Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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Pologies mate. Just happened to read that whilst blazin'.

"1N73LL1G3NC3 15 7H3 4B1L17Y 7O 4D4P7 7O CH4NG3"

Cool....🤔 I have 1 or more questions.

What sort of 'Change' is meant?

Also, 'ability'...? & 'adapt'...(?)

What kinds of abilities...(?)

Any particular types? or manners of adaptions?...or just in general?

Wouldn't these words mean different shit for everyone too?

How bout you?

And what'd Hawking mean(?)... though knot merely the mainstream official pop cult takes of course aye.

How do you guys interpret the quote?

Exactly the same way as everyone else here?...or nah?

What d'the numbers mean?...anythin'?... somethin'?... nothin'?

Thinking maybe materialistic persons might lean into interpreting a wide range of materialistic contexts(?)

-"Defined as intellectual performance, within a closed system, on academic tasks or on academic problems that have fixed goals, a fixed structure, and knownelements, and is distinguished from social, everyday, successful, or practical intelligence."

Or otherwise the:

¹-"Logical-mathematical intelligence"

²-"Linguistic intelligence"

³-"Visual-spatial Intelligence"

⁴-"Musical Intelligence"

⁵-"Bodily-kinesthetic Intelligence"

⁶-"Intrapersonal Intelligence"

⁷-"Interpersonal Intelligence"

⁸-"Naturalistic intelligence"

On top of that there are the common English dictionary...
-"1. the ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills."

-"2. the collection of information of military or political value."

Plus... 😂fuck nose how many different intelligences beyond mundane materialized corporealities...

-"Intelligence is a spiritual attribute, fully, freely, and equally a part of each individual's expression of God. Christian Science doesn't try to fit its explanations in with biological or material views of intelligence. It operates entirely from the spiritual perspective."

*Sound about right?

-"Intelligence is not an object that can be measured."

-"Intelligence and aliveness are synonymous, and are unfathomable and immeasurable."

-"Logical capability is logically capability and it is just one tiny little aspect of intelligence."

-"Amoeba is intelligent by virtue of it being alive."

-"How do we know as scientists that amoeba is a simple uni cellular organism?"

-"It may be uni cellular but how do we know as to how much information or subtle memory is stored in that one single cell?"

-"Are the atoms that make up the cell of an amoeba really 99.99% empty?"

-"All we can say is that we do not know what is in the 99.99% of space in any atom!"

-"An egg cell and a sperm cell know enough to fuse together and create a beautiful human being with a brain and yet the scientists believe that intelligence is an emergent property of the brain!"

-"The egg cell and the sperm cell must contain tonnes of subtle memory complete with all the natural laws and the blue print for an intelligent human being like Einstein to emerge!"

-"How much of this infinite memory has science detected?"

-"Sorry Einstein, but intelligence cannot be measured."

-"Let us bow down to the intelligent creator in all humility."


The Biden DOJ selectively and maliciously misapplied a post-Enron corporate obstruction statute to persecute Biden's political enemies--while protecting his political friends.
Within the next several weeks, the Supreme Court will end this grotesque miscarriage of justice.
With their unprecedented, republic-ending Democrat lawfare and election interference, Biden, Merrick Garland, Lisa Monaco, Jack Smith, Matthew Graves, and so many others are involved in a criminal conspiracy against rights.
The Trump 47 DOJ must deliver severe legal, financial, and political consequences.



^^someone's enjoying retirement...skol^^


Now why would they need to simulate an (false flag) accident on the ISS??

NASA accidentally broadcasts simulation of distressed astronauts on space station​

By Reuters
Published June 13, 2024

NASA accidentally broadcast a simulation of astronauts being treated for decompression sickness on the International Space Station (ISS) on Wednesday, prompting speculation of an emergency in posts on social media.


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