How Far Has Trust In US Government Fallen?
“Alright. Call me a conspiracy theorist or whatever the hell you wanna call me. I don't care. But hear me out. What if, like, Russia and North Korea and China, what if they're not the villains?
Like, what if Russia has things stationed off of our coast to protect the citizens of the United States.
Now I know that's where I'm gonna lose some of y'all, but just hang on. What if our government is the villain? And everybody else knows this and that’s why they’re shoving it so far down our throats that the other countries are the villains.
And now the other countries are finally sick of it, so now they're gonna have to protect us from the real villain.
Like I said, you can call me a conspiracy theorist or whatever you wanna call me, but I think quite honestly, anything is possible and on the table at this point.
What are your thoughts?”