Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads
Dude... I actually lost my shit in the grocery one day over this. They had outdated Sea Salt in a glass container that they wouldn't sell to me because it was out of date. That shit sat in the ocean for billions of years and was perfectly fine.... but we vacuum seal it in glass and it goes bad? When I scanned it the person came up and said they'd go get another one... I was like "why?"... sat there for 5 minutes arguing about it. I just couldn't take it.
Aren’t the Proud Boys a bunch of douches?

And, folks can’t apologize for mistakes? Must be nice to be perfect, E.
I don’t think that is what’s he’s saying, but could be wrong. I’ll admit a lot of his takes I do not agree with. I’ll also mention that I enjoy both of your contributions to the board.
I do think the coffee guys changed their unpopular opinion. Make a mistake- sure- we all do.

^^ now close to his IQ^^


^^and it begins, officially^^
We're in a recession caused by the Biden regime and their media communist propagandists never mention it.

If this was Trump, the word RECESSION would be plastered across every magazine and news show in the country 24/7.

Enemy of the people, lowlife, lying, elitist scum.

^^oooh, reprimanded,^^

Under AG Garland, the DOJ has become the enforcer of permanent Washington. Garland’s policy of not allowing DOJ employees to attend campaign rallies is just a public relations ploy to try to disguise this fact.

JUST IN - China's coal-fired power generation reached a record 120 billion kWh in August — China Energy announced.


Where's the autistic slut


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