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Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads

Hoosier in Mad Town

Dec 9, 2020
The rollout of the vaccine has just gone mainstream. What will they do when the marketing campaign fails to reach it's goals?
I have my concerns

He was the President when the health dictatorship ushered in. The perfect guy to mitigate resistance from our side. We got roped into this sadistic bs on some high level BS

Shy away from Hillary? Outside of campaign rhetoric, what am I suppose to credit him with?

Arresting Epstien? How'd that end up? He's probably back in the Caribbean

I sense a difference between God's chosen people and the Kushners.

Generally I'm not sure what the relevance of your 5 biblical points are to Q itself. I belive there is a plan and the victor is our creator

But, in my view, Q is not that plan. It is a mockery of that plan.

The NWO has never been stronger or more apparent as far as I can tell

All of that is ancillary to the Bible and I watch whatever you post and am curious as to where you think we are currently in the plot?

Isiah 17:1 soon?
None of anything is ancillary to the Bible. If you take that position, your view is inherently flawed, sharing the same foundation of Marx or the Frankfurt School, which took Marxism as an economic construct and turned it into a social system. Their 2 fundamental assumptions are:

  1. Man is inherently good
  2. God doesn't exist
Both are false statements. This is why every one of their ideas is wrought with hypocrisy from CRT to education to Socialism itself. You attempt to take God out of the equation and everything falls apart, almost immediately.

I have zero idea where we are in the big picture. I'd be weary of anyone who does and it's why I never paid attention to any of those "prophesy" videos posted throughout the various iterations of the thread.

This is what I do know. Jesus will return once every nation, tribe and tongue have heard the Gospel AND the antichrist will eventually present as a man. Those are 2 items spelled out clearly. There may be more.

We haven't achieved those 2 thresholds. At least not yet. The first one might be done over the next 5-10 years. Maybe. The second one? I haven't, as of today, seen someone emerge that would fit the description of the antichrist in alignment with a 7 year tribulation period and 3 year reign.

Hoosier in Mad Town

Dec 9, 2020
This is what keeps me from being able to reconcile Trump being a Trojan horse. My only thought is that it was a way to get the "crazies" to also take the vaccination, since he keeps pushing it seemingly.
How is that working?

I don't know anyone in my circles that has gotten the vaccine because of Trump.

In fact, because of Trump, they know that Fauci has patents, China released the virus, that the CDC has gerry-rigged the numbers, and that big pharma is not to be trusted.

We also don't view Trump as anything more than what he is, a man. A sinner. A person who is flawed like everyone else who has ever walked the face of the earth other than Jesus Christ himself.


Jan 9, 2021
How is that working?

I don't know anyone in my circles that has gotten the vaccine because of Trump.

In fact, because of Trump, they know that Fauci has patents, China released the virus, that the CDC has gerry-rigged the numbers, and that big pharma is not to be trusted.

We also don't view Trump as anything more than what he is, a man. A sinner. A person who is flawed like everyone else who has ever walked the face of the earth other than Jesus Christ himself.

This goes along with my thinking.. I just can’t agree with the idea that Trump is just a performance for a psyop due to the fact in my mind he has disseminated the Republican “cult” of sheep.

While Trump has a passionate following there is zero doubt in my mind that if he started to promote mandatory vaccination, vaccine passports, or any other NWO agenda his “followers” would immediately abandon him for what he is.

I think the has created a cult of free thinkers, and if that was a psyop plan from the DS they are even dumber than I originally thought.


Dec 9, 2020
They helped bring on all this shit with the gaslighting of the American public on election night up to inauguration.

Now all of a sudden they are on our side? No, they helped create the problem and have not a fucking clue as to how to fix anything.

They still have twitter, fb, and youtube accts. bc they say the "right" things.
I scream this at the TV almost every evening. You are right.

I sometimes forget about the concept that the news are just Merchants of Chaos. The more chaos, the better.

One of the few things L Ron Hubbard got right:



Jan 8, 2021
Please flush...

Hoosier in Mad Town

Dec 9, 2020



Jan 8, 2021
None of anything is ancillary to the Bible. If you take that position, your view is inherently flawed, sharing the same foundation of Marx or the Frankfurt School, which took Marxism as an economic construct and turned it into a social system. Their 2 fundamental assumptions are:

  1. Man is inherently good
  2. God doesn't exist
Both are false statements. This is why every one of their ideas is wrought with hypocrisy from CRT to education to Socialism itself. You attempt to take God out of the equation and everything falls apart, almost immediately.

I have zero idea where we are in the big picture. I'd be weary of anyone who does and it's why I never paid attention to any of those "prophesy" videos posted throughout the various iterations of the thread.

This is what I do know. Jesus will return once every nation, tribe and tongue have heard the Gospel AND the antichrist will eventually present as a man. Those are 2 items spelled out clearly. There may be more.

We haven't achieved those 2 thresholds. At least not yet. The first one might be done over the next 5-10 years. Maybe. The second one? I haven't, as of today, seen someone emerge that would fit the description of the antichrist in alignment with a 7 year tribulation period and 3 year reign.
Meant to say "ancillary at best"

I think we have the wires crossed but agree on the big picture

With one caveat being that "Q" is the left flank of the cultural revolution attacking the most threatening sectors of the right


Dec 9, 2020

View attachment 15424
This shit is crazy. Due to work I got the vaccine, Moderna. Got second shot 2/10 so I am way in the clear, except a surgeon I work with who has the vaccine is now positive. So I had to not work today and get the test, if it comes back positive to 10 days. Joked with my wife if I have it I will be super cured, vaccine and antibodies. Bring it.

Old Glory

Jan 8, 2021

View attachment 15424
"There is no evidence the vaccine caused his death"

When someone actually dies, "Well they may have had COVID even though we didn't test them so list it anyways".


Jan 8, 2021
And there will be a makeshift touching memorial with flowers and wreaths to honor the deceased. Mixed into those sincere expressions of grief will be multiple political signs. Such as the following to stoke gun laws

“Congress please help”
“How many more?”

but never

“FBI do your job”

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