Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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Micronova incoming. Dude I watch on YT has been predicting it would happen in the next 10 to 20 years. Basically, the sun keeps accumulating dust on its surface until it gets to a point where it blasts it off. The color of the sun looks different now than it did when I was kid. Its the buildup of this cosmic dust on the surface causing that.
You guys are so wrong. That is so fake about a mini black hole. Impossible.

A micronova from dust. For fucks sake. You guys finish high school? Google a nova. Google a black hole. Get educated.
You guys are so wrong. That is so fake about a mini black hole. Impossible.

A micronova from dust. For fucks sake. You guys finish high school? Google a nova. Google a black hole. Get educated.
Damn, I love your passion, really do, and God bless you for spending time to research this which has never been on my radar. This is what I love about this group, we all do research independently & we come here and discuss the topic. I’m very curious as to your 5th grade, dumb me down, version of why you disagree with the poster?

Please read this post and then tell us dumb-asses what the hell it means.

Stupid Mortgage Guy

Its baldergash.

The definition of quaternion is this:

A complex number of the form w + xi + yj + zk, where w, x, y, z are real numbers and i, j, k are imaginary units that satisfy certain conditions.

Edit: i am not an engineer

Please read this post and then tell us dumb-asses what the hell it means.

Stupid Mortgage Guy

Let's talk about scalar waves - the ultimate magic trick for UFOs to defy gravity. You know, because nothing says "alien technology" like a mathematical formula that nobody can quite grasp.

So, to break it down for you, in the world of physics, we've got two types of waves: scalars and vectors. Scalars are like the introverts of the group - they've got size, but no direction, like a temperature reading or a speed without a compass. Vectors, on the other hand, are the life of the party - they've got size and direction, like "I'm driving 50mph down this road" or "I'm being plowed by an eleven inch black cock."

Now, about these mystical scalar waves. They're like your hippie friend who swears they can levitate without a single scientific study to back it up. They exist as stationary patterns of energy (aka, a bunch of math scribbled on a chalkboard). And the best part? We're pretty sure they don't move through space like regular electromagnetic waves do. Nope, they just chill there, oscillating in line with the way they travel. It's like they're the only wave in the party that's trying too hard to fit in.

Of course, all of this is based on theoretical calculations, which is just a fancy way of saying "we think it's a good idea." And let's be real, without any experimental evidence to back it up, it's like your cousin claiming he's a banging a bunch of 10/10 women in Columbia (and we all know they’re whores and he’s paying for it).

Now, you might be thinking, "Hey, if we can harness scalar waves, we can totally manipulate gravity and make UFOs fly!" And that's exactly where I call “bullshit” on this. Sorry, folks, but unless someone can whip up a working prototype in their garage or a team of SpaceX scientists suddenly becomes interested in magic, this one's still firmly in the realm of science fiction.

And if you're wondering why I'm skeptical, it's because, in the world of physics, we like facts. We like data. And most of all, we like math that actually means something.

But hey, who knows? Maybe one day, we'll discover a way to harness scalar waves and make gravity do our bidding. Until then, I'll be over here, enjoying my gravity-bound existence and waiting for the day when aliens in flying saucers come knocking on my door, saying, "Hey, faggit, can you give us a ride to Mars? We heard scalar waves are the key to intergalactic travel.”

- a humble non-licensed but degreed engineer
Damn, I love your passion, really do, and God bless you for spending time to research this which has never been on my radar. This is what I love about this group, we all do research independently & we come here and discuss the topic. I’m very curious as to your 5th grade, dumb me down, version of why you disagree with the poster?
So much to cover. I will try an abridged version.

The sun is a fusion reactor. It is so large with so much mass. It has more mass than all planets and asteroids in the solar system. That is why everything is orbit around the sun.

The sun has so much mass and therefore gravity. The gravity os so strong that it can squeeze the lightest atoms together. Hydrogen is the lightest and when 2 hydrogen atoms ate forced together, they create a helium atom. This fusion releases a huge amount of energy. This is fusion and is the same as the atom bomb. The sun is fussing millions of hydrogen atomS every second. The sun is a giant atomic bomb with a continuous atomic explosion. That is why it is hot and bright.

When a sun (all stars are suns) runs out of hydrogen, it fuses two helium atoms. This gives of more energy than the fusion of hydrogen. The sun will then expand because of the increase of energy produced. This goes on with heavier atoms; oxygen, iron. The sun continues to expand with the heavier elements fusiing. This sun Is now a red giant and is large enough to burn Earth to a cinder.

After this, a sun our size will not have the mass to continue to grow. It will start to cool and shrink. Our sun will eventually become a brown dwarf star.

Suns with more mass that Sol can become so massive, that when they contact during the cooling, they create a super powerful gravity force at the center of the star. This force is enough to fuse heavier atoms than iron. This creates so much energy that is blows the star away. This is a Supernova.

There is no such thing as a mini nova occurring from sun dust. Ridiculous.

In the eternal history of our universe, brown dwarfs have run into each other, stars capture other stars, supernova send out huge amounts of mass. Combine all those together in one and you get a black hole. A black hole has so much mass that all fusion has ended. All atoms are the heaviest they can get. The mass is so great that the gravity affects light.

So, a mini black hole would eat the whole solar system before it got close to the sun. So fucked.

And don't worry. Our sun has about 5 million years left before it runs out of Hydrogen.
I saw this what feels like years ago, maybe even 5+, and scared the shit out of me…never dabbled much since
I mean this is what the whole Robinhood Gamestop meme stocks thing was about was fucking rigged wall street. It was all an Anon op. We had our own super computer cluster going just to fuck with theirs and expose the rig.

They REALLY hated us for that one lol, pretty sure a lot of us got put on lists. I know I'm on multiple for J6 lol. I'm on all the lists I don't give a fuck about because fuck the demon pedos. If you were at J6 and held a security clearance BOY YOU GOT TARGETED LIKE FBI FLIES ON BULLSHIT. Funny thing though, I still have my clearance after all that bullshit. Fuckers.


^^have at it boys^^

Exactly this.

You're now worried about misinformation and disinformation after you've been creating it all for the past 10 years? Give me a f'ing break. You're pissed off because you can't control the narrative, not because the narrative is dangerous. It's only about control. You guys were wrong about everything. You had control and you forced everyone to capitulate. Now you don't have control, and you hate it. It's insane that they even have the gall to feign that they're upset about this new thing and how dangerous it is when people start making their own decisions."

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