- Earth’s magnetic field: ~25–65 microteslas (μT) or 0.25–0.65 Gauss.
- Typical refrigerator magnet: ~50 milliTesla (mT) or 500 Gauss.
- MRI machines: 1.5–3 Tesla.
- Strong laboratory magnets: Up to ~45 Tesla.
- Neutron stars: ~10⁸–10⁹ Tesla.
I’m trying to convert a normie that Russia didn’t exactly start the Ukraine/Russia war….read a great piece on this posted here and can’t find it….does anyone remember this since I’m an old?
Can you guys just post one x link per your post. Some of them have something funny and something maddening. I stare at it for too long debating in my mind whether to click “like” or “angry”. So i don't click anything.
Or you do as you do. Most of you are all good in my book. That's where i keep the likes and dislikes.
Well if it’s not hopefully it’s ADA.News like this about XRP makes me believe it wont be XRP. And i own 1k XRP.
And then the docs will swear up and down that the flu vaccine doesn’t contain the “live” flu virusI got the flu shot 2 years in a row. Never had allergies until after the first one. Took 15 years to get over it. I'll never take another one. Felt like shit for a week afterwards.