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Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads


Jan 8, 2021
She was passed around. The chick from Poltergeist was killed iir just before that movie ended filming. All the same people

Yeah. They fucked that little girl so hard in the ass it punctured the wall between her ass and vagina. It killed her later from infection. Barrymore was an alcoholic by 7-8 years old and her parents would pass her around for money


Your(e)humble servant
Jan 8, 2021
Yeah. They fucked that little girl so hard in the ass it punctured the wall between her ass and vagina. It killed her later from infection. Barrymore was an alcoholic by 7-8 years old and her parents would pass her around for money
Dude why are you talking about specifically what happened or what not. It is all terrible. I hated reading what you wrote man
Sep 20, 2024
If your the president, historically, you would communicate with all the world leaders. Democrats have spent their 2020 term convicting Republicans and even the public, and fueling wars overseas. Democrats and Democratic voters have become blind to the suffering they cause or they enjoy it. Handing weapons to our allies is ok, but at some point your working towards peace treaties somehow, otherwise your just killing people. It doesn't matter your intentions. What matters is the result of your actions. When you fail you take responsibility you step up and you fix it. Democrats are failing on purpose and then giggling about it.

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