"One Of The Greatest Lies Ever Told To Humanity By Medicine Is That Salt Is Bad For You."
"If You Had A Heart Attack Today Or Stroke Level High Blood Pressure, The 1st Life Saving Procedure Is To Inject You With Saline. 9,000 mg Of Salt In That Bag Of Water! And They May Even Do A "Push" Of 2 Bags Of Saline."
"18,000 mg Of Salt Inside Your Body & Your Blood Pressure Starts Coming Down."
"Your kidneys are what release water out of the body. The kidneys operate with what are called 'sodium potassium pumps'. Sodium is SALT."
"Salt potassium pumps are required in your kidneys to pump out water. We deprive ourselves of salt. Our doctors tells us to eat less salt, the world tells us to eat a low sodium diet."
"Our kidneys don't get the salt they need & we will retain water which puts pressure on our blood vessels. So, Doctors prescribe Lasix, a Diuretic."
"Lasix is patented salt in the form of Furosemide Sodium. They want you to swallow their prescription tablet form of salt, they don't want you eating it in your food."
"It's one of The Greatest Lies in Medicine."