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Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads


Boob Enthusiast
Jan 7, 2021

BREAKING - Criminal referral requests against Anthony Fauci and other public health officials have been submitted to District Attorneys in Louisiana.

"The criminal referrals accuse Dr. Fauci, current and former federal officers, and hospital systems providing care within Louisiana of committing crimes per Louisiana criminal code, including:  Terrorism – by Causing Intentional Killing or Infliction of Serious Bodily Injury, La. R.S. 14:128.1(A)  First Degree Murder, La. R.S. 14:30  Second Degree Murder, La. R.S. 14:30.1  Manslaughter, La. R.S. 14:31(A)(3)  Human Trafficking, La. R.S. 14:46.2 2  Prohibited Racketeering Acts, La. R.S. 15:1353  Cruelty to Persons with Infirmities, La. R.S. 14:93.3  False Imprisonment, La. R.S. 14:46  Second Degree Kidnapping, La. R.S. 14:44.1  Battery, La. R.S. 14:33  Simple Battery of Persons with Infirmities, La. R.S. 14:35.2"


Jan 8, 2021

Re Fake titanium. Someone is not doing quality control or quality control is being waived to cut costs. Safety sacrificed for profits. There should be zero tolerance for using aftermarket or questionable quality parts if they want to kept their flight certificate. Same zero tolerance for social wokism if safety is sacrificed in order to gussy up to the DEI turd.
Last edited:


Boob Enthusiast
Jan 7, 2021

#2A TERRIBLE ERROR BY ANTI-GUN SCOTUS JUSTICES. Never interrupt your enemy when they are making a mistake. In today's Cargill/bump stock opinion, the below statement from Sotomayor/Kagan/Jackson will have major implications for AR-15 ban cases. Their dissent reads: "Within a matter of minutes, using several hundred rounds of ammunition, the [Vegas] shooter killed 58 people and wounded over 500. He did so by affixing bump stocks to COMMONLY AVAILABLE, SEMIAUTOMATIC RIFLES." In my view, this is a devastating legal admission by the left that AR-15s are "in common use" and cannot be banned under Heller/Bruen.


Jan 8, 2021

BREAKING - Criminal referral requests against Anthony Fauci and other public health officials have been submitted to District Attorneys in Louisiana.

"The criminal referrals accuse Dr. Fauci, current and former federal officers, and hospital systems providing care within Louisiana of committing crimes per Louisiana criminal code, including:  Terrorism – by Causing Intentional Killing or Infliction of Serious Bodily Injury, La. R.S. 14:128.1(A)  First Degree Murder, La. R.S. 14:30  Second Degree Murder, La. R.S. 14:30.1  Manslaughter, La. R.S. 14:31(A)(3)  Human Trafficking, La. R.S. 14:46.2 2  Prohibited Racketeering Acts, La. R.S. 15:1353  Cruelty to Persons with Infirmities, La. R.S. 14:93.3  False Imprisonment, La. R.S. 14:46  Second Degree Kidnapping, La. R.S. 14:44.1  Battery, La. R.S. 14:33  Simple Battery of Persons with Infirmities, La. R.S. 14:35.2"

Look at the date of release.


Dec 1, 2020



Jan 8, 2021

Red Folder 📕: The Resurgence

What's In The Cards?

National Security

Geopolitical Affairs

Foreign Policy

Military Provisions

The Pead Act Outline-

The Presidential Emergency Action Documents (PEADs) are a classified set of emergency plans in the United States that outline presidential authority and actions during extraordinary national crises, particularly scenarios involving existential threats to the government or the country.

1. Activation Conditions

• Definition of Emergency:

Situations that might trigger the implementation of PEADs include severe national security threats like a nuclear attack, imminent attack on significant governmental structures, or any situation that threatens the continuity of government.

• Authority:

The President can activate PEADs when there is a perceived need to preserve governmental functions without the normal legislative or judicial processes due to the immediacy of the threat.

