Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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London / UK is lost:

Well done liberals for silencing individuals like me for the last two decades and labelling us as self hating Nazis.

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: 🤔 :rolleyes: :rolleyes: 🤔 :rolleyes:

Harris leading Trump by 7 points: Poll​

The Hill
Miranda Nazzaro
August 25, 2024 at 8:27 AM

Vice President Harris holds a 7-point edge over former President Trump nationally in a new poll, marking the latest gain for the Democratic presidential candidate as the general election approaches.
A survey from Fairleigh Dickinson University, released last Friday, found Harris leading Trump with 50 percent support to 43 percent nationally, while 7 percent of respondents said they will vote for someone else. Trump and Harris fare equally well with voters from their party, each having 95 percent support from their partisans, pollsters found.

Sampled 95 percent Dems

A real seasoned pollster I'm sure is ol' Miranda
I still don't understand, can anyone help me explain, what the fuck exactly liberal whites love about such rancid, grotesque public displays by degenerates?

I remember as a child / teen, any times my parents dragged me off to their religious shitshows, all I could ever feel was pure 'ick & ewww' throughout them.

But liberal mayos love it and let it happen all over their countries in the name of 'diversity'. Like, why???
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Every Sunday they have a farmers market that is like literally three minutes from my house.

I got all of these fruits and vegetables, carrots, potatoes, red onions, cilantro, rosemary, avocados, squash, +30 eggs plus pineapple, strawberries, bananas, and apples and a jar of local honey for $22

All organic no big agriculture here fuck all those fucking poison pushing people in the US

I’ve been to Medellín about 6 years ago. Thought it would be a nice place to live, but I saw some older expats there that didn’t seem to speak Spanish and were starved to talk to someone in English from the US and were quite annoying.
My question is do you speak Spanish and were you able to set up a social network?
No, prostitutes don’t count :)

I’m embarrassed for them.
Hmm - conveniently omitting the obvious...

More middle-aged adults have been dying from strokes. Experts cite 3 factors that might be to blame.​

Rebecca CoreyReporter
Tue, August 20, 2024 at 3:10 PM CDT
3 min read

A woman leaning against the wall with one hand and the other hand over her forehead.

Experts point to an increase in risk factors and misidentification of symptoms as possible reasons for a spike in stroke deaths among middle-aged adults. (Getty Images)

In recent years, more adults between the ages of 45 and 64 have been dying from strokes, according to a new report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Stroke occurs when blood flow to the brain is blocked or there’s sudden bleeding in the brain. Unless treated quickly, it can lead to lasting brain damage, long-term disability or death.
After declining from 2002 to 2012, stroke death rates for middle-aged adults increased 7% between 2012 and 2019, and increased an additional 12% through 2021, the CDC found. The stroke death rate then fell slightly (by 2%) for men through 2022, and “did not change significantly” for women.
The CDC report didn’t explore possible reasons for the spike in stroke deaths. However, experts tell Yahoo Life there could be a few explanations.

Reason #1: An increase in stroke risk factors — especially high blood pressure​

Underlying conditions like diabetes, obesity and hyperlipidemia (aka high cholesterol) have increased among middle-aged adults, as have poor lifestyle habits such as alcohol use, unhealthy diets and physical inactivity — all of which are typical risk factors for stroke, experts say.
“These risk factors over time lead to atherosclerosis, which is a common cause of stroke in older patients. However, we have seen an increase in these same risk factors leading to stroke in our younger patient population,” Dr. Fan Caprio, a vascular neurologist at Northwestern Medicine and medical director for its Comprehensive Stroke Center, tells Yahoo Life.
An increase in risk factors, Caprio explains, can lead to more and bigger strokes — which in turn can lead to higher mortality and morbidity.

