A hypothetical that I am happily not having to entertain. They, the cabal, always present these advances as good for humanity. Rarely used that way though. I will gladly wait and see. Sounds wonderful if that is all they use "big brother" for. Skol!Not arguing against that, but let's say Mrs viking has a blood clot or stroke and an AI analysis of an MRI has a 200% better chance of finding it over a doctor's human eyes. Or double the chance to have a successful heart surgery by letting an AI control the arthroscopic equipment over a human. Would you be okay with that?
That said I think there are some huge risks with developing the technology but there are also some huge rewards. It's one of those very cautiously optimistic situations for me. And strongly believe there need to be some protections put in to take it down which would need to be hardware based since nothing software would be safe (kill switch)
Oh they will 100% use it for nefarious purposes. I cannot wait to disgust some NSA interne with my porn searches.A hypothetical that I am happily not having to entertain. They, the cabal, always present these advances as good for humanity. Rarely used that way though. I will gladly wait and see. Sounds wonderful if that is all they use "big brother" for. Skol!
I believe that's more than what we have received where I live in the Adirondacks so far this yearFt Walton Beach FL
Approximate snow 8 inches. Unbelievable
View attachment 228774 View attachment 228775
Sounding more and more like we have been hood-winked.
As much as I like Trump this is an unforgivable offense to push more vaccines.
Deep State wins again - nothing changes.
If he dies he dies.
Soros pays well.
If it speeds up an American citizen from sitting in the ER for 4 hours while the illegals are paraded through like cattle then I'm all for it.Lol not trying to start an argument just saying medical advances in diagnosis and treatment plans would greatly benefit from AI being able to do stuff like read MRI and blood work to quickly diagnose early stages of cancer. AI has the potential to advance modern medicine more than penicillin did.
Lol not trying to start an argument just saying medical advances in diagnosis and treatment plans would greatly benefit from AI being able to do stuff like read MRI and blood work to quickly diagnose early stages of cancer. AI has the potential to advance modern medicine more than penicillin did.
Whereabouts?Ft Walton Beach FL
Approximate snow 8 inches. Unbelievable
View attachment 228774 View attachment 228775
Ft Walton Beach FL
Approximate snow 8 inches. Unbelievable
View attachment 228774 View attachment 228775
They can push all the vaccines they want IMO. The liberal herd needs a big trimming anyway.
Student shoots two at Nashville high school before turning gun on himself
Police say the person responsible is no longer a threat.nypost.com
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