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Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads


GIF specialist
Dec 9, 2020
Has it been determined yet who shot the shooter at the rally? I've seen the videos of the 2 snipers on the roof that were looking at him, but it didn't really look like they fired shots. I believe some said he was shot from behind, in the back of the head also, but don't know that for sure either.


Jan 8, 2021
What? Not a chance. First, we should contribute a dollar to Ukraine, mech less any people.

Second, People entering the country illegally can never, never have legal a path to vote in our federal elections. No matter what.
In reference to the Euros wanting to fight Ruskies. Send their illegals to fight and the reward them with EU citizenship, if they survive. Agree, we don't need to send anymore money, weapons or anything else to Ukraine. McConnell, however, is wanting to send them more money.


Boob Enthusiast
Jan 7, 2021

Here we go!

Now the MSM are going to start calling Trump an “anti-vaxxer” because he talked with RFK Jr. about the dangers of absurd US vaccine usage on babies!

This will actually work in Trump’s favor. Pretty much everyone is a vaccine skeptic now.

Also, many Libertarians and RFK Jr. supporters’ main issue with Trump, is his defense of the vaccines. This might be what bridges the gap, and gets them to hop on board.

Trump is showing he wants to surround himself with the right people to tackle Big Pharma.


Boob Enthusiast
Jan 7, 2021

There is now a very credible explanation emerging that says US Secret Service agents, on orders from Kimberly Cheatle and Alejandro Mayorkas, placed a Secret Service team INSIDE the building where the "shooter" was crawling on the roof, and that the actual shots targeting #Trump may have been taken by the US Secret Service from INSIDE the building. This would be consistent with the audio forensics of the shooting recordings, since the distance would be nearly identical to the rooftop "shooter." This also explains why counter-sniper teams held their fire until AFTER the "shooter" killed Trump. Their job was to eliminate the patsy. Note that US Secret Service had eyes on this young man for at least 30 minutes, watching him with an actual rangefinder, scoping the range of the shot, then with a backpack, then scaling the ladder and going onto the roof. They watched him and reported on his progress. They did nothing to stop him. They did everything but load his rifle and pull the trigger. We need an immediate criminal investigation into Kimberly Cheatle and a hard look at all US Secret Service counter-snipers deployed that day. This stinks to high Heaven. Note that in the assassination of JFK, they also had a patsy, while the real shot was taken by a CIA-run sharpshooter. Cheatle's bizarre "sloped roof" excuse doesn't pass the smell test. She's covering up something.


Boob Enthusiast
Jan 7, 2021

It's important to understand what's now happening with the assassination attempt of Donald Trump.

They tried to kill Trump, failed miserably, and in the process left major evidence it was an obvious inside job because they were so confident he wouldn't survive.

Now that everyone is asking questions and getting closer to the truth, they're blaming the entire thing on Iran to not only avoid all of their own accountability...

But also, to open up the door to try to kill him again and when they succeed with that assassination use the narrative of "Iran wants him dead" to get Americans behind World War 3.

This means they're going to try again, and possibly more than once.
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