2. Presidential Powers

• Executive Actions:

The President may exercise broad powers that could include the suspension of habeas corpus (as historically done during the Civil War), the imposition of martial law, or other significant measures.

• Directive Issuance:

The President may issue directives necessary to manage the crisis, including the mobilization of military, the use of national resources, or emergency regulations affecting citizens and businesses.

3. Military Role and Responsibilities

• Defense Measures:

Immediate actions to ensure national defense and security, potentially including deployment of anti-ballistic missile defenses, mobilization of combat and support troops, and securing critical infrastructure.

• Support to Civil Authorities:

Military support for civil services might include ensuring law and order, logistical support for disaster response, and essential services maintenance.

4. Continuity of Government

• Succession Plans:

Clear guidelines for presidential succession beyond the Vice President, ensuring the continuity of executive functions with designated survivors and relocation to secure locations.

• Secure Communications:

Establishment and maintenance of secure communication channels among key government officials, military leaders, and continuity locations.

5. Public Communication

• Information Management:

Strategies for managing public information to prevent panic, provide instructions, and clarify the governmental response and status.

• Emergency Broadcasting:

Use of the Emergency Alert System and other means to continuously update the public and coordinate responses.

6. Interagency Coordination

• Central Command:

Establishing a central command and control center that integrates efforts across federal agencies.

• Resource Allocation:

Guidelines for prioritizing and allocating resources such as food, water, medicine, and fuel in an emergency.

7. Legal Framework

• Emergency Legislation:

Guidelines for temporary emergency legislation or waivers that bypass standard legal processes to respond effectively to the crisis.

• Judicial Oversight:

Post-emergency review mechanisms to assess the legality and appropriateness of actions taken under PEADs.

8. Demobilization and Recovery

• Recovery Planning:

Strategies to transition from emergency conditions back to normalcy, including economic stabilization plans and rebuilding critical infrastructure.

• Review and Evaluation:

Post-crisis analysis to evaluate the responses, learn from successes and failures, and adjust PEADs for future readiness.

I’ll just give this a Pepe. I’m wore out with this shit about see master plan that will capture them all. It’s BS imo.


Jan 9, 2021
Keep the faith brother, not that the Q master plan is 100% factual. But that god is good, and patriots will win the day, and the future for our children’s children’s children’s children.


I’ll just give this a Pepe. I’m wore out with this shit about see master plan that will capture them all. It’s BS imo.


Jan 8, 2021

Transgender swimmer Lia Thomas fails in challenge to rules that bar her from elite women's races​

Updated Wed, June 12, 2024 at 5:21 PM CDT·4 min read

FILE - University of Pennsylvania athlete Lia Thomas prepares for the 500 meter freestyle event at the NCAA Swimming and Diving Championships, March 17, 2022, at Georgia Tech in Atlanta. Transgender swimmer Lia Thomas failed in her challenge against rules that stop her competing in elite women’s races because judges ruled she did not have standing to bring the case. The Court of Arbitration for Sport said Wednesday, June 12, 2024, its panel of three judges dismissed Thomas’ request for arbitration with the World Aquatics governing body. (AP Photo/John Bazemore, File)

FILE - University of Pennsylvania athlete Lia Thomas prepares for the 500 meter freestyle event at the NCAA Swimming and Diving Championships, March 17, 2022, at Georgia Tech in Atlanta. Transgender swimmer Lia Thomas failed in her challenge against rules that stop her competing in elite women’s races because judges ruled she did not have standing to bring the case. The Court of Arbitration for Sport said Wednesday, June 12, 2024, its panel of three judges dismissed Thomas’ request for arbitration with the World Aquatics governing body. (AP Photo/John Bazemore, File)

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Swimming CAS Transgender Rules​

FILE - University of Pennsylvania athlete Lia Thomas prepares for the 500 meter freestyle event at the NCAA Swimming and Diving Championships, March 17, 2022, at Georgia Tech in Atlanta. Transgender swimmer Lia Thomas failed in her challenge against rules that stop her competing in elite women’s races because judges ruled she did not have standing to bring the case. The Court of Arbitration for Sport said Wednesday, June 12, 2024, its panel of three judges dismissed Thomas’ request for arbitration with the World Aquatics governing body. (AP Photo/John Bazemore, File)

