To all the faggits that drive to the cones and attempt to merge, knowing good and damned well they saw the 3 ‘merge left’ signs 2 miles back.One handed while eating a.
I am still laughing at this. As someone said in the comments I want to say he’s in the wrong, but just can’t.
Lots of comments stating it’s a different Wanda from Connecticut. Tifwiw
Hunter conviction on my birthday. Was hoping for a Brennan/Clapper twofer indictment, but I'll take what I can get.
Fwiw, the previous post that’s “not found” was a Tweet by Kyle Becker saying a Fulton County election official had been arrested. The name was Wanda Shaye Moss.
Joe Biden in less than a minute:
- Claims he was a professor at UPenn, which he never was
- Claims he taught a constitutional law class on the second amendment, which he never did
- Says that you couldn't own a cannon when 2A was implemented, which you could
- And ends by failing miserably to say the phrase "the tree of liberty is watered with the blood of patriots"