One of the most notable risk factors behind the rise is hypertension, or high blood pressure.
“Hypertension, which is the most important stroke risk factor, has increased among middle-aged adults,” Adam Vaughan, an epidemiologist with the CDC’s Division for Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention, tells Yahoo Life. Vaughan adds that more than half of middle-aged adults with hypertension have “uncontrolled hypertension” — meaning their high blood pressure is untreated or not responding to treatment.
Dr. Mona Bahouth, medical director of the Brain Rescue Unit at Johns Hopkins Medicine, adds that what can make high blood pressure so dangerous is the fact that it’s “fairly silent.”
“You don't really feel that you have high blood pressure until you've had it for a while and it's too late, unless you're measuring it,” she tells Yahoo Life.

Reason #2: Missing doctor appointments​

Vaughan points out that socioeconomic disparities could also be at play. “Many people in this age group might have limited access to health care, leading to undiagnosed or not controlled risk factors, and delayed treatment in general,” he says.
It’s also possible that COVID-19 may have contributed to the rise. Rates in stroke deaths spiked 12% during the early years of the pandemic, which could be because more people missed doctor appointments and preventive screenings that would have identified some of those crucial risk factors. Still, Bahouth says we “can't really take that bait too easily”; although stroke deaths increased early in the pandemic, the study shows that rates were already on the rise before COVID came into the picture.

Reason #3: Not recognizing stroke symptoms​

Stroke can be mistakenly viewed as a “disorder of the elderly.” As such, when a middle-aged person starts to develop symptoms of a stroke, those symptoms might be dismissed and medical attention delayed until it’s too late, Caprio says.
Experts say it’s imperative that people of all ages recognize the telltale signs of stroke, which include:
  • sudden weakness or dizziness
  • sudden numbness, especially on one side of the body
  • sudden trouble speaking or understanding speech
  • sudden severe headache
Who what where when and how?

This girls name is Jenny Maxwell and she likes to be spanked. I guess it's being hidden but if you scroll her tweets she is kinky as shit. The post I linked was her saying that she wanted to get spanked by a right wing, clean cut, normal guy. She didn't want him to spank her because he thought it was kinky but because he felt she was sinning and needed to be punished. LOL.

Chromosome tests for XX / XY, make them mandatory for every job.

This isn't to ban trans people, its to ban people who lie about and hide their trans identity.

If they own up to it, no problem, as long as their criminal history is also clear.

In government, I assume the issue is that people wouldn't vote for a tranny? But then the democrats also push that it shouldn't matter? Hypocrisy.

Why watching this clip I looked up at the Judge Judy I was watching on YouTube and honestly said to myself that I would rather have sex with Judge Judy than anyone of those cheerleaders, including the guy with black hair and father issues
I’ve been to Medellín about 6 years ago. Thought it would be a nice place to live, but I saw some older expats there that didn’t seem to speak Spanish and were starved to talk to someone in English from the US and were quite annoying.
My question is do you speak Spanish and were you able to set up a social network?
No, prostitutes don’t count :)

Si yo hablo espanol y leo y escribo tambien. Estudie Eapanol cuando estaba en la Universidad de Texas. Pero cuando me mude aca, solo recordaba un poca de la idioma.

Para ser mejor yo tomo una clase del Espnaol en linea cuatro o cinco veces por semana.

A mi no me gusta cuando personas de Los Estatdos Unidos se mudaron aca y no hablan Espanol lo mismo de tu.

Yo entiendo cuando persona estan visitando por sola una vaccion.

Pero vivir aca y no aprender la idioma es sin respeto!

Yo quiero tener el respeto para la gente de Colombia porque es su pais, no el mio, es su idioma, no la mio, es su cultura, no la mia, es su historia, no la mio.

Si he creado una red social, pero lleva tiempo. Me he encontado mucha gente de tenis, alguno restaurantes donde you como con frequencia, mi cirujano ortopedico, mi fisoterapeuta, el gimansio. Cada dia es mas y mas facil con tiempo.

