Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads

Apparently she met a Amish farmer with a Big Wiener and now all she wants to talk about is the Kama Sutra. And the 47 ways to pleasure the big boy.
She is bent over a hot wood stove cooking him breakfast right after morning sex, with a Pall Mall King Size hanging out of her mouth.
Her activist friends in Green Peace are shocked.


Too late Bro. A friend of mine when he was first married. Took his sweety to a dance. All was fine Gordy said until he tried to squeeze one out quietly and instead he got a shart... He quickly headed to the bathroom to clean up. He said he removed his underwear and wiped his ass with it, and flushed it down the toilet and went back to the dance and festivities. He thought all was well.
Then he heard a commotion and a hub bub down around the washrooms.
The toilet backed up and flooded the dance hall and they had to cancel the dance. Some bastard had flushed his underwear and plugged the toilet.
Him and his wife got home and as they got undressed for bed. His wife suddenly says, what happened to your underwear, where is your underwear.
He was caught.
Never Trust A Fart or a Democrat
Hey Mickey, hey Mickey!
All kidding aside, wish you the best of luck. I would love to see repercussions for decades of criminal acts.

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