Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads
I've been saying for years there would be an event or moment that galvanizes Americans and wakes them up to the America 1st ideology. Last night may have been that moment. The current state of the home board is a microcosm of this potentially happening. Overnight, everyone there is actually getting along now and legitimately worried about the direction of the country and wondering who has actually been running it. This is the longest, most excruciatingly painstaking I told you so in modern human history. Skol brothers and sisters.
I've been saying for years there would be an event or moment that galvanizes Americans and wakes them up to the America 1st ideology. Last night may have been that moment. The current state of the home board is a microcosm of this potentially happening. Overnight, everyone there is actually getting along now and legitimately worried about the direction of the country and wondering who has actually been running it. This is the longest, most excruciatingly painstaking I told you so in modern human history. Skol brothers and sisters.
You mean there’s no more nauseating spin?
They have known this since before 2020. They stole the election so Obama & Company could have 4 years to use PedoJoe to transform the US.
I’ve been saying it since last time. Biden was not a serious candidate last election and he definitely isn’t one this time. I thought they would replace him before the last election but they had 81,000,000 other plans instead.
You are overthinking it. Take a full pack of thick cut bacon, fry it in a pan, remove it but leave the bacon grease, scramble 6 eggs, put it in the bacon grease, cook to preference, have 3 perfect Keto meals ready to go.
Ah to have the time and money for that! Must be nice brother!

The advantages to BaconUp in my life:

1) I’m a single full time parent with a demanding career. I batch cook meals. Batch cooking bacon happens maybe once every two weeks. I bake it in the oven.

2) The amount of grease from a batch cook of bacon nets me a coffee cup of grease. This will get me to around 2-3 egg cooks (pan with 8-12 eggs). Then I have to batch cook more bacon. So that means I have 4-5 days without grease to use without batch cooking bacon (time and money).

3) bacon grease inherently has tiny pieces of bacon in it and if kept longer than a few days starts to become rancid and taste like shit. BaconUp is filtered and keeps for months, even at room temp.

4) It takes a paradigm shift to understand, but these products are my new “olive oil”. So to have them on hand and ready to use, in a state where they don’t spoil, and in quantities that are cost effective is the best fit for me.

So, really I didn’t overthink it. I fucking perfected it. Now kindly eat a dick, sir.

Hope this helps.
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Who the hell are the 33?

33 you say?

this is a big miss. Biden and Dr Jill will do what they are told. Biden doesn’t even get to decide when and where he will answer questions from the media. He doesn’t get a vote if he runs or not. Besides, isn’t this why they have super delegates? The dems just chose to name Hilary the nominee. They will do the same again and select whoever they want to run.

Who’s on the hot board?


Long shots
RFK jr
Big mike
Mayor pete

Didn't know 3year was a Qanon

I've been saying for years there would be an event or moment that galvanizes Americans and wakes them up to the America 1st ideology. Last night may have been that moment. The current state of the home board is a microcosm of this potentially happening. Overnight, everyone there is actually getting along now and legitimately worried about the direction of the country and wondering who has actually been running it. This is the longest, most excruciatingly painstaking I told you so in modern human history. Skol brothers and sisters.
Interesting, given all the indoctrinating on the 40 acres the past several decades. Life's realities have a way of purging "feelgoodism".
I’ve been saying it since last time. Biden was not a serious candidate last election and he definitely isn’t one this time. I thought they would replace him before the last election but they had 81,000,000 other plans instead.
Going to be hard to get 81 million plans now although the curtains to the theft will be wide open this time. Actually will make the job easier to pull off since play acting has been replaced by their unwavering desire for power and greed.
Even Elon is laughing at this idiot!!!

This guy is a jerk off. I mean that literally. As his commie pseudowife ain't giving him any and his eyes get squintier and closer together every time I see a clip of him, dead giveaway! I have a suspicion he is beating that pud to a picture of a topless Jill Biden that pedo pete gave him. Signed, happy wanking, you stupid wanka!! Much love, pedo pete. Haha Skol!
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This guy is a jerk off. I mean that literally. As his commie pseudowife ain't giving him any and his eyes get squintier and closer together every time I see a clip of him, dead giveaway! I have a suspicion he is beating that pud to a picture of a topless Jill Biden that pedo pete gave him. Signed, happy wanking, you stupid wanka!! Much love, pedo pete. Haha Skol!
A topless Jill would ruin the moment for most of us.

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