Two things boys! Got my blood work back today during annual physical and I will live to fight another day. Second, has the medical article on cholesterol that showed that higher levels than docs like is normal? TIA.
He's a fertile mfer
When I was a yut', we had to bring No. 2 pencils for our first day. Now the list includes everything under the sun to include extra for the 'migrants' who can't read the fucking list. Something is broke here. Skol!My local ISD fired its Superintendent for malfeasance and paid to move a woman from Georgia in as Super. She was involved in a Georgia cheating (or other issue) scandal (I don't recall the specifics) which was known. After 6 months, she was fired, given a year's severance, and paid to move back to Georgia. The person who replace her came from an ISD in SE Texas which was taken over by the state for corruption and other illegalities. He brought 2 of his cohorts with him as well as wife and girlfriend. He was terminated after 1-2 year. The person in place now, immediately hired 10-12 new admins at over 100K each. And we wonder why the ISD continues to get D's and F's in state rankings. But they have won numerous state championships in football and basketball throughout.
The ENTIRE response is a giant ratio - not one comment supporting it.
I'm beginning to think that eliminating the fraud would result in a significant surplus.
Bet she watches figure skating and cries
If you listen to Sheryl Crow you probably are having a 24 hour a day panic attack on Bluesky. Skol!
Stay away from the statins brother
I'm beginning to think that eliminating the fraud would result in a significant surplus.
I was just telling @MortgageHorn about this and you
Is this good, bad, or just gay?I was just telling @MortgageHorn about this and you
Add in a limited and much smaller federal government = less $ to operate. Skol!My thoughts FWIW
At first I thought they might find a Trillion.
But then I thought what Trump said about running the country on tariffs alone.
People think he says whacky shit - but he never says anything that he doesn't know is true.
At the same time he was saying eliminate the income tax.
I think that Trump knew how much waste exists and that if we eliminated it and had reciprocal tariffs we would have the following:
1. Enough money to run the government
2. You could eliminate the income tax
Can you imagine the prosperity if we got rid of the waste and the average American had another 25-30 percent of what they made back in their pocket?
It would be a golden renaissance.
Here is the thing that makes it even better for Americans.
If you run the government only on tariffs and eliminate the IRS and income taxes then Congress loses all control over business and citizens.
Most taxes are enacted only to control your behavior or the behavior of business which eliminates Adam Smith's "Invisible Hand".
For example a tax credit on EVs cause businesses like Ford to invest in EVs which has caused them to lose Billions.
A tax on certain products like "gas stoves" causes the consumer to purchase inefficient electric stoves.
Simple examples but you get the picture.
Bottom line no income tax equals greater liberty and freedom for the citizenry.
Is this good, bad, or just gay?
Add in a limited and much smaller federal government = less $ to operate. Skol!