Sheep like being sheep…They couldn’t allow for any other therapeutics to be used because they had to use that authorization to go Nazi on these fake Covid shots, of course all of us and this board know that, hopefully more and more of the sheep will wake up to it, as well as all the news organizations and that does include Fox News as well
Obama appeared out of No Where.Barack and his minions are in the final stages...
of fundamentally changing our country forever! When he became President, he finalized the global master plan to FULLY infiltrate the DOJ, FBI, CIA, Military, IRS, and NEA Teachers unions with his socialists who hates EVERYTHING America stood for....God, family, and country! Now Biden is taking the final step to destroy and demonize any conservative opposition! Obama is Biden's puppet master!
Disgraced Former FBI Official Andrew McCabe Says Joe Biden Didn't Go Far Enough Threatening MAGA Republicans (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit | by Cristina Laila
*Trust the FBI* Disgraced former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe on Thursday evening said Joe Biden didn’t go far enough threatening Trump
Such a shame that faggot ass Obama and his cronies killed that man.
Well the J6 people still in jail, not even Habeas Corpus can get them out, this is because of the Patriot Act by the Traitor Bush. They are not in Cuba but they may as well be. They are Forgotten Americans just like POW's left in Nam. Nobody gives a damn.
Derek, identify yourself. I know you are lurking and great job putting a bow on this movie. He gets heated but he lays it out pretty well for those still in denial.
Cliffs for the short attention spanned @MortgageHorn. It's a movie and vegas should be lit! SKOL!