Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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Just heard a guy on PBD podcast say he thought she was being threatened. Brought up the protesters after Dobbs and that she's be mentioned as being threatened in public a few times. She may just need Kash and Pam to send some people to jail for a long time to give her the balls to make a legal ruling.
Kash and Pam need to take her to lunch in a secure setting. Order in McDonalds
Soory traveling. I have that and got a book, Healing With DMSO, by a lady name Volmer. Has great recipes for all kinds of ailments. I also have 99.99 dmso cream I use for sciatica and that i gave to the shield maiden and son. I just rub it on. I think most come in glass containers. I have several kinds. Some with aloe Vera and some with lavender. Vikings like to smell good for their shield maidens, haha. Skol brother!
I may have spent 4 months at Corry Station drinking at the crowes nest.
Took me a while to figure it out but Corry Station is the renamed base where the Navy trains their Communication Techs (or whatever they are called). Was called something else when I was stationed at NAS PnclaFla. But that was 55 years ago.

I read where the NCIS arrested a chap in February trying to buy and give fake IDs to Chinese Nationals at NAS Jacksonville. All those illegal Chinese military aged people were sent here to spy along with their balloons.
Can you share what your regimen is/was? Mom has recently been bothered by sciatica and I'd like for her to give this a shot. Thanks.
before everyone goes off doing drugs and stuff, might want to look into ROLFING and no that's not "rolling on the floor"...

What is Rolfing​

I had a PITA about 13 years ago and did the worthless workman's comp doctor visit and was scripted a lidocaine patch for my backside and muscle relaxers. It did NOT work unless being loopy all day is the cure?

Chiropractic for 5 days straight and still couldn't get relief. Chrio recommended a ROLFER and in 2 sessions I was healed. Rolfing is deep tissue work that breaks up scar tissue and releases tight tendons.

Amazingly it does work and I haven't had a relapse since!

And travel across the border for medical purposes than they have to wait 6 months for in Canada

My parents have a condo at the beach here in central fl. The entire place is usually rented out to snowbirds from December through February. Half Canadians and half from the Midwest. It seems most of the Canadians stayed home this year.

im old enough to remember when Eric holder said he wouldn’t prosecute black people for federal crimes because they are black.
Russia will do the same to any troops sent but likely faster.

It's the Death Jab which is causing the explosion of breast cancer and other cancers.
Unfortunately my uber woke Aunt in CA has terminal cancer. She is fully vaxxed plus. All the signs of Turbo Cancer, found it in her bile ducts, Chemo, reduced, surgery, found large masses in her liver. Gave her 4-6 months to live. It sucks.....
My parents have a condo at the beach here in central fl. The entire place is usually rented out to snowbirds from December through February. Half Canadians and half from the Midwest. It seems most of the Canadians stayed home this year.

im old enough to remember when Eric holder said he wouldn’t prosecute black people for federal crimes because they are black.
I remember when Eric Holder was charged with Contempt of Congress and the DC Attorney refused to prosecute. But, did for Stone, Bannon and others.
Took me a while to figure it out but Corry Station is the renamed base where the Navy trains their Communication Techs (or whatever they are called). Was called something else when I was stationed at NAS PnclaFla. But that was 55 years ago.

I read where the NCIS arrested a chap in February trying to buy and give fake IDs to Chinese Nationals at NAS Jacksonville. All those illegal Chinese military aged people were sent here to spy along with their balloons.
Hence the crackdown on base entry without ID. Passengers need a visitors pass and can not be vouched on base
before everyone goes off doing drugs and stuff, might want to look into ROLFING and no that's not "rolling on the floor"...

What is Rolfing​

I had a PITA about 13 years ago and did the worthless workman's comp doctor visit and was scripted a lidocaine patch for my backside and muscle relaxers. It did NOT work unless being loopy all day is the cure?

Chiropractic for 5 days straight and still couldn't get relief. Chrio recommended a ROLFER and in 2 sessions I was healed. Rolfing is deep tissue work that breaks up scar tissue and releases tight tendons.

Amazingly it does work and I haven't had a relapse since!
I spent 20 some odd bucks on a tub of dmso and my sciatica has never felt better. But will keep this in mind if the trend stops. This shit works on so many things to include burns, cuts, and many others that it should be in every medicine cabinet in the country. Skol!

P.S. my little basel cell on my leg is 95% gone. Been a month of rubbing the horse paste ivermectin on it. These suppressed cures the LAC has heard and talked about seem to be real. Atleast in my paradigm.
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I don't remember if I mentioned it but I use dmso for sciatic nerve pain in my back and down my leg. I went to an all meat diet for a few months and used dmso twice a day for a couple weeks and it went away. I will occasionally have a flare up and have to use it again but for the most part the pain is gone completely. No surgery or pain pills and I used to eat Ibuprofen to be able lift anything over 10 pounds.

U used the lotion/salve? Just massaged into ur low back?
Ha....Fuck with him until he cries then Fuck with him for crying. 🤣

Mr. Castro Jr., you didn't put Canadians first otherwise you wouldn't have locked them down, sic'ed the authorities on the truckers, debanked many, imposed regulations prohibiting them from working without jumping through hoops and much much more. Liar.

I spent 20 some odd bucks on a tub of dmso and my sciatica has never felt better. But will keep this in mind if the trend stops. This shit works on so many things to include burns, cuts, and many others that it should be in every medicine cabinet in the country. Skol!

P.S. my little basel cell on my leg is 95% gone. Been a month of rubbing the horse paste ivermectin on it. These suppressed cures the LAC has heard and talked about seem to be real. Atleast in my paradigm.
I see you mentioned "horse paste" as I was going to mention Ivermectin should be in everyone's medicine cabinet. I will remember the horse paste if my Melanoma ever comes back.
Mr. Castro Jr., you didn't put Canadians first otherwise you wouldn't have locked them down, sic'ed the authorities on the truckers, debanked many, imposed regulations prohibiting them from working without jumping through hoops and much much more. Liar.

I see you mentioned "horse paste" as I was going to mention Ivermectin should be in everyone's medicine cabinet. I will remember the horse paste if my Melanoma ever comes back.
It's one thing to use something like that on an actinic or seborrheic keratosis - even a basal cell carcinoma, but don't mess with a melanoma.
Get that crap barbered out!
It's one thing to use something like that on an actinic or seborrheic keratosis - even a basal cell carcinoma, but don't mess with a melanoma.
Get that crap barbered out!
Mine was cut out but the wound wouldn't heal in one spot. Oozed often. MD's said it would close soon and refused any antibiotics for the minor infection that resulted. I went home and put a soap/sugar poultice on it. First day lots of grunge came out. 2nd day it was all healed up. Nothing since.

Pimping appears to be worth it

In my little portion of Texas, many people have been forced to sell their farms/homesteads/etc. because taxes kept rising to where they couldn't pay them. The local cities said they could get more tax revenue from homes/businesses than the farms/homesteads paid on agricultural designated land.

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