No, I haven't come across those. Once I was out I was focused on not fucking up supervision and getting a job. This seems more geared toward people sticking it out and fighting it. Even then it's a crap shoot because it's SOOO FUCKING CORRUPT, and they even punish you for even wanting to fight it.
The way the Feds work is they basically force you to lie to get that plea deal, then gag you from talking about it. No clearer example of forcing a confession under duress when you have a federal detainer and can't even post bail. Most people don't even get that option, your lawyer really has to fight for you to even get that.
Sure you can stay and fight for the truth, but you're going to be stuck in there like all those that spent 3+ years in there.
I took the plea. I wanted out. Federal Justice is run by criminals.
I appreciate the thoughts and prayers, we all do. It worked.