Transgender swimmer Lia Thomas failed in her challenge against rules that stop her from competing in elite women’s races because judges ruled she did not have standing to bring the case.
The Court of Arbitration for Sport panel of three judges dismissed Thomas’ request for arbitration with the World Aquatics governing body, in a ruling released Wednesday.
World Aquatics banned transgender women who have been through male puberty from competing in women’s races. It also created an “open” category for which transgender athletes would be eligible.

Thomas had asked the sports court in Switzerland to overturn the rules approved in 2022 that she said were invalid, unlawful and discriminatory.
Thomas called the CAS' decision “deeply disappointing” in a statement provided by her legal team. "Blanket bans preventing trans women from competing are discriminatory and deprive us of valuable athletic opportunities that are central to our identities.” Thomas said the decision should be viewed as a call to action for trans women to ”fight for our dignity and human rights.”
Athlete Ally founder and executive director Hudson Taylor called it a “sad day for sports and for anyone who believes that trans athletes should have the opportunity for their experiences of discrimination to be heard and adjudicated like everyone else."
Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD) president/CEO Sarah Kate Ellis said in a statement that Thomas deserves a chance to participate in her sport like all human beings who work hard and follow their dream.
“World Aquatics continues to spread disinformation about transgender people as a distorted way to ‘protect women,’" Ellis added. ”Transgender women are women and all athletes who want to play and follow the rules should have a chance to do so."
Thomas swam for the University of Pennsylvania and won an NCAA title in meets that are outside the World Aquatics competitive system, in which she was not registered.
The world swim body argued to CAS that Thomas was not a member of its member federation USA Swimming when the legal case was started. She also had not competed in female events “for the purpose of qualification or selection” for World Aquatics competitions, such as the Olympics or world championships.
“The panel concludes that she lacks standing to challenge the policy and the operational requirements in the framework of the present proceeding,” the court said in its ruling.
In January, the ruling said, USA Swimming granted her request for “self-identity verification” as part of its policy on athlete inclusion.
The judges said USA Swimming had no authority “to modify such scope of application” of the world governing body’s rules.
World Aquatics said it welcomed the CAS decision in a case “we believe is a major step forward in our efforts to protect women’s sport.”
“World Aquatics is dedicated to fostering an environment that promotes fairness, respect, and equal opportunities for athletes of all genders and we reaffirm this pledge,” the governing body based in Lausanne said in a statement.
Swimming's policy on transgender athletes was followed by other top-tier Olympic sports, track and field, then cycling, in excluding from women's events those who have potentially gained lasting physical advantages from male puberty.
The International Cycling Union noted last year "it is also impossible to rule out the possibility that biomechanical factors such as the shape and arrangement of the bones in their limbs may constitute a lasting advantage for female transgender athletes.”
Thomas was represented at CAS by Toronto-based Tyr, the legal firm that has represented two-time Olympic champion runner Caster Semenya. Semenya is excluded from running in her specialist 800-meter event by World Athletics rules on athletes with differences in sex development who have elevated levels of testosterone.
The CAS judges declined World Aquatics' request for Thomas to pay its legal costs and other expenses incurred in the case.
The judging panel included two of the highest-profile CAS arbitrators: Thomas selected Richard McLaren, the Canadian investigator who helped prove the Russian doping scandal at the Sochi Olympics; and World Aquatics chose Ulrich Haas, a German law professor who helped judge celebrated cases involving Manchester City and Grand Slam tennis champion Simona Halep.
The CAS panel, which held a hearing in March, was chaired by a Paris-based Spanish arbitrator Carmen Núñez-Lagos.
The ruling was dated Monday, five days before the U.S. trials meet for the Paris Olympics starts in Indianapolis.
Compete in the “open category”, cheater. You are the reason it has to be created…


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