Long Cat V2.0
^^wanna bet^^
Would be way better if a trucker was honking every time he tried to talk.
^^wanna bet^^
then judge must dieI heard it may be hard for Trump to do that since it pertained to legislation already passed by Congress decades ago. Some sort of Offshore Preservation Law. Regardless, the dems will find a lib judge to say Trump can't rescind it.
Woman gets out of her car to confront the red car driver. Then attacks the person who got out and got the 1, 2 from the red car person. Started crying when she woke up. I suspect we'll see more and more of this. People are tired of the bullshit. Unfortunately, guns will start being used.
There will be violence if they try to 180. There will be violence if they don’t. Please choose accordingly, same as here!Britain is having major issues and it's going to get a whole lot worse. Can't see how it will be solved peacefully
Bahahahaha, guess I won't be visiting UK ever again.
Probably being pressured by his label. The label dropped the singer who had the Covid song recently.
So just take it to court with a real judge rather than an activist.But the Lands Act, which allows presidents to withdraw areas from mineral leasing and drilling, does not grant them the legal authority to overturn prior bans, according to a 2019 court ruling.
That order came in response to Trump's effort to reverse Arctic and Atlantic Ocean withdrawals made by former President Barack Obama at the end of his presidency.