“Why would the WEF want to prevent excavation of Gobekli Tepe?”
Answer: It may corroborate the Biblical story of Noah’s Ark was actually true.
Sound far fetched? These 6 points may blow your mind

Genesis 8:20 - Upon leaving the Ark, Noah built an altar where he sacrificed “every clean animal and bird”

The Pillars of Gobekli Tepe widely depict various birds and animals (many of which are not known to originate from Turkey)

Gobekli Tepe is in Turkey, and so is Mt. Ararat - the alleged location where the Ark landed following the Flood

Gobekli Tepe dates to 11,600yrs, the same time of the ‘Younger Dryas’ climate catastrophe - which resulted in ~400ft rise in Global sea-levels

Gobekli Tepe appears purposely buried. Perhaps even flood related.

Connect the dots. The powers that be want to “cancel” Christianity and the Bible. Why?
They want to cancel everything that’s true. (And if for no other reason, to continue propping up the false climate change narrative)
Again ask yourself: WHY on earth is the WEF even associated with excavations at Gobekli Tepe??