Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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OK. Restore the web pages so they can be found on Google, but leave them blank or put a sign on them that it is under construction.

Those sitting on the Grassy Knoll knew there was another shooter behind the fence next to the train tracks. Most people in Texas then were rural and not urban. They knew what shots sounded like and from where they came. Almost all turned and looked behind them. The Zapruder film shows JFKs head being hit above the right eye and moving back and away from the grassy knoll in the direction somewhat towards the School Book Depository and away from the direction the car was going. That defies physics although the Warren Commission says that shot came from Oswald. Convenient that those involved in all aspects of the assassination are dead. Nobody to punish.

I was in Dallas at the time but stuck in school as the parents wouldn't let my brother and me get out and go downtown. Behind the grassy knoll are parking lots. Would not be hard for a shooter to get away quickly in a waiting automobile.
Only two shooters??

I bet there were more than four.
MA done FA and will FO soon............

due to sanctuary policy & he was released into the community on bail.ICE found and arrested him in Framingham, MA, and he remains in federal custody. ICE statement: “Jose Fernando-Perez has been charged with some horrific crimes against a minor in our commonwealth,” said ICE Boston acting Field Office Director Patricia H. Hyde. “He is exactly the type of alien we are targeting with our ‘worst first’ policy. He posed a significant danger to the children of Massachusetts, and we will not tolerate such a threat to our community. ICE Boston will continue to prioritize the safety of our public by arresting and removing egregious alien offenders from our New England communities.”Full ICE release:

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