Por lo general no me asocio con gringos, solo si los encuentro de otros gringos que yo conozco. Yo no quiero conocer los gringos aca porque hay muchos estan pendeajos, o no quieren aprender Espanol o estan aca por las drogas y las prostitutas solo. Necesita cuidado cuando esta conociendo los gringos.

Si las prostituas no cuentan y no es para mi tambien.

English shorthand translation:

Yes I speak Spanish and read and write it. I took when I was at The University of Texas. But when I moved here I only remembered a little bit.

In order to get better I take a Spanish class on-line 4-5 days a week.

I don't like people that move here from the US and don't speak Spanish just like you don't.

I understand if you are just here on vacation, but if you live here and don't learn it is very disrespectful.

I want to have respect for the people of Colombia - it's their country not mine, it's their language not mine, it's their culture not mine, and it's their history not mine.

Yes I've been able to establish a social network, but it takes time. I have met people from tennis, going to the same restaurants all the time, thru my orthopedic surgeon & physical therapist whom we've become friends, and the gym.

In general I don't associate with gringos unless I meet them from someone I know. I don't want to meet gringos here because many are assholes, don't want to learn Spanish, and are into the prostitution and drug thing. You need to be careful when meeting other gringos.

Yes prostitutes don't count and that's not for me.


Edit: you are all welcome to come visit, and see for yourself. I have a 3 bedroom place so that I can have people visit without needing a hotel. Of course you are welcome to get your own place and I can point you in the right direction there as well.


I can tell you that you learn a lot about yourself when you sell everything you own aka burning the ships, and move 2076 miles by yourself where your language is pretty much useless.

It's changed me as a person, son, and friend for the better and wouldn't have traded it for anything. In fact, just wish I had done it sooner, but life works out how it's supposed to.
Last edited:
Ok, more alien tech is being released.
It’s like dropping a garage door 🚪 opener into the hands of Newton. We’re finally figuring out how to apply what was donated in the Roswell crash.

A Revolutionary Quantum Compass Could Soon Make GPS-Free Navigation a Reality​

from the all-encompassing-research dept.
America's Department of Energy has three R&D labs, according to Wikipedia, one of which is Sandia National Labs. And that New Mexico-based lab has just announced that "A milestone in quantum sensing is drawing closer, promising exquisitely accurate, GPS-free navigation." with research into "a motion sensor so precise it could minimize the nation's reliance on global positioning satellites."Until recently, such a sensor — a thousand times more sensitive than today's navigation-grade devices — would have filled a moving truck. But advancements are dramatically shrinking the size and cost of this technology. For the first time, researchers from Sandia National Laboratories have used silicon photonic microchip components to perform a quantum sensing technique called atom interferometry, an ultra-precise way of measuring acceleration. It is the latest milestone toward developing a kind of quantum compass for navigation when GPS signals are unavailable. The team published its findings and introduced a new high-performance silicon photonic modulator — a device that controls light on a microchip — as the cover story in the journal Science Advances... The new modulator is the centerpiece of a laser system on a microchip. Rugged enough to handle heavy vibrations, it would replace a conventional laser system typically the size of a refrigerator...

Besides size, cost has been a major obstacle to deploying quantum navigation devices. Every atom interferometer needs a laser system, and laser systems need modulators. "Just one full-size single-sideband modulator, a commercially available one, is more than $10,000," said Sandia scientist Jongmin Lee. Miniaturizing bulky, expensive components into silicon photonic chips helps drive down these costs. "We can make hundreds of modulators on a single 8-inch wafer and even more on a 12-inch wafer," Kodigala said. And since they can be manufactured using the same process as virtually all computer chips, "This sophisticated four-channel component, including additional custom features, can be mass-produced at a much lower cost compared to today's commercial alternatives, enabling the production of quantum inertial measurement units at a reduced cost," Lee said.

