When you don't break out the wooden spoon and just hit the door yelling for your kid. Best hug ever.
My children knowingly and gleefully lied to me. And it's the best thing ever.
G was in Florida for the week, so I went to my parents in
Mississippi (for those who don't know, my parents moved over the summer from Dallas to Long Beach, MS. Took young men down to do the heavy lifting). Had a lovely few days with them and then drove back to Dayton via the long way to have lunch with Claire. (She knew and played along. She's a co conspirator) While I'm driving home Thursday (an easy 11 hour drive that I thought would be 13ish because oxford detour that wound up being 17 hours because wtf snow?!?!?) I call Max to double check when he's coming home because he might be coming home over the weekend? Sadly, no. He's got a presentation on Tuesday. <<<<< the lie.
Cue Friday. I picked G up from the airport and we go to dinner at Oakwood Club (I'm grabbing Abigail later that night and I'm already wiped. exhausted)
We come home from dinner and I tell G "that's my jeep" (Max has been driving it because the mini is being quite the PITA at the moment).
G: that's not your jeep
Me: It's my jeep. How many red jeeps with college stickers and a Texas flag tire cover have you seen in Oakwood? Oh... and my plate? That's my jeep.
He surprised us with an early arrival AND got to hug Abigail. (Yup...our Abi was coming home.

And now Claire is spending the week (safely arrived this afternoon) with my parents before heading back to Oxford for the Egg Bowl.
Riley will be here Wednesday on their way to Pittsburgh.
All within one week I get to see and hug those I most love. My husband, all 4 of our children, our parents.