Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads

Bondi has said that anyone other than OBiden who signed off on pardons and presumably EO's will be indicted and prosecuted. Doubtful Biden signed any pardons other than Hunter's.

"Walking foreskins" will have to use this from now on.

Fair question

Those who don't pay their taxes will have their property sold at auction. My guess is Black Rock will be the winner to get their hands on the lithium deposits. Maui all over again.
Ice is wild here right now. It took me 20 minutes just to get my truck door open. 8" of snow and then rain and sleet for 3 hours then ice for an hour and then it went back to snowing.... Walking is a chore outside.
The ice is crazy here too. I filled up my bottle 2/3 with ice before adding water to keep from getting dehydrated in this sunny beautiful weather. The struggle is real
The ice is crazy here too. I filled up my bottle 2/3 with ice before adding water to keep from getting dehydrated in this sunny beautiful weather. The struggle is real
It is raining on the hillside here in Anchorage today. Weird weather for sure. Very little snow fall, worst skiing at Alyeska in forever. Had single digits over the weekend and now high 30's today. Wild wild stuff. SKOL!
Going to be hard for the screwball Judge in NYC to sentence Trump to jail on 1/10 notwithstanding his statement that no jail time would ensue. That Judge will lie about anything and do what he wants regardless of the rules and law. I'm guessing he will sentence Trump to jail but suspend the sentence while he's President but keep the gag order in place.

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