As the technology gets closer to field deployment, the team is exploring other uses beyond navigation. Researchers are investigating whether it could help locate underground cavities and resources by detecting the tiny changes these make to Earth's gravitational force. They also see potential for the optical components they invented, including the modulator, in LIDAR, quantum computing, and optical communicati

Si you hablo espanol y leo y escribo tambien. Estudie Eapanol cuando estaba en la Universidad de Texas. Pero cuando me mude aca, solo recordaba un poca de la idioma.

Para ser mejor yo tomo una clase del Espnaol en linea cuatro o cinco veces por semana.

A mi no me gusta cuando personas de Los Estatdos Unidos se mudaron aca y no hablan Espanol lo mismo de tu.

Yo entiendo cuando persona estan visitando por sola una vaccion.

Pero vivir aca y no aprender la idioma es sin respeto!

Yo quiero tener el respeto para la gente de Colombia porque es su pais, no el mio, es su idioma, no la mio, es su cultura, no la mia, es su historia, no la mio.

Si he creado una red social, pero lleva tiempo. Me he encontado mucha gente de tenis, alguno restaurantes donde you como con frequencia, mi cirujano ortopedico, mi fisoterapeuta, el gimansio. Cada dia es mas y mas facil con tiempo.

Por lo general no me asocio con gringos, solo si los encuentro de otros gringos que yo conozco. Yo no quiero conocer los gringos aca porque hay muchos estan pendeajos, o no quieren aprender Espanol o estan aca por las drogas y las prostitutas solo. Necesita cuidado cuando esta conociendo los gringos.

Si las prostituas no cuentan y no es para mi tambien.

English shorthand translation:

Yes I speak Spanish and read and write it. I took when I was at The University of Texas. But when I moved here I only remembered a little bit.

In order to get better I take a Spanish class on-line 4-5 days a week.

I don't like people that move here from the US and don't speak Spanish just like you don't.

I understand if you are just here on vacation, but if you live here and don't learn it is very disrespectful.

I want to have respect for the people of Colombia - it's their country not mine, it's their language not mine, it's their culture not mine, and it's their history not mine.

Yes I've been able to establish a social network, but it takes time. I have met people from tennis, going to the same restaurants all the time, thru my orthopedic surgeon & physical therapist whom we've become friends, and the gym.

In general I don't associate with gringos unless I meet them from someone I know. I don't want to meet gringos here because many are assholes, don't want to learn Spanish, and are into the prostitution and drug thing. You need to be careful when meeting other gringos.

Yes prostitutes don't count and that's not for me.


Edit: you are all welcome to come visit, and see for yourself. I have a 3 bedroom place so that I can have people visit without needing a hotel. Of course you are welcome to get your own place and I can point you in the right direction there as well.


I can tell you that you learn a lot about yourself when you sell everything you own aka burning the ships, and move 2076 miles by yourself where your language is pretty much useless.

It's changed me as a person, son, and friend for the better and wouldn't have traded it for anything. In fact, just wish I had done it sooner, but life works out how it's supposed to.
yes I’m impressed and can only imagine how you’ve changed by taking that leap..
I might take you up on the offer, I also want to visit El Salvador. Possibly next year.
:rolleyes: :rolleyes: 🤔 :rolleyes: :rolleyes: 🤔 :rolleyes:

Harris leading Trump by 7 points: Poll​

The Hill
Miranda Nazzaro
August 25, 2024 at 8:27 AM

Vice President Harris holds a 7-point edge over former President Trump nationally in a new poll, marking the latest gain for the Democratic presidential candidate as the general election approaches.
A survey from Fairleigh Dickinson University, released last Friday, found Harris leading Trump with 50 percent support to 43 percent nationally, while 7 percent of respondents said they will vote for someone else. Trump and Harris fare equally well with voters from their party, each having 95 percent support from their partisans, pollsters found.

Fairleigh DICKinson. Kamala always outperforms if a dick is involved.

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Hate Speech = anything we don’t like
Hate Speech = anything that threatens our power
Hate Speech = we don’t like you/ we are locking you up

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