidents targeting media figures.

The FBI is aware of this dangerous trend, and my team and I are already taking action to investigate and hold those responsible accountable.

This isn’t about politics—weaponizing law enforcement against ANY American is not only morally reprehensible but also endangers lives, including those of our officers. That will not be tolerated.

We are fully committed to working with local law enforcement to crack down on these crimes.

More updates to come.

Fucking round them up and haul them in. You know exactly who is responsible. Fuck.

And for my own selfish reasons, alert the media and have them film it. Thanks.
A&M is going to have a good year in that coaches second year. The Dawgs are the only superior team to them in SEC. Admittedly there is a big dropoff from the Dawgs to A&M though.

OK, Corky. You need to focus on posting and fantasizing about the guy who looks like the modern day adult version of Nicholas from Eight is Enough rather than actual smack talk. Be better. Know your role.
I was a Corpsman in the Navy. Annually we gave the entire base flu shots using the "air gun" and blasted it into their arms. We would tell the people to not flex when the gun was placed on their arms. Many did and many had to get their arms sewn up as the air gun had so much force it would rip their arms apart if they flexed at the same time the trigger was pulled. We started waiting a second after the nozzle was placed on their arms to avoid this.

When nobody was in line, a piece of paper was held up to see how far back a person could move and still blow a hole into the paper. I think we measured it at 12-13 feet. Lots of force.
Word to the wise...

Make sure you get tested for Hepatitis! If they didn't properly clean those jet guns the possibility exists of being infected by blood residue.
I live in the district and have for 39 years. I had never heard of her before the election. She was a part of some NGO in DC funded by USAID. That's where she apparently got enough money to buy 3 multi-million dollar homes. No GOPer has won in that district since I've been here. Black GOP candidates lost big.

Interesting observation driving around town. There are many mega-churches in the area. Full parking lots on Sunday. There are 15-20 houses and store fronts called churches with 1-2 cars at them on Sunday. In Texas, one can become a certified preacher in 24 hours simply filling out a form. Then they become tax exempt.
Preachers pay taxes, at a higher rate than a typical tax payer.
Preachers pay taxes, at a higher rate than a typical tax payer.
Yes, when they say they are not taxed they are talking about the donations/offerings to the church. They can never be taxed because it is unconstitutional. We have separation of church and state. Also, I would advise the government against trying to take money away from God's work.

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