Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads
Fellas, you have GOT TO listen to the Sean Ryan Show with former Biden staffer and repatriated democrat Lindy Li. She is dropping the names and spilling all of the dirty laundry of the Biden administration. I think it just dropped today so it’s not on his YouTube page so I cannot link it. But HO-LY SHIT, she is telling all.

One more institution that will be exposed to the "normies"

If they are filing lawsuits, who will pay their legal bills given USAID taxpayers are no longer giving them money? I bet the pucker factor is strong and will get stronger in Congress, DC, state houses, newsrooms, men's rooms, as more stuff is revealed---despite the threat from liberal judges.

I swear if Trump would announce a new enterprise business program to help urban areas, libs heads would explode. They are losing all the 80-20 on layups, something like that, which would take the eyes off Doge for a few days, would have blacks and inner-city folks hopping even more than currently. People are looking for more reasons to jump, and this would be more to throw Libs and media(one in the same) into hysteria


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Jasmine Crockett also paid her husband over $450,000 disguised as payments for security services, plus an additional $375,000 in tranches from various shell companies listed in Hong Kong and Kyiv Rep Jasmine Crockett owns $2M townhouse in Dallas $1.5M loft in Austin, Texas $1.5M lakefront cabin in Galveston, Texas AUDIT HER

Why would any non mentally ill person vote for her

Bannon must be eavesdropping on me. I said months ago that Trump could join with Mieli in Argentina and make North and South America an economic mega-power. Any other country wanting to be a part of this can join so long as they aren't run by socialists or communists or Brazil until they jettison their stolen election liberal president.

She basically admitted that few of the pardons, except for the OBiden's, were Joe's. Makes you wonder if she is the source of the "X" a couple of weeks ago stating that any "cabinet secretary or staffer" who signed the pardons are going to be prosecuted. She also admitted the EOs were from others and not OBiden. The question is who actually signed those? If it wasn't OBiden then are they valid?

air traffic controllers were always exempt from Trump’s civil service buyouts. The previous administration shamelessly used USDOT as a slush fund for the Green New Scam, throwing away money and resources on wasteful environmental and social justice projects rather than updating our nation’s antiquated air traffic control systems and other critical infrastructure.I’m returning this department to its mission of safety by using innovative technology in transportation and infrastructure. Your team had its chance and failed. We’re moving on without you because the American people want us to make America’s transportation system great again. And yes, we’re bringing the 22-year-olds with us.

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