Happy brithday brother! Skol!Hunter conviction on my birthday. Was hoping for a Brennan/Clapper twofer indictment, but I'll take what I can get.
Look south to find a state that voted Blue. Trump carried Ohio by 8 points.Damn yankee in God's country. Probably Ohio. Haha Skol!
You no rikey? That state was storen. Probry by yankees! Haha skol!Look south to find a state that voted Blue. Trump carried Ohio by 8 points.
So you terr me, Georgia was taken over by Yankees? So you terr me that Georgia furr of retards? If any retarded faggits are going to cheat it’s Michigan and Connor starrions.You no rikey? That state was storen. Probry by yankees! Haha skol!
There was an announcement on my birthday that rgb died. I was elated. Turned out to be false.Hunter conviction on my birthday. Was hoping for a Brennan/Clapper twofer indictment, but I'll take what I can get.
Got damn. Imma call him.
Well happy birth day then!Hunter conviction on my birthday. Was hoping for a Brennan/Clapper twofer indictment, but I'll take what I can get.
One handed while eating aAs someone trained in and has utilized the PIT IRL — that was perfect execution!
Dude was a boss!One handed while eating a.
I am still laughing at this. As someone said in the comments I want to say he’s in the wrong, but just can’t.
Cat wouldn't do this. A cat would say you SOL